Reassurance is only “OP” against boring killer play styles

I’m sorry to say it to campers out there, but the perk is very healthy for the game. It should be a basekit mechanic but it’s whatever, the devs for some reason love balancing things around perks. But to anyone that regularly camps at 4-5 gens, did you not expect this to come at some point?
I’d strongly suggest to adapt your play style before the chapter releases so you can be less worried about the perk. If you play differently, then the perk won’t be that useful against you. However if you don’t wanna adapt, don’t complain the perk is too OP. Early game camping is such a dull part of the game and I would love to see it get destroyed. Late game camping is fine though as that’s usually the only option the killer has left.
On a side note, I’d recommend Spirit to you all. She can do very well without camping or tunneling. It makes it even better that she’s so fun to play and she gives out happiness. This game needs more Spirit players! 🥰
From what I've seen, it seems like a very good perk for the game.
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Like I said I wish we didn’t need the perk because I would prefer a base game mechanic to destroy camping but at least we’re getting something.
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At least a third of the killer roster was explicitly designed around camping.
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Name some killers other than Twins. Hag maybe? But good Hags don’t need to camp at all.
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Literally any killer with low mobility. Any stealth killer.
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Yeah now SWF can sit and gen rush and give themselves 30+ extra seconds to rescue the guy when they wait until the last seconds to rescue him to crank gens. You can't force a 2nd hook state now. Very fair and balanced
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Well said.
Can't wait to hear the campers' arguments.
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That doesn’t make them being designed to camp.
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The only change the perk needs is to either have an opt out feature or to only work once per hook state
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It’s fine the way it is imo.
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Wraith becoming even more stealthy while standing completely still suggests otherwise.
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The way it works now makes it possible to hold someone hostage
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Now you literally just moved on to a killer that does have mobility. You’re confusing the hell out of me. Also, do you seriously think Wraith isn’t viable without camping?
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Spirit is too slow I might play her more if she was 115%.
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She doesn’t need to be 115%. She’s plenty strong at 110%.
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Well, the time it takes wraith to uncloak means you probably wont get grabbed or even hit till you unhook the person. and you can hear his growls
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Sorry, but such a blanket statement is just a big load of BS.
You could argue that Pyramidhead was designed around tunneling, for his awesome one/two/three punch (hooking/caging/hooking), but even that's not entirely true.
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Literally named one of the most mobile killers lmao.
If you're camping with wraith you're missing the entire point of the killer like half your add-ons make you do things faster and the other let's you ambush survivors on gens easily ######### are you doing?
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Please BHVR, nerf this perk. I beg you!
This perk forces to me leave hook and play the game. It is not fair :( How i will bully survivors if you add this perk to game. Not fair at all.
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So you know other survivors on generators and you are not pressuring on them but you are whining about perk.
How about get good? If you need help, i will do my best.
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Agree. I'm sincerely looking forward to this perk because it is going to become a wasted perk slot against me.
If the survivors want to go stop the hook progression instead of just, you know, unhooking, be my guest, since I will likely not be around there. And if I'm around, it's to chase you, not to guard my hook.
The only thing I do think the perk needs is to deactivate when gates are powered, because at that point, with 0k, the killer usually can just give up and let them go or try and get 1k by camping, which I think is perfectly reasonable, but with this perk, the 4E is practically guaranteed, which I think is a bit harsh (even though normally I just let them go at this point, I can understand those who would rather fight for that 1k).
Maybe make it conditional. If all 4 survivors are alive when gates are powered, this perk deactivates. Otherwise, it remains on.
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It's only potentially good for SWF. You think most solo players who get camped are gonna wait it out? They don't care, they will DC if you reassure them.
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meh they are just gonna build up there lock out time then and probably get banned for dcing too much. im glad we can punish those dcing crybabies.
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camper detected
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I think it'll generally deter camping for most killers however I don't think it'll do much for something like a basement camping bubba. For people like that if they wanna camp they're gonna camp and reassurance will do very little to stop them, I just hope it doesn't create situations where people are just stuck for 6+ minutes on a hook down in the basement and I don't want games that could potentially drag on forever because of hook swapping + constant reassurance from basement bubbas. Hopefully I'm wrong but don't underestimate just how patient and petty some people are.
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Just a thought: what if Reassurance didn't stop skill checks from the struggle phase, while still stopping the timer? Survivors being held hostage wouls have a way out and hanging in there was not a surefire way and it still would be better to unhook a survivor on deathhook sooner than later.
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Hags are proxy campers anyway and won't be affected by the perk unless the perk triggers with their traps which I highly doubt
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How to outplay Reassurance: Just dont camp and play a fair game
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It's as is say, it's a nice perk. Needs more than just a cooldown.
But us 5 gen first hook facecamping bubba's do not like this. Well, maybe we do actually.
Now we can taunt then survivor even more 🤔
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Imagine if you could chase people off of gens and down them? Imagine actually playing the game.
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A survivor getting caught out in a bad position can turn that into a benefit now by doing a drive by reassurance that can in turn enable their teammates to stay on gens for an extra 10-15 seconds which in turn can mean the difference between a win and a loss. The killer in this scenario wasn't even camping let's say, but found the survivor while moving away from the hook. The idea that only campers will be effected by this perk is very much false. I do think it is worth it to combat the sheer amount of face-camping and camping in general out there, but it will for sure be a pain point for non campers as well.
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No, they weren't designed around denying unhooks. They're designed around rapidly returning to the hook to go for the rescuer.
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I would rather they address camping on a fundamental level than introduce a bandaid fix. That’s my main problem with it because it shows that BHVR isn’t learning from the past.
That said, I don’t have an issue with Reassurance being strong until that happens. I do think it should probably be disabled in endgame though since expecting the killer not to camp in endgame is stupid.
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Lmao at thinking the situation I described can only happen if you're camping. Okay I'm playing against optimal SWF. I had to change targets after getting 2 pallets to go PrEsSuRe duh gens. I've started my 2nd chase and I've finally downed my 1st survivor and 2 gens are finished. I hook this guy and the other 3 are all spread out now getting on gens. I find one and chase him off. He runs towards a part of the map that has multiple pallets and a strong structure. I get 2 pallets, an injure and he's at an area that's too safe or has no gens nearby so i abandon chase. I go back to the hook and dude is still there with 10 seconds left cause his teammates sit on gens. I want to force 2nd state to at least punish them for just gen rushing, but dude finally gets off his gen and comes up with 5 seconds left to give an additional 30 seconds to his team to rescue their mate and the game is headed for a sure loss. Please tell me about how this perk will be fair and balanced against sweaty ass SWF
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Reassurance makes SWFs even stronger than before, and the fact that you can delay the hook timer forever is so overpowered. Camping was never strong, and only worked against bad players. Against any SWF camping only gets you a single kill. Literally playing the game and doing gens is the counter to camping, but survivors can't even do that. Camping and tunneling are just skill issues.
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But dude you forgot that the poor guy on the hook doesn't get to have fun! Like it's fun playing against a coordinated gen rush or bully 4 stack
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To play devil's advocate here a little bit, what if a goal of introducing this perk was to combat forcing a second state?
Remember they make changes with all player levels in mind, and focus less on the best players who may need to force a second hook state to aid in getting someone out faster, which irritates the less skilled survs to no end leading to more suicides/dc's.
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But even if you as an accidental roamer get affected by it and the perk prevents some survivor from slipping into the next hook state, that's still one survivor on the hook and another one doing the drive by.
Its like in the old days when you gey hit by a 56s old DS: you might be irritated, but actually this situation was more beneficial to you.
So far I don't see much bad potential for my killer games, BUT I also don't underestimate survivors ability to weaponize ANY tool. We'll wait and see.
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Wait til people are running kindred, open handed and reassurance. Perma 32m aura reading. Sheeeeesh.
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Reassurance feels to me like Shattered Hope: its a bandaid fix to those who really really hate Boons/Camping, it should probably be basekit and you won't be getting value out of your perk every game, which can feel like a waste most of the time.
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Aha! There we have the weaponized Reassurance! Thanks.
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Add in the game offerings to double the affected area lol.
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There's a vast difference between throwing a match to camp and camping to secure what may be the only kill.
I don't see any problems with killers being able to defend a baiting objective. The devs, by popular demand, have deemed hooks to be of no priority for balancing purposes. Whether 1 or 12 hooks it doesn't matter, only the number of kills.
If survivors really want something done about camping in a meaningful way; encourage the devs to focus on match context and move the focus to a healthy flow of allowing the killers to 3 hook everyone (Not just inefficient teams).
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Just dont camp and this perks will do nothing to you
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Perk is great but I'd still limit it sparingly to avoid griefers just letting someone sit on the hook forever.
Alternatively as a few have said allow skillchecks so survivors can still OPT out. Just make the skill checks during this perks usage really big so you're not stuck on really tiny skillchecks if the perk is activated near the end of the hook phase on phase two. That or just give an "Opt out" of Reassurance button.
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Twins mostly involves slugging, not camping. The only time I will ever use Victor near a hooked survivor (unless certain addons are in play) is when multiple survivors are already injured or to interrupt an action because it makes the most sense to do so; otherwise it's kind of a waste of time.
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One can dream, at least.
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What if it's End Game, all gates are 99% or open and killer has nothing better to do (and maybe even had bad game while playing fair all) than secure at least 1 kill and then he can't even do that.
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So what you're saying is that this perk will only hinder bad killers, since those are the ones going up against bad survivors, right?
So if Reassurance is a problem for you, it's a skill issue?
Just last patch, killers got, what, six baseline buffs? If you still can't win without camping, you may just have to admit that you got outplayed.
Stop using camping as a beatstick. This 'just make killers OP and we won't camp!' shtick is tired as hell.
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I do hope that they at least disable this perk when the exit gates is powered.