Make Hillbilly Great Again


Perhaps the most nonsensical change ever was Hillbilly's rework. A previous top 5 or even top 3 killer who was widely regarded as one of the most fun and interactive killers to play against is now a laughingstock you see once in a blue moon who requires more effort than 95% of the cast to get the same results as a Legion.


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459

    Only problem with old Hillbilly was insta chainsaw add-ons. His add-ons were way too good and even killer with low experience on him could win quite easy with him.

    Only thing he needed was nerf his OP add-ons. What we got instead? (Almost) No charge speed addons, big nerfs to base kit and all his add-ons (generaly speaking) and worse and worse maps for him.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    For the most part, yes, I agree. Old Insta-saw was busted as hell, though.

    I kind of think the devs might just legit hate Billy. Most of the skins he get's are garbage (imo), overheat is a pointless mechanic, and all his add-ons are pretty #########.

    The worst crime was taking Sky Billy away.

  • HolyElixir
    HolyElixir Member Posts: 20

    Was it overtuned? Sure, would it be worse than Alch ring, Omega blink, Mother daughter ring?

    I don't think so.

  • HolyElixir
    HolyElixir Member Posts: 20

    I do think Instasaw was a bit much but I also don't think it's any worse than any of the add-ons on here.

    Making tuning guide a purple and adding some kind of downside for stacking cooldown add-ons would've been perfect but instead we gutted a killer who "was in a good spot".

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Charge Add-Ons deserved the nerf. So do Compound Thirty-Three, Alchemist Ring, MDR/DCB, Nurse range Add-Ons and extra Blink and Tombstone Piece

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    it's definitely weird how inconsistent killer changes are. they've buffed killers that are widely considered overpowered and nerfed killers widely considered weak.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,216

    Join me.

  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228

    Unfortunately devs hates Billy and they will never make him good again.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Someone in the dev team really hates Billy. Just be glad they haven't "accidentally" deleted him yet.

  • FridayNightPizza
    FridayNightPizza Member Posts: 613

    This is what does my head in about the devs, they make changes that are almost universally depsised and pat themselves on the back thinking they've done a bang up job. He needed his add ons reworking, that's all, not gutting him in the worst way possible. He's still a decent killer but you have to put so many hours into mastering him now that it just isn't worth it.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,214

    They should remove his overheating definetely but devs really seem to not like him they even removed skybilly.

  • ThiccClaud
    ThiccClaud Member Posts: 78

    I just want Skybilly back, insta saw was not really that fun to play against or that hard to play as