So pain resonance is pretty much still meta?

I am asking because after a break I encounter it in majority of my surv games.
Shaking up the meta didn't worked quite well on that one huh?
The information got removed but yeah It's the best gen regression compared to the rest. At least for me if I am running it It's because I don't want to kick gens, eruption, call of brine, overcharge is probably a lot better I just don't care to kick.
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It never fell off the meta, even before the recent buff to it, it was in about 33% of my survivor games. Now its in about 80%.
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It's good for killers that zip around the map and get fast hooks. For killers that need to lock down a section of the map you're better off running gen-kick perks.
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Eh, to me its already a balanced perk. rewards killers for down.
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It makes playing Trickster in high MMR bearable
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If the killer can afford to walk to a Gen he knows needs regressing, he is likely to run any combination of CoB, overcharge and eruption.
For the rest of the killers, there is pain resonance.
Gen regression is not likely to stop being meta.
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That says more about trickster than if the perk is balanced. I feel that the regression that's applied with the perk is a bit overtuned with the other changes from the last major patch.
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Nope, the devs reversed course. It still causes the survivors who are repairing the affected gen to scream, and will cause the generator to be blocked if they are running Dead Man’s Switch as well. The wiki gives false information for some reason.
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Yeah it's still going strong. I always assume every killer I face has it (because they usually do)
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I run Agitation all the time because hook spawns can be really bad. It also makes Pain Resonance much more useable. Thrilling Tremors might not be strong but I love it with this combo.
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Pain resonance isn't a strong perk, but bhvr decided to nerf every other regression perk so now it's the only one that isn't useless
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Definitely. I can't tell you how many times that perk has stopped me from completing a gen.
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Pain res by itself gives no real information. The scream is global and their is no directional notification. I am right about the perk by itself, yes if the killer is running dms and survivors allow themselves to get kicked off the gen then you get info.
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Imagine as survivor doing a gen without touching it. That’s PR for killers
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It's not as good as old pop by itself. Better with DMS tho.
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Pr is the only slow down i run. Its a lot worse than before as in its not also giving you free info but at least it does what its supposed to well.
I think they did a fine meta shake.
Pop is basically gone. Ruin is definitely gone. Eruption of all things is meta. Pretty awful gen regression perks like Cob and overcharge are seeing play.
I shifted basically entirely to aura reading builds and instead of corruption being meta on most of the killers i play now its a call between lethal pursuer of all things and corruption which is still good but not a no brainer.
They did an insanely good job at meta shake. 1 perk still being meta afterwards doesnt mean they didnt.
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If you ignore the information loss, PR technically got a buff. It now loses 13.5 seconds worth of progress
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if you think the scream isn't real information then let me introduce you to headphones.
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The scream isn't directional, even with headphones
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You mean a perk that might reward killers for a hook? I mean no surprise that's used alot...
Not that I really mind, as you can still do the old tactics to avoid the DMS combo and now it doesnt have the notification it's rare they instantly go to that gen, fair perk imo especially since it's only 4 hooks
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Of course.
You have a guaranteed 15% Regression of the total gen, not current. And Gens took 10sec longer, so PR is basically old Pop goes the Weasel.
Gens are the main goal for survivors, so its obvious that u use Gen-Defense or Gen-Regression to buy as much time as you can.
This will never change, killers will always try to defend gens. Who cares about Totems or Chests etc.
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It's meta because it's one of the only perks that gives killers something for hooking. Be glad you're seeing it instead of mass sluggers, because killers could easily do that instead.
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Pain Res is better than that overrated combo BECAUSE you don't have to kick a gen. If you kick a gen, you give the survivor who was working on it a lead, and then someone can gen tap to undo the potential regression. Pain Resonance is straight-up regression.
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Cue "Just because you got a down doesn't mean you deserve a hook."
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You'd like it to be more in line with Pop? 5% off the gen or so?
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That's interesting. Block the gens, even the almost finished ones, but in exchange you definitely hit the survivors who are working on a gen. I'll have to try it sometime.
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How do you figure that?
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How was the info "free"?
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Yea makes sense considering it got buffed by extra gen times, hits the most important gen at the time, doesn't require you to be anywhere near the gen, and beats out pop unless the gen is 75% or more. There is also the factor that slowdown like GOP and others technically give more value to the perk since survivors spend more time to get the same % removed. Thana being nuked makes this way less of an issue nowadays. The only downside is rng which is a pretty awful way to balance a mechanic & saboteur.
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That is not what the wiki says and you guys really need to read the patch notes more thoroughly.
The devs didn't reverse course. Yes, the gen explodes again. Yes, survivors scream from that again. But what does not happen anymore and what both the patch notes and the wiki say, is that the killer does not get a notification from that scream anymore, which was the main thing the devs had wanted to address with the perk for 6.1.0.
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I still see pain resonance in a lot of my games.
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Which sucks because it goes against the original point of the meta change.
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You can add dms to that list.
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The aggregate site I follow has it at about the same 20% or so usage it was before the patch (not 80%). 20% is still very popular, it’s the second most used killer perk after BBQ and Chili.
That’s not to say the rework didn’t shift other perks. Getting back to BBQ and Chili for instance, it’s still really popular but its usage dropped almost in half from around 40% to 20% give or take. Dead Hard is still popular at around 15% usage but a far cry from its 40% usage pre-patch. And on the flip side Overcharge and Off the Record had almost zero usage pre-patch and now are in the top perks used around 15% each.
Basically the difference is that before the patch you had some perks that were being used in 1/3 to 1/2 of the games by individual players, whereas now I don’t think any perk is seeing more than about 1/5 usage. It evened and spread out the most popular perks list a bit.
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The wiki must have finally been updated sometime after my comment. It still had 6.1.0 patch notes as the current state of the perk. Which said the gen “sparks”. I don’t think it ever sparked during that timeframe. But there was definitely a gap where it regressed the furthest repaired gen being worked on, without making the survivors scream. Read the below from the devs in June 2022. They have definitely reversed course from when they released this dev update - this isn’t debatable.
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Killers are hardly ever nerfed. In the case of a very slight nerf, there is a greater compensation buff. Take a look at Corrupt Intervention and BBQ, two perks still used all the time and are meta.
It was always said BBQ was used for the BP, but that was clearly not true.
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PGTW got nerfed, so it's only to be expected to encounter Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance in over ~85% of your matches.
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Actually Pop Goes the Weasel is still one of the top ten most used killer perks. And Pain Resonance is the number 2 most used perk at about 20% usage but it's nowhere close to being in "85% of matches", that's an exaggeration.
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It is very much debatable because you clearly don't understand the difference between survivors screaming and a loud noise notification.
The devs wanted to remove the loud noise notification from the perk, which informs the killer of the survivors' location.
They essentially had two ways to do that and went with the simpler one for 6.1.0: remove what causes survivors to scream, no scream meant no notification. That was easier to program than the second option: add a new variable that stops the scream from triggering the loud noise notification.
It went live like this in 6.1.0 and it was at that point the devs realized that the perk no longer interrupting survivors repairing the generator wasn't part of their plan. They did say that they wanted this interaction back.
So for 6.1.2, they decided to go back to the code and do the second option now. It's more complicated and misleads people like you into thinking they reversed the change completely, but it achieved their original goal: remove the loud noise notification from the perk.