I don't understand why you developers would nerf decisive strike when these killer mains tunnel survivors mains, especially nurse mains sometimes I feel like this game is only meant for killer mains only because the developers are making it super easy for killers to pip must I remind there are not a lot of good survivor mains so I don't understand how killers are getting bully
lol, there are PLENTY of good survivors out there. And a team of them will make it extremely difficult to win a match and / or pip.
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Solo Q is hell on wheels and the reason why it's difficult is that they communicate through party chat especially on console
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When you play killer main you are expecting a challenge of four survivors against one killer and it's crazy how they keep nerfing all these good perks because "KILLER MAINS" always crying about how op survivors' perks are but of course we don't talk about how killers got perks that block windows, gens, pallets, exit gates, and also have perks that stop you from healing teammates now that's OP
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Yeah, they should.
I don't doubt there are ways to adapt to nerfed DS, but the change was not needed.
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It should go back to 5 seconds
That being said I guess the reason it got dropped to 3 seconds was to fulfill an old dev promise to make DS overall weaker when they nerfed enduring to not affect the DS stun timer.
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Exactly what they should do is when a killer gets hit with DS the survivor's blood trail, scratch marks, and the killer will get a speed boost and get quiet until they get to safty
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they can just have it not completely disable when used, so if you get hard tunneled the killer will go through 6 seconds stun total (more than the original 5), and will have chase reset twice, allowing teammates to easily just bodyblock and extend chase even more
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Both sides have stingy players that complain, it's not exclusive to a single side. People who play a lot of survivor will complain about killers, and people who play killer will play about survivors. It would be nice if both sides had some level of empathy but instead everyone wants to kick each other in the shins until someone bleeds. Im tired of the "Us VS Them" posts on the forums, for F sake.
Also killer perks are designed to be stronger than survivors perks by nature since it's 4 perks the killer can bring VS 16 perks the killer can bring. And while I know SoloQ doesnt have the luxury of coordination that SWFs have, survivor perks in general are meant to have large benefits when used in coordination.
However, of all things, I feel like the following is really needed in the current state of DbD:
- SoloQ needs major quality of life, it's been years, it needs something, it has always had the worst end of the stick, even worse than killer has been.
- And DS needs it's stun time increased to 5 seconds or have the animation of dropping the survivor reduced so the survivor can make more distance.
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Not sure about the rest of this post, but DS definitely needs to be buffed back to a 5 second stun duration. That nerf was one of the dumbest nerfs I have ever seen.
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carry on crying about a dead game, worst thing u can do 🤣
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They literally just nerfed thana because of survivor complaints
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They nerfed Decisive Strike because they wanted to change which perks people run, and wanted them to use Off The Record instead. Same purpose, different effect, different perk.
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isn't the point of a meta shakeup to, y'know, shake up the meta?
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So you should buff ds because you claim "a lot" of survivor mains are bad. Ngl anyone can look at that and tell you... just git gud. Also that balancing around bad players is also bad design. If every game worked like that there would literally be no Esport tournaments as everything would be so babied down that any "skilled" play would be something anyone could do.
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There's no real value in gutting DS, but recognizing how essential it is so you buff OTR to take its place. All that changes is the character you need to level up to unlock the new anti-tunneling perk, and the icon in the scoreboard after the match.
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Killer perks are not designed to be stronger.
Old dead hard was better than all killer perks bar none. Hell it was better than most killer powers.
Even now SB is better at creating distance than any killer perk can shorten it.
Hell Otr by itself gives 80 seconds of Old Iron Will + 80 seconds of aura immunity and until you heal yourself or touch a gen, 80 seconds of endurance.
Coh ... is a thing that gives extreme value for all 4 survivors and only 1 need to bring it.
Im not saying this to say that survivors are op or bhvr is survivor sided or anything like that. Im fine with all those perks.
But i think since base survivor is so weak compared to base killer they give perks like these to survivors to kinda even the playing fields.
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Also no, OTR is already a better ds.
If you want bring them both.
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I've seen both sides of the coin with new DS. Survivors who actually know how to use the distance the perks gives them, and not run inside/in front of the killer after they were dropped behind, have taken me on 20+ second chases afterwards. Meanwhile, the survivors who do exactly what I said not to do, and who run away from safe pallets afterwards, end up getting tunneled fast and then complain that their perk "is useless".
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Well the change to the stun duration was not needed....I don't know what they were thinking with that then I look at spine Chill....
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DS is stronger than before because you can stack it with OTR. It doesn’t need a buff at all.
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It was unneccessary to nerf the stun time. What r we supposed to do with 3 seconds of stun time????? Tunneling is more prevalent than ever and they nerf 1 of 2 anti-tunnel perks that we have...
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You are supposed to use it well, near a loop / pallet. It’s not a free escape like it used to be. You need a brain now.
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The three second stun is worthless. It needs to go back to five seconds. Or at the very least make it four seconds.