Sadako is very hard to find

I feel like maybe 1 per 50 games you see her. I know she is weak, but many people find her fun to play as from what I saw.
I think most people call each and every new Killer "fun" but usually they'll get bored almost immediately and go back to their main/s
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Why pick her when Dredge does the same thing, just infinitely better?
People that found Sadakos concept fun are most likely currently playing Dredge, because, unlike her, it has much less restrictions on its teleport ability and an actually usable chase ability.
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I never understood this notion of Sadako being fun to play as. Her stealth is a watered down version of Wraith + Spirit's passive phasing and her teleport is a watered down version of Freddy. That's the whole killer for ya. Oh yeah, she also has a gimmick that only works if you bring certain addons and with very specific playstyles (moonwalking in chase? Is this 2018 Legion?).
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I play Sadako since release almost constantly and she is fun. Fun is not dry numbers and perfomance charts (otherwise everyone should play nurse and blight). She just feels nice. She is comfortable to play. Her power, her animation, lots of small things that builds up into whole fun. Fun is just experience, not her strength.
But recently stopped playing killer because queue time is abhorent, can't blame anyone though, because survivor experience is down to the floor frustrating. So I moved more to other games. Sorry, a little less Sadako in the queues.
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Well yes she is "fun" to play against because she isn't that strong at all, people just put the phrase fun onto things they A.) don't find annoying and B.) can beat nearly all the time.
That's why people hate trapper even though he is weak because his traps are deemed too random and its annoying to step into traps. Why people hate legion even though in their core they are not strong, but because they feel mending is boring.
The only killers most people deem fun are the ones that are typically the weakest, but even that is down to preference as people have been saying demodogo is unfun to go against just because of how well they work with stbl so I wouldn't pay attention to what the mass find as fun and just go with what you find is fun.
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Not me sir.
They both are teleport killers but they are different killers.
Sadako has stealth + mori mechanic.
Dredge has unique passive power and meh level anti-loop.
So i played with both killers a lot, Sadako is easily my fav. I love her visual more, her stealth is creppy and fun. Mori mechanic is very bad tho but i am still getting some mori kills sometimes.
And honestly Dredge is just so ugly, i don't wanna play him so much. Maybe this upcoming snowman outfit can change my mind, who knows.
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Well, dredge is funnier to play than her, and best, as someone said above the reasons why.
There is two problems with sadako;
- first, his tp ability is too restrictive because the time the tvs takes to be lit again is too high, or maybe put 1-2 tvs more ?
- second, the condemn building is too long and too hazardous to be actually dangerous.
The second problem made me think about the cenobite who got the same problem with the box, survivors know where she is without distance limit and you don't know where she is at all, not even at 2-4meters.
I am always sad too see the counter mecanics being so simple for barely impact their gameplay.
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Your lobbies then are very different than mine. I've been getting a lot of Sadako's as of late. Not like a whole convention of them but a decent amount where I'd say I'd find 7 per 50 games for me are her.
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I've found Sadako. She is in the shop.
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How can you not find her? She has a lullaby and directional tp sound, got em.
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Noooooo! :(
Don't you want my Nurses and Blights instead? :3
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Really? I get Sadako pretty consistently when I play for a few hours.
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Idk what kind of lobbies you have but nurse and blight make the majority of matches, at least for me, so yes I think fun and effectiveness intercept at some point.
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How can Sadako be fun to play?
She's a basic M1 Killer, as much fun to play as Freddy. At least Dredge has some more mechanics you can use during the match.
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I've seen her six times, total.
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All I play is Sadako for the last 2 weeks! She's cool. I can't quantify performance, but I don't have a problem with her. She feels fast, precise, and a joy to play as. Probably I will prestige her quite a number of times to get the bloody clothes. She's at prestige 2 now.
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I'd dare argue Dredge has better stealth than Sadako does, even if it is timelimited. Sadako gets a lullaby when in her stealth form, so you aren't very sneaky with it - plus she can not attack straight out of it.
She does have the condemned over Dredge though, but like you said it is very rare to get any effect out of it. If this were buffed / reworked to be her primary focus with everything else being a nice little bonus on top, I think it would be a lot better and would allow her to stand out more in comparison to Dredge.
And I guess she has the free Whispers effect with her TVs, but just like Condemned that is just so nieche that you barely get to see it.
Sure they aren't the exact same character, but they are similar enough to make me consider Dredge as a direct upgrade to her.
But hey, if you like Sadako's design more or enjoy those small differences enough to pick her over it, then that's great!
I'm not trying to say she had no fans or was unplayable or anything like that, but for me personally there doesn't seem much of a reason to pick her over Dredge (purely from a gameplay perspective).
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Pick rates from nightlight
Keep in mind the disclaimer on the top. This has voluntary response bias.
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Besides the 3 obvious bottom killers, especially Twins and the oberboring Hag, its no surprise that Freddy is at the bottom.
While Hag is just a boring mechanic and Twins "2 Character-Design", Freddy is there because he is extremely weak.
Look at Myers. He is extremely weak, but he has some cool Addon-Combinations to have fun. Freddy has nothing, just one playstyle.
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Just listen to the noises