Rift creators are SO good!

Much love to the people who create the rift! You are awesome!
Thank you for super creative challenges like "Cleanse 20 totems" or "Commune with 15 glyphs", they are so entertaining to do! Please don't stop and next rift do it "50 totems", it would be much more fun! And let them be in a single trial!
Thank you for the Suffer or Slaughter challenge, which is super easy to do as a survivor and never forces me to play as a killer, because it's so easy nowadays to escape from the trial in solo q. I'm doing this challenge for the whole evening not because killers 4k every match, but because it's so fun that I DC every time so I can do this challenge over and over again!
And send best wishes to your colleagues, who developed MMR system, it works so well that despite the fact that I escaped 0 times from the trials today, it keeps giving me killers that 4k again and again, so I can actually git gud!
Thank you DBD team!
Quality forum content.
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It took me a second to realize you were being sarcastic, kind of made me giggle. Idk I think the Rift challenges are kind of fun 🙄
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First of all, i play solo queue almost exclusively, and i escape probably 30-40% of my games.
Secondly, i'd rather the challenge be something like "play the game like a normal human" instead of "hide next to the killer and do nothing for 60 seconds then escape the trial"
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these challenges would be fine if they just lowered the numbers. in older tomes its pretty much play 1 game doing something weird/running specific perks/hunting glyphs/bringing a gideons offering to break pallets.
now they just inflated the numbers to 1000000000 so it takes sometimes 3x as long to do, for the same bp and rift shard reward.
not challenging, just tedious
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The newer ones are easier and you often have an alternate route to go the end.
I am doing old tomes and my god... Repair 4 gens IN A SINGLE Trial with Dark Devotion... that is simply impossible Solo.
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I'm getting annoyed at how the challenges ask you to play badly. Heal 6 states on yourself? Ok, I guess I should ignore objectives, wait for the killer to chase someone, then body block til I'm hit so I can run away and heal only to repeat. What's that, chase the survivors for 180 seconds? I guess I'm just going to purposefully lose by chasing this one person for three minutes while their team does all of the objectives.
The challenges shouldn't be in a web, and they should just be things that will be fulfilled by playing the game normally. Instead of only working on one at a time, they should all be considered active, and then the game should tell you at the end of the match if you completed one. Escape 10 trials total? Well, that'll eventually happen, especially if you also have a complete 50 gens, be chased for 10 minutes worth of time, heal 20 other survivors, etc that you're working on at the same time. Basically, reward us for playing the game regularly, not for doing stuff that ruins the game for our team because we have to do something VERY specific that impedes progress.
Also, can we do away with the challenges for something specific on specific characters? I haven't put any BP into Jonah because I've been focused on unlocking stuff on other characters, now I have to put BP into him to complete all of the challenges focused around this once character.
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Green glyph challenges are unironically the only ones I really like. I wish the entire tome was just green glyph challenges -- I can easily net over 70k bp per match before multipliers.
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I just think they are, having another objective to focus on and be rewarded for is fun for me.
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I swear they really need to redo the Emblem and Bloodpoint system, because maxing out Unbroken and Survival is the most annoying thing to do (not counting the Conspicuous Action bug when I say this, of course).
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What even is this? If you can not escape any match at all, you might be the problem actually.
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Sole survivor, hide during the end-game, wait for your teammate to die, leave. Repeat 3 times. Here you go, you've completed the challenge
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Holy crap you people whine about everything...
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"Get chased by the Killer for 360 seconds and escape thru the gate."
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get off the forums then if you don't like whining.
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Now this, this is the type of post I like.
Quality shitpost with a real good point. Archive Challenges are absolutely awful.
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I'm sorry did i hit a soft spot?
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i did this with no mither by not dying in a chase in 2 seconds
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Your skill at sarcasm increased by 2!
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There's your problem, you play for the challenges, not the game. What's the point of the rewards if you don't enjoy playing? They're not even timed challenges.
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As someone who did manage to solo it, this is only half correct, you can do it solo, but your patience for solo Q will never recover
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Yeah, like the "open three chests in one trial" one. That ones a bit disturbing to gameflow in my eyes X_X
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Agreed, I'm always glad to see those. Genuinely really good BP gains on those games with them...
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Next up "hide within 1 meter of the killer for 300 seconds" Do this in a single trial 😅
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While injured
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The only problem I have with survivor challenges is that they require you to throw the game in order to get them. "Hide near the killer for x seconds in a single match" or "open 3 chests in a single game" shouldn't exist. Killer challenges require you to normally play the game, you don't waste time. I have to give them credit that now challenges are way easier than they used to be. I'm doing Tome 2 challenges and one of them is "take 10 protection hits" and you can already see the problem.
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I think it's time to "reduce" the Rift grind.
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All map filled with green glyps