Survivor mains ruin yet another chapter

Congrats your unneeded baseless complaints on why RPD is too big got answered so yall can have a fun boring OP time on survivor like always. This was my favorite map because it replicated the game and was perfect for me.
Whoever complains about it being too big is a giant noob and doesn't take anytime to learn anything new or take on a challenge. Survivor always has to be the easy role and it shouldn't
Survivor mains complaining about rpd
55 -
So you're the one who actually likes RPD 😅
All kidding aside, there were very very very few people on either side of the coin that liked RPD. I had even said when it was first announced that the RPD was a huge place in the game and would be way too big for a DBD map and that was proven correct. I'll still play the map because I just let the RNG chips fall where they fall but RPD is very rarely an enjoyable experience for me on either side of the game...
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Just play re2r 4head.
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So people don't know how to use navigation suddenly? Or traversal killers? Killer should be the last complaint here IMO
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Ummm this map sucked for Killer lmfao
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That map was way too big and most complaints came from BOTH Survivors and Killers.
The map was way too big and was a pain to try and cross, its maze like design was horrid for chases on both sides, multiple god pallets that Killers HAD to break to continue the chase.
The size alone made protecting Gens on either side of the map.
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The Map was too big, it was basically 2 Red Forests stacked on top of each other
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I've never had a problem on killer for this map, sorry yall and others can;t hang, use some navigation?
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Okay then so look at the new Haddonfield. Should be change that too"? The only difference between that and RPD is it's just OPEN with houses and perfect for survivors
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What did I just read?
RPD - the original - was miserable for both killers and survivors. The new one is...better, it just needs a few tweaks to pallet placement.
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Killers also complained about RPD, perhaps moreso than Survivors did. What?
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Yeah it was def only survivors that complained about RPD....
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"this map sucked for killer" "This map is too big" really? Suddenly all the other big open maps aren't OP then? Yall just making excuses, ive always had a fine time on survivor or killer for this map. Every person i see complain about it, takes about 1% effort to challenge themselves, IT HAS TO BE EASY. It's pretty old at this point, the maps prob gonna disappear eventually like ST did too so and then ill be even more disappointed
The real question is what did i just read tbh
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New Haddonfield is nowhere near as large, not as difficult to navigate, as old RPD.
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Nah sounds like a bunch of "i can't win easily" type excuses. Me and my group always love RPD and can navigate it fine.
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HAHA SO FUNNY, i think ill go cry somewhere not
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Sorry, I didn't know 3 floors was an amazing addition to the game
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No one likes in door maps to begin with
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were talking about DBD here, honoring and smearing different loved chapters of licensed horror movies, What kind of statement is that anyway? half the reason some of the peeps who join the game is because their favorite horror movie villain is in it. Should they just go watch a movie then too? 4head
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why because it's "too hard" right?
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And that doesn't at all change the objective size of both maps.
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I was mocking the mindset of people like you because it doesn't really make sense. While there are a lot of horror icons from other universes, dbd is not the same thing. You may know the layout of the map just fine but it doesn't make it great in dbd just because it was similar in another game.
I played original re2 way before re2r and I still hate narrow indoor corridors in dbd. Not to mention how getting hooks was also super problematic on that map, both sides complained about it. And some of us play both, stop with the vs mentality.
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The map would only disappear if the Resident Evil licence was lost, and considering we're literally getting a second RE chapter that's very unlikely in the foreseeable future.
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Almost everyone hates RPD as it is. You can blame the other side all you want but few people like playing on it as either side.
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I ######### love when killer hooks me and stands in doorways so any unhook attemt has to traverse 15Km just to realize that killer saw that coming and now is standing in second doorway. Hecking good job so far
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The game is Killers vs survivors what do you mean?? The map is designed to have narrow hallways mainly for nemesis's zombies because they move slow in the game and if they weren't trapped into a wall the zombies would help you on this map, any other like farm or something you just walk around them. They were strong because they blocked off paths unlike other maps
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Both have been clearly seen beatable on both sides. Maybe because it's not as easy case by case is why this response is prevalent, and it all runs back into practice with different builds etc. NOPE gotta be easy pz for the baby survivors
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New Haddonfield is a million times better than the old one, which had - for a good while - an actual infinite.
The new one has some strong loops in the structures, but some risky gens and dead zones. I like it on both survivor and killer.
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You clearly haven't played Dredge on RPD, it's my favorite
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Us good ! Them bad !
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Tried to use navigation but my Google maps can't find the map I'm looking for
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I didn't have much trouble on old RPD either, but, you know what? Good for you. You are so smart and clever and good at the game, totally unlike those dirty n00bs who can't play the game properly. You deserve lots of attention and recognition.
Well done, op. Well done. 👏👏👏
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Yes. Every unbalanced Map needs to be changed
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Are you even able to read comments BOTH Killers and Survivors hated the map for it's size and how the layout was
You can't make a map that only has strength for the Killer that came out with it. Besides the map is a almost direct copy of how the RPD station actually looks like. The small hallways were not made for a cat and mouse game that is DbD. Killers like Blight, Billy, and Oni were reduced to M1 Killers because they could use their powers fully.
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Once again killers complained about the size more than Survivors.
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either side.. and i said i was going off of my experience so
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You should see a doctor then
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I enjoy RPD as is currently, however I do acknowledge that splitting it in two will be better overall.
There are areas on the map that don't get use and it takes a while to get to some places with no alternative routes.
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Just reading your replies all I have to say is this
Your experience as killer on the map doesn't represent the whole playerbase, this is from some one who can navigate the map perfectly and personally I don't have a problem with the map, that being said I know I'm in the minority, and I'm not gonna pretend like I'm not
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Sorry, but you can't just blame survivor mains I have seen a lot of killer streamers complain about it too.
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Yes, and you do know there are more killers right? I mean not everyone plays him, so everyone should play dredge and not rework the map.
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I liked the RPG map. Added a different sort of challenge negotiating the maze like corridors
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I have.
And I thought it was gonna be a decent map until I realized that a good 40% of the map just doesn't have a single locker in it, a vast majority of the existing lockers being super far away from generators and pretty much every locker being stuck in a group of 3 or more, making locking them extremely easy and efficient.
I would rather take the 5 minute timeout penalty than subjecting myself to that again.
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I know how to navigate the map. That doesn't make it fun or exciting when I have to walk from one side of the map to the other as killer trying to figure out where the snot nosed little survivors are hiding.
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What I think is funny is how behind this post is.
Hasn’t PTB been out for days now? 😂
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"I have a good time on this map which means that everybody else complaining about this map is simply just bad at the game!!! My experience as a killer and survivor represents the entire playerbase and as such should be used as an example of why RPD shouldn't be changed!"
Have you ever considered for just a moment why a MAJORITY of the community complains about this map instead of praising it? Your in the very small minority. Its great that you find this map fun to play on but many other people including myself hate playing on his map due to the many, many different issues it has. Playing hillbilly or any other mobility killer is an instant headache on this map due to how many twists and turns it has. Ranged Killers to a slightly lesser extent also suffer on this map. The stupid amount of either God loops or worthless loops. I could go on and on but all the issues with the map have already been explained to death already.
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👁️👄👁️ ?
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Tbh i think it was too big for killers aswell. They have to remove some pallets otherwise it beats Gideon but i think its fine. And it definitly looks better
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"Us VS Them"