Killers are op now



  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Yup but those are pretty rare though so that does make killer very strong now.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,176

    "I mean getting one hit by the bell guy is annoying" followed by "killer abilities are used and abused since they have absolutely no cool down" is the funniest thing to me.

    You do realize a lot of killers have limitations to their power right?

    • Wraith must uncloak fully to hit survivors, providing them time to react, it produces audio and leaves him open to be lightburned if a flashlight is in play.
    • Trapper takes a long time to set up.
    • Hillbilly has his overheat mechanic which puts his power on cooldown for using it too much or too long.
    • Nurse has to recharge their blinks after using them.
    • Huntress has a limited amount of hatchets and has to reload to get more hatchets.
    • Hag has a limitation to the amount of traps and still has to set them up.
    • Doctor has a cooldown for Static Blast, and Shock Therapy cannot be spammed since you do not gain distance on survivors by doing so.
    • Bubba has to regain characters after using it, and you cant hold your power for too long because you will enter a tantrum.
    • The Pig has limited Reverse Bear Traps, they can be taken off before active. Her Ambush is takes a long time to charge up, makes a noise, and is often just used to lead people away from loops from how awful it is.
    • Spirit has to recharge her ability.
    • Legion has to recharge their ability, using it while people are injured is useless in most situations.
    • Plague cannot use her Corrupt Purge unless she brings certain addons or a survivor cleanses their infection, Corrupt Purge runs on a timer and has limited usage.
    • Demogorgan has to fully charge their Shred to use it, Portals have a cooldown.
    • Oni has a duration based power and has to work for it by causing survivors to bleed.
    • Deathslinger has to reload, and his power has limitations as to how useful it is depending on the loop.
    • Blight has a token based power, you must recharge all tokens to use their power.
    • The Twins has an awful cooldown and transition between Charlotte and Victor, you can also hold Victor hostage to physically deny them their power.
    • Trickster has limited ammo and most restock their ammo at a locker when they run out.
    • Artist has a cooldown to their power depending on how many Dire Crows were used.
    • The Dredge can teleport to lockers/remnant but it runs off a token system, you must wait for tokens to recharge before you can use their power again.
    • Sadako's TVs can be disabled by survivors and has a cooldown to when they turn back on, it takes time to manifest/demanifest, giving people time to react.
    • Cenobite has a cooldown to using their power, also chains can be broken by the environment rendering his power useless at some loops.
    • Nemesis must rank up his power for it to actually be useful, survivors can physically deny Nemesis his power for the whole match if they are good enough.
    • Pyramid Head has a limitation to how much Rites of Judgement he can leave behind, you can also avoid getting tormented by crouching over the trials left behind.
    • Ghostface has a cooldown to his power, you can also reveal them to break them out of their power.
    • Clown has a limited amount of bottles and most restock their bottles to continue using them.
    • Freddy gets slowed down for using their power, also Dream Projection has a cooldown based on the amount of sleeping survivors.
    • The Shape has to work for his power by stalking survivors, you can hinder his ability to gain his power by breaking line of sight.
  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Demogorgan has to fully charge their Shred to use it, Portals have a cooldown.

    Wrong, Demogorgon only has to charge it for 0.65 seconds

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,176

    I made a post about that and it got deleted for "shaming the amount of posts people have" (despite it not being at all what I was doing)...

    Ive seen stuff like this happen in the Warframe community. A few years back, their was a modification you could put on melee weapons that made them deal 90% of an enemies health in damage while sliding, so people made new accounts to complain and avoid backlash since the community was too adjusted to the modification to want to get rid of it. The modification ended up getting nerfed as a result.

    Not saying all of them are alternative accounts, people come to the forums for all kinds of reasons, but I bet there are at least a few of them.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Okay let me get this straight for you. I didn't talk about the meta changes in 6.1 specifically.

    Give it 3 months for the top tier survs, solo and swf to start adapting to the new meta and every game will have 4 looping gods in it over 1800mmr

    I just asked you what is the difference here to before patch 6.1 beside a change in the survivors attitude?

    The scenario you're describing in this first sentence i was talking about was a possibility before patch 6.1 as well as after.

    We all knew that most optimal playing survivor are nigh unbeatable by none other than comp playing killers or equivalents.

    I don't see the majority of survivor really suddenly getting so efficient as to have 100% "god looper" in all games. If the recent changes to the meta would've been enough to suddenly wake everybody up to play like a pro then it would've happened before because thats not really anything but a mentality change. The possibility were already there.

    Hook trading is counter productive, as the extra 50s worth of gen time over the game (thats an entire extra gen to do) 3 people slamming gens means 2 gens can pop before someone is sacrificed

    Ehm, what? 3 people slamming gens would mean 3 gens done even before the first person is sacrifised. A gen takes 90 seconds and sacrifice (120 seconds) plus first chase and even finding the first survivor should be way above that.

    "50 seconds are an ENTIRE extra gen to do"? Are you calculating suddenly with a gen done by 2+ people for your argument here or what? Because it's still only 10 seconds extra PER GEN and all speedup would need to be calculated individually per gen.

    Those extra 50 seconds over all can be everything from average 10-15 seconds at best up to several minutes in overall trial time depending on the regression perks the killer has and so on. Not nearly as clear cut ad you want make it seem.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,176

    It's still time to react, often Demos will charge their power at a pallet, but running to the side of the pallet can avoid the Demo's Shred. It takes time to pick up on that stuff, for both sides to learn strategies and counter strategies. Often I just use Demo's Shred as a zoning tool since most people know how to counter Shred.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    First of all, zoning with Shred more than actually using it? Ew

    Second of all, I never said anything about Shred's strength, I only pointed out something that was factually incorrect

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    Probably because they didn't have a big enough complaint to make them want to sign up and voice it until now.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,176

    I know you didnt mention anything in regards to the strength, I was kind of just adding onto what you said. Since I feel like someone might see the 0.65 second charge up and assume it's stronger than it really is. (I mean, one of the first things the post complains about is Wraith... the only people who complain about Wraith are less experienced players who dont really understand things that well. So I responded with that mindset, keep in mind.)

    Also, what's the issue with using it as a zoning tool? I still Shred people regardless, if people take the window, I hit them with Shred, if people run away to avoid Shred, I still can hit them with Shred (suggesting I dont mess up, it happens sometimes, I am an idiot sometimes). But there are times where regardless I am a menace to society, getting long wall and shack Shred hits will never not be satisfying, almost as satisfying as curving with Billy (reason why I main Billy and Demo, but currently more Demo than Billy since Garden of Joy is everything except for joy when playing Billy).

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Its not just about the amount, its about the only use of the account is to complain.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    There's nothing wrong with using Shred as a zoning tool, it's just that my monkey brain needs a dopamine rush every second of my Demogorgon matches and zoning isn't shredding.

    The only time I'll zone is if Survivors are going for a Window/Pallet that is hard to shred and try to herd them into an easier Shred

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    1. No, they aren't. Go watch the recent HCS if you want to see how easy it is for a coordinated group of survivors to contest even the strongest killers in the game, and get endless strings of 4 man escapes.
    2. Yeah, enjoy F13. Lol.
    3. I play both sides. The game is better now, by a mile.
  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,174

    This! This! F-this!

    On the low skill level killers have always dominated, because the survivors are scared of their own shadow, don't know how to loop don't know how to evade the killer , don't knoe how to disappear and don't know how to counter all the powers.

    But at the higher skill curve basically nothing has changed. DH hasn't its stranglehold on the game and its mechanics, but besides that gens still fly (slightly slower), god-loopers loop the killer to death and beyond and bully squads can still bully, albeit a bit more mindful and careful.

    Before the patch an escape was somewhat of the default outcome of a match, unless the survivors messed up, now its more of a coin toss if both sides know what they are doing. And that's def. not a bad thing.

    I am not fazed in the slightest that camping dies in about 2 weeks, I actually welcome survivors wasting 1-3 perk slots countering a tactic that I just don't use regularly against them.

    My only slight fear is that some salty survivors might be pretty vocal about the fact that you could be running Reassurance without getting any value out of it and demand a second ability to it while Shattered Hope (and now BBQ to a lesser extent) had this problem since the start. But whatever, I don't really mind that much.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Or just run double shadow dance, brutal, iron maiden, bamboozle, and another perk and just watch how fast Wraith smashes, opens, and vaults, SOO funny, lol

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,174

    If you face enough survivors who do this, as a killer you will quickly rise in MMR and face groups who actually know how to play the game and who give you a run for your money. You will quickly forget that this patch actually happened, but enjoy way more fair games then before, because DH has no longer a stranglehold on the game.

    On the survivors side, you either adapted and play with mostly good survivors vs good killers, or you don't and then you might languish in MMR hell, forever to be doomed to die on your first hook while being repeatedly slapped by a NOED wraith at 4 gens, while 2 other survivors run circles around the hook and the Claudette self-heals in a bush.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,174

    The very best about Demos Shred js that it makes running the shack 93% unsafe. If you charge it and release once you are in the door, you will literally always hit the survivor vaulting the window. You just need to get the timing right. So satisfying.

  • soloqdweet
    soloqdweet Member Posts: 14

    Get better and stop complaining, the game has been survivor sided since release

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    Oh I see so they don't have to listen to anybody else, only to those who agree with them. Oka...? Don't listen to survivors eaither then, they think they are better at the game than they actually are because it was just too easy before. Survivor job is easy as hell. Gens don't even run away.

    Or actually don't listen to anybody then and talk to yourself. Great advice :P

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Pyramid head,trickster,deadslinger,nemesis and half of the rooster wanna talk with you about cooldown of their abilities a.k.a powers.

    Good luck on friday 13th is a game filled with hackers.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    I change you gen regress if we make maps 1/10 of the measure already.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    Go watch the recent HCS streams and tell me that killer is 'easy'.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 470

    Wraith isn't OP, you're not taking into account his powerful addons that he can use the entire game if he wanted to, all ive been seeing is Wraith because of this reason

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited August 2022

    Are you actually saying Wraith isn't bad? His best Add-On don't even get him out of C tier

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 470

    If you use the right build and add ons he's pretty strong. He's one of the ones that needs a entire overhaul like the trapper. You can choose which and when to use his benefits unlike other killers where there's usually a downside to a power.

    The only one with Wraith that annoys me is the constant ability to just cloak and permanently go 100 MPH through all the maps

  • kesLV
    kesLV Member Posts: 50

    Thats the way killers should be. But to get more people play survivors rather than killers and make the queue's better - increase in BP playing as a survivors would def do it.

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    Stop. Misusing. The. Word. OP.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    So you just want the devs to ignore the clear difference in queue times for each role?

    I can maybe understand the argument that the devs shouldn't touch any slowdown perks anymore, even though I very much believe that Pentimento and Eruption need a nerf.

    But nothing done about camping and tunneling? Have some people still not realised that DBD is suffering a shortage of survivor players? I understand that maps like Eyrie of Crow or Cowshed are still a problem. But the game can't be balanced around the worst maps in the game. Maps in general have already become more balanced with the baseline buffs that killers got. Survivor sided maps obviously still exist, but that is no reason to not nerf camping and tunneling right now.

    The next step for BHVR is to nerf camping and tunneling, and then continue on from there. If killers end up needing buffs after that for example, then BHVR could buff them in different ways as well. It is true that some maps definitely need to be looked at. But right now, considering queue times, camping and tunneling need to be nerfed next. Or there need to be solo queue buffs. But in my opinion, nerfing camping and tunneling should have the highest priority.

  • pieces200368
    pieces200368 Member Posts: 35

    The game sucks now i watch new people play killer and they get 4k kills without having any perks on I'm so sick of the tunneling that if they tunnel me I just dc now

  • pieces200368
    pieces200368 Member Posts: 35

    thanks dbd for allowing this behavior plus the face camp and hitting while on the hook thank you for taking perks away to help combat that behavior from killers

  • pieces200368
    pieces200368 Member Posts: 35

    my friends dont play anymore because the killers are all op now so im stuck playing solo que and playing is much worse for solo players

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 302

    Game is completely binary. You go down instantly or you are literally untouchable to more than half the roster, and there's no in-between.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    Right, so you're basing how OP that build is off of people rage quitting against it?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    The game is nowhere near killer sided when you get to the level of survivors being efficient and knowing how to play. The problem with switching to Friday13th, as I've tried multiple times to do, is that the host leaving means everyone gets kicked out, there's no DC penalty, and not finishing a match (either the match getting disbanded or you leaving before the results screen) results in you getting no points or XP. Also, you can't pick when you want to be Jason. It's just chance.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    Counselors at the highest level in that game are by far the power role. It's just that you never ever see it because there's no matchmaking system. Also, no DC penalty, and you're getting constant people DCing.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited August 2022

    Queue times are dependant on the time of day. Killer queues are getting shorter and shorter on my end.

    Pentimento is easy to deal with. Either cleanse no Dull Totems, or just remember where you cleansed a Totem.

    Eruption doesn't need nerfs, it needs a buff. Give it a 6 Meter explosion radius so SWFs can't counter the Perk while SoloQ Survivors can't.

    There's a single balanced Map in the game, Temple Of Purgation. Every single other Map is either Killer-sided (the minority of Maps) or Survivor-sided (the majority). The base line QOL improvements Killers got did nothing to balance those Maps, they're still extremely unbalanced.

    Camping and tunneling can't be nerfed before going for 12 Hooks becomes more viable, unless you want to get the majority of Killer players to either drop the game, or main Nurse/Blight.

    The highest priority shouldn't be a camping/tunneling nerf, it should be a redo of 6.1.0.

    6.1.0 was a patch that was supposed to change the meta and get players to play "nicer" but ultimately failed and made Killers play even "meaner" because of the absurd Perk buffs and nerfs. 6.1.0 was one of the biggest mistakes the devs made

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Tbh I though F13 was abandoned by the developers because of the hacking issues.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    They were till they buffed Jason once he gets rage only 4 things will stun him a gun, pocket knife, knocking his mask off or when you go to kill him otherwise counselors can no longer stun him and they reduced the amount of items they can find. They did put a system in place for people that DC all the time i can't think what it's called but if you DC all the time you would only get matched with other people that DC. Just before the lawsuit made the game come to a halt they put a lot of good changes and fixes into the game but they were a bit to late with the changes even without the lawsuit.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    A lot of those things did get fixed before they had to stop working on the game, everyone got servers be it pc or console so no more hosting, they put a DC system in and you could leave once you got your results be if escaping or getting killed and they put it in that you could pick if you want to be Jason more, Counselor or both but even if you picked counselor you would still end up being Jason at some point.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    And I'd say that Jason was over buffed for that, him being unstunnable except with the shotgun, but I did like the fact that you getting stun locked makes your rage go up faster. It just feels like there's no DC penalty because every time I get on there, that's all I see. 1-2 people leave 10 seconds into the match. If the host leaves, everyone gets kicked out. That's why I don't play it much.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    That doesn't make any sense to me, because unless all of the players in the lobby had their preference to counselor, why would it ever pick a counselor preferring person to be Jason?

  • LankyDisc977698
    LankyDisc977698 Member Posts: 16

    What do you expect they’re horror movie games even devs made up there own why should a killer not be strong they have the name killer for a reason it’s not a get out of jail free card I swear survivors are never happy with changes and killer being strong with there stupid rule book

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Because they wanted everyone to play Jason at some point, the group of friends i played with the few that picked counselor might of got Jason 1-2 times a week and that was playing everyday for 6 hours.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    When they did it they said the first 10 min counselor's were stronger but the last 10 min Jason becomes the power role so the 20 min match time was spilt in half, but if the counselor's kept hitting Jason then he gets rage faster. yer with no servers now and someone having to host its best to play with friends and do a privet game, least you know no one will leave or dc during the match.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Killer queue times are still clealry longer than survivor queue times. Mine have been fairly short during the evening as well, but they are definitely still longer during the day. Survivor queue times are just instant, no matter when. And some people seem to be suffer much more from killer queue times, going up to 10 minutes or so. It seems different dependent on the region and mmr you are playing in. So yeah, something needs to be done.

    Pentimento is not easy to deal with if you are playing solo queue. Inrceasing gen times to 128 seconds is just ridiculous. Also, i wouldn't mind the idea of a 6 meter explosion radius on Eruption. But only if the incapacitated effect duration gets decreased. Because yes, right now it is too strong, against solo survivors.

    I also have no idea how 6.1.0 was bad for killers. That is clearly not the general opinion. The baseline buffs to killers were all great, and also outweighed the nerfs that the meta perks received. They still have good regression and slowdown perks, two of them even being op. Going for hooks is much more viable now. The problem is that survivors didn't receive any baseline buffs against camping and tunneling.

    Also, and again, I can not stress this enough, but nerfing camping and tunneling doesn't mean killers will only win if they go for 12 hooks. You'll still be able to kill a survivor before you have 2-hooked everyone. Ideally, at some point, the most optimal way to play killer would be to 2-hook every survivor before you start killing them, but I do agree the game is not their yet for that to be posible, and I am not sure if it ever will be, or if something like that could even be implemented.

    But nerfing camping and tunneling in adequate ways is more than necessary right now, and will surely not make the majority of killer players leave the game. The majority of killer players aren't bad losers that always just blame the game for their losses. At least I would hope so.

    Increasing the hook phase duration from 60 to 70 seconds and removing hook grabs, as well as increasing the endurance and haste effect duration from 5 to 10 seconds would not make killers unplayable. Not even close. It wouldn't force them to 2 hook every survivor before going for a kill, it would just nerf camping and tunneling a bit, to make those straregies less effective, so killers couldn't crutch on those as much, and survivors could have more fun matches.

    I think it's quite simple. Either the devs can ignore these problems, so that some killer players can keep these crutches, or they try to keep balancing the game properly for their average community, which would also balance out killer queue times again, which is definitely needed.

    And here is another thing. Assuming that BHVR continues to actually try to balance the game properly, which, in case of camping and tunneling nerfs, they clearly would, the devs could try and further balance the game, and maybe buff killers a bit more, if after the camping and tunneling nerfs, we end up with a shortage of killer players, and survivor queue times go up. However, instead of having insanely cheap and skillless strategies like camping and tunneling be too strong, they could then buff other aspects of killers, aspects that encourage healthy and fun gameplay. That's how you keep improving and balancing a game properly.

    For example, if there is one aspect that the devs should definitely still consider buffing, it is the immediate regression after kicking a gen. I could definitely see it being increased from 2,5% to 5% for example.

    Maps are surely another aspect that should be looked at. But surely survivor sided maps shouldn't be made more balanced before they nerf camping and tunneling? I wouldn't mind if we saw some balance changes to maps in the same patch in which camping and tunneling are nerfed, but right now, because of longer killer queue times, nerfing camping and tunneling has the highest priority, and it should happen asap as well. They surely shouldn't wait for those nerfs because of other balance changes.

    I also don't quite agree with so many maps being unbalanced. I agree, Temple of Purguation is a pretty balanced map. But in my opinion, so are maps like Champbell's Capel, Rotten Fields, Rancid Arbattoir, or the Yamaoka maps. I also don't think there are that many more survivor sided maps than there are killer sided maps, now after the baseline buffs to killers. Dead Dawg Saloon, Midwhich, Azarov's Resting Place, possibly Iron Keep and Wrecker's Yard after the killer buffs, are killer sided. Perhaps even the swamp maps. Not sure.

    On the survivor side we then have maps like Torment Creek, Suffocation Pit, Gas Heaven, The Game, Groaning Storehouse and Ormont perhaps, maybe also Thompson's House. And then of course the extreme cases, which are Eyrie of Crows and Fractured Cowshed. So while I agree the maps on average are still slightly more survivor sided, I don't think there are that big differences anymore.