Boop the Snoot

Question has everyone forget how to boop the snoot it seems to be getting harder and harder to get people to do it or even to know it's a thing, i know some killers will troll you and let you boop the snoot then kill you, Every time i play the pig all i try to do is get at least 1 survivor to boop and it's getting harder to do that i miss the days when you had all 4 at EGC booping you all at once.
Has anyone else noticed this when trying to get a boop, do you go for a boop when playing survivor and hope for the best, let me know your thoughts or what you do as a survivor.
I always try to go for boop, but pigs always seem to reward me with a blade in my neck :(
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That sucks if i get a boop or close to it i let that person escape and if's a good boop the whole team.
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I do, i was winning this match but i did let them finish gens after boop.
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I believe newer players just aren't aware of this "tradition", and some are simply just too scared to get close to the killer by their own will.
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I try almost every time I see Piggy. I don’t see her much these days.
If it’s a Piggy who tunnels at 5 gens, I deny her my glorious booping skills because she’s a meanie!
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True couple months back someone got to boop the snoot for the first time playing this game, they had there friend talking to them explaining what to do and why to do it.
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Yer a lot of killers don't want to play a killer for memes with survivors or just to try and get a boop, those types of matches are prob the most fun ones i have had as killer, screwing around as ghostface with survivors, trying to get boops, slug races at end ######### i even started a conga line with the survivors following me to the exit and each one left as i turned around as ghostface.
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You must be on deathhook for me to accept boops. If you can conquer your fears at that point, then my piggy will reward you with gate or hatch.
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I booped a pig I played against the other day, was good match. I saw her at start of match heading towards me so I crouch walked over. When she saw me doing that she crouched so I could boop then we went to play normal. She downed me a couple times. She put her trap on me both times and got her 2 hooks but then pretty much left me alone rest of the match. She let 2 others go, not sure why she only killed one - maybe they didn't boop her.
Before SBMM I'd boop pigs all the time, would die doing it. Now that only escapes/kills for mmr and I die way more often I'm less likely to die just to boop a pig, I have to be in the right mood to try it.
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I imagine most players have no idea about booping the snoot. I think people forget that most of the playerbase is almost certainly not on the forums/Twitter/Youtube/wherever else you go for DBD content that isn't the game and therefore have no idea about the memes and whatnot of the game.
As a person with minimal life and therefore am constantly active online, I welcome and accept all boops to the snoot and will allow you to live if it is done. I will also attempt to boop the snoot on my deathhook, though I have found very few who appreciate it :(
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I was in a match with a pig and was the first survivor to see her. We were in the hallway of the school, 20 meters away.
She was crouched so I crouched and stated walking towards her. Stopping every 4 meters. I get about 10 meters away and she shakes her head yes, and then I got to give boops.
It made me very happy.
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Unless you BM me during the match, a Boop when I'm playing Pig always is a free pass. I've had numerous farming matches with teams that seek me out once they realize they're facing a Pig to have a Boop-fest, especially during events. I understand not all Pig players want to be a part of the meme, and that's understandable, but if you go against me in a match, the Boop will be your key to survival, lol.
Nothing worse than someone faking a Boop, however, from either side. I had a pair of Fengs once that approached me for a Boop near a pallet, motioned for it, then dropped the pallet on my snoot instead when I got close, followed by teabagging and macro-flashlight-clicking. Finishing them both off when all was said and done was particularly satisfying, lol.
Boop matches, for me at least, are a nice release from the ordinarily sweat-fests so many matches turn out to be.
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People seem to be drifting away from the whole "boop snoot" thing. Big sad.
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Someone boops me they get punished not aloud to boop me.
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Here's the problem.
It was a fun meme.
Then it became a 'forced' meme, where people would expect you to immediately drop chase the second they did it, and would get upset with you if you actually wanted the down.
Now I'm just done with it.
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Pig is kinda rare, so when you do see one, they're generally playing to win. And I feel like meme Killers are much less common in general nowadays. DBD feels more sweaty overall in recent years.
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I tried bopping s Ghostface and got slashed & killed. I don’t meme with killers anymore.
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Why does the Mikaela look like she is going to breakdown and cry over just booping the snoot?
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As a Mikaela main (with the same jacket), it's just a very emotional experience being able to boop the snoot.
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My friend booped a piggy early on and then after 3 others escaped I could have ran out but decided I wanted boops too and she was NOT having it. So I gave her a kill instead which is fine. Her loss (literally).
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I once got a comment on my steam profile from a forum member who recognised me. Sadly they said that I was cringe. That still made my day and showed me that we are a somewhat dysfunctional, yet connected forum family
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That Mikaela obviously wanted Boons, but all she got was giving Boops.
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Had some survivors earlier that didn't know what booping was
So they got hats
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I have (secret) conditions for all killers that if the survivor does it, I will 100% let them go... unless they then trigger a following condition, in which case I will make it my purpose in life to feed them to the Entity. Still haven't thought of one for Wesker or Dredge yet.
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Awwww that's cute. I totally dig this and might try to come up with a few myself .
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I once played as Pig and killed 3 of the survivors and then I sat on the hatch so Claudette could come and boop and escape. When she came up and spotted me she DCed. 😭
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survivors dont try to boop, they just rush gens as if irl theyre being held hostage and their family will be murdered if they dont escape.
and theres no point in moving slower than survivors if gens just fly
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Who knows if that isn't the case? To me that shuns pretty in-character for out cute Piggu.
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If someone boops I let the survivors go when I play Pig. When they're with newer survivors who don't know to boop I still let the newer survivors go. Part of that, though, is I find it hilarious to crouch up to newer survivors and make it look like I'm doing the gen with them and watch them freak out and run after they realize the Pig is on the gen with them.
I've also followed behind crouch walkers to see how far they go before they realize I'm crouch walking right behind them.
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Depends on when they expect it. Booping at the end of the match is something I don't mind.
But when they try it at the start of a match, or when there's 2/3 people on a gen and it's just a distraction, I ignore it.
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What's your Legion condition, I'm curious ? Mine is if they accept a parkour challenge (Frenzy spam vault a pallet and see if they run away or come vault with me) :D
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To be honest, It's sad when i die BUT most of the Time I don't Care because Boop the Snoot is a TRADITION since the Pig was Released. Maybe i'm ######### but every time I'm so happy when i could boop it :D.
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never heard of this and never done it
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*Happy Pig Squeals* Breeee
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Honestly, Piggy is the best. She brings people together through both tradition and meme's. Long live(nerf) Ms. Piggy.
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I never do it, ######### off with this stupid meme
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No, please don't boop the snoot. Unless you are the last survivor and you drop your item. 99% of the time when i crouch I'm just trying to fill my deviousness score. T_T
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Next time you have the pig as the killer crouch down and walk towards the pig, if the killer is going to let you do it they will do the same thing and once your right in front of the pig you point at the pigs nose and that's how you boop the snoot.
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What would rather a killer that hard camps and tunnels one person out at 5 gens left or one that wants to have a bit of fun by trying to get someone to boop the snoot, so which is is are you happy with killers hard camping and tunneling someone out at 5 gens or a killer that is more relaxed to play against more fun because they are trying to do this meme?
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I had a Legion that hit me with frenzy and just followed me in a circle hopping over a pallet (ran in circle to hop over so not getting in eachothers way). When frenzy ran out they downed and hooked me. They played normal rest of match hooking me again and killing my teammates but they ended up letting me live. It was fun just running in a circle. 😂
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Yeah I love these kind of games, that's stupid but it's fun !
I also really love Legion's music, so one time after a series of really bad games I was a bit cheered up by hearing a nice mixtaped chase music, but I didn't have the energy to really engage in chase, so I just stood up from my gen and headbanged whenever the Julie was coming, she was a bit confused but happy to see one person like Legion. For the rest of the game she would come to chain Frenzy but leave me on my gens. A kinship was made xD
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i shall try👉️🐷