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Surviving while being tunneling wins games

Member Posts: 2,533

I know, I know. It sucks that the Killer picked you to focus out of the match, but its a super common playstyle right now. If you're playing Survivor, just expect tunneling to happen. That doesn't mean hook suicide or DC. It means waste the Killers time as much as physically possible so your teammates have a better chance to escape.

Looping is a pretty critical part of the game like it or not. And being relentlessly tunneled is probably the best way to gain some skills for the future... or show off if you're already pretty good. You might not escape, but that doesn't mean the game's over. There are three other teammates in the match and that Killer wants a 4k which you can deny from them.

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  • Member Posts: 3,138

    And that's why "become a great looper" isn't a viable solution for people in low-mid ranks, which is where most of the players are. They're simply never going to put enough time in.

  • Member Posts: 804

    I wish they had a practice mode that let you instantly regen health so you can practice looping with a friend. Self caring/COH between every chase gets boring.

  • Member Posts: 306

    It only took them six years to implement a very basic perk build loadout system, so maybe in another six we can get that.

  • Member Posts: 702

    I agree wholeheartedly. I don’t mind being tunneled. I can usually keep most killers busy for 2-3 gens if they commit. (Depends on map rng) Sometimes more. If i die while 3 escape, not even mad. The issue is when they target the weak link that can’t loop.

  • Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2022

    It was more fair? Yet the time for bloodlust 1 to kick in has remained the same and only affects level 2 and 3. Bloodlust trigger times have been reduced to 15 seconds for Tier 1, 25 seconds for Tier 2, and 35 seconds for Tier 3 (was 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 45 seconds). These get reset if the killer uses their power, breaks a pallet, you drop chase or get a single hit.

    Good survivors know how to drop chase or force them to break a pallet to reset it and if the killer is getting to lust 3 twice before you went down... That was a good chase lasting most likely nearly 2 mins at a minimum... "Free hit" that is part of being good at looping.

  • Member Posts: 659

    *Gets yelled at for using resources to stall the game*

  • Member Posts: 492

    No, Bloodlust is a wrap-this-#########-up mechanic. You can break Bloodlust by forcing them to break pallets or use their power. That's why "looping" lost a lot of its appeal, hold W and get to the next maze tile.

  • Member Posts: 702

    Not true at all. I had a 5 gen chase against a huntress earlier this week, along countless 2-3 gen chases when they commit.

  • Member Posts: 104

    Survivors have free-escape mechanics in this game, so that's fair.

  • Member Posts: 181

    I dunno, I was good at looping at 50 hours. I watched videos, I learned maps, etc.... Some people are naturals, talent. I mean it's pretty obvious how to loop. The trick is remaining Zen with a clear head and find your next move/loop spot.

    And sometimes a Killer can outplay me, and they may have thousands of hours, good for them.

    My favorite when being tunneled is when the Killer gives up and starts tunneling someone else. I'll run right up to them and they'll ignore me. Such a great feeling.

    I still can't moonwalk though, so I guess I'm pretty nub. I once got a good 3 second moonwalk, but every other time its maybe two steps if I'm lucky.

  • Member Posts: 61

    Bro, bloodlust terminate if you crunch a pallet, it's not OP, it's just good if the surv use some loops who permit BL to be of use.

    And because BL terminate when you break a pallet, this is why you sometimes can never get some survs is some games, because way too good and they know how BL work.

    Don't say "don't break pallets" there is enough ones you are forced to break (like the golden ones who always spawn at the most OP places), this mean two things;

    • You don't break it => chase never end.
    • You break it => chase enver end.

    This is called a loss-loss situation. And even if you catch the surv, you loss too many time. Worst is you got shamed as a killer at end game. Your game was already horrible, and yet you got t bagged and humiliated more at end.

    Talk about a toxic community.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Debends on map some maps you can just predrop every pallet. But I mostly play m1 with no antiloop when that happens though.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Eh that very much depends. In general, neither side is more skillful, or less. Killer certainly isn't easier than survivor if you are going againat a good survivor team.

    Swf do have certain aspects made easier for them, but chases, in the end, aren'treally affected by that, and it's the chase that involves the most skill.

    Arguably, on the killers side, map pressure, or macro gameplay, is another important skill set to have.

    But still, neither side is easier, really. Solo just can feel more frustrating, especially because of MMR. And then there is crap like camping and tunneling. And to be fair, I guess killer can be seen as easier, if the killer is utilizing camping and tunneling, since especially the former does not take much skill at all. So if that's why you say killer is easier, then I would probably agree.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    If the Killer can have 3 other Killers to help then we can talk about 1v1 balancing. If not, then a survivor has to eventually go down in a chase or the game is broken.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    2 killers would bw enough do you realise killer is much stronger in 1vs1 even in 1vs2. That's why the game is 4vs1. But if killers were nerfed then 2vs4 could work or 2vs6.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    This topic is absolutely the right mindset. The main thing that counters tunneling is making it inefficient, because its taking a risk that the other 3 won't be more efficient than the investment the killer puts into it. In other words? Ever second of theirs you waste brings them that much closer to losing because of hard committing to a recognizable strategy. Its also why doing stuff like throwing in a quick bodyblock here or there can delay the hell out of it, or force them to reassess and potentially stop tunneling altogether. Or switch to you and start over, then you can delay them even further.

    Tunneling only works when you can't delay it long enough to punish it. Easier said than done with some killers/powers/maps/etc, but its a pretty concrete fact. It disproportionately affects worse players, even though it affects good players as well. Refusing to adapt lets it go punishment free, however.

  • Member Posts: 21,206

    Can't loop when I'm getting bodyblocked straight off of hook.

    5 seconds of BT is meaningless lmao

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited August 2022

    I don't think that was their point. 1v1 balancing would mean that individuals on both sides would have equal power and agency in the overal outcome of the match, which would require it to be symmetrical. The entire point of 1v4 is that the 4 are supposed to have to work together to some degree to overcome the 1, which means they need to be weaker than the 1 individually.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Wait, you mean you need super skilled thousands hour tryhard to play one role, right?

    Lately, 4 games of 5, hard tunneling and facecamping at 5 gens. If tunneled one is skilled, he run to some extent and other 3 just sitting holding M1 the whole game. If he is not (which is usual), 1 death at 4-3 gens and it's basically gg.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    You should read the comment I replied to for the context.

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