Can we...
remove the built in Surveillance in Brine.
Like why add surveillance to a perk when there is a perk they can use if they want to for that, it is ridiculous.
Killers have 4 perk slots. I'm not running Surveillance when all it does is tell me someone has tapped the gen. Doesn't even mean the survivor is there.
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yeah and survivors have 4 perks too, i would like to run multiple exhaustion perks but you cant
but if a killer is gonna run multiple slow down perks like a little pp killer he is than it shouldnt have built in surveillance so they can keep going back unless they are using the perk "surveillance"
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By that logic, Surveliance should be made stronger with another effect, while Call of Brine shouldn't get that effect.
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They could change good skill check to great skill check, punishes the survivors who are good at the game and makes the perk still have that effect against more experienced players while weaker players aren't hurt as much by it. I can see your argument being that call of brine is just a better version of surveillance. Surveillance definitely has it's niche use, but now since ruin is big nerfed, I could see surveillance getting a little stronger to help its pick rate over call of brine.
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They'll probably nerf Call of Brine... but it won't be until after March 2023 when she starts hitting the 50% off shelf.
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Call of brine requires a time investment from the killer that can be disabled by survivors in less than a second. It requires no nerfs.
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Tbf, it's 4 survivors with 4 perks, 16 perks total, some of which can help each other out. Killers' perks only help themselves.
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Of course you shouldn't. Why would you run it by itself?
It goes well with Ruin, Pain Renense, Jolt, ect. You just don't mix it with Call of Brime thou.
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I can't use my teammates perks, Jplanas! What do you think I will do, use each exhaustion perk my teammates bring? Use their We'll Make It when I unhook someone?! So tired of this "SuRvIvOrS hAvE 16 PeRkS" like no we freaking don't! I have perks and I do not benefit from my teammates perks. Unless they specifically have a perk that helps me, which usually those don't benefit them anyway, which there is no point in complaining at that point. No, you're not going against 16 perks, you're going against 4 people each with their own perks. Get over it already!
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It's a team game, you do in fact have 16 Perks