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Devour Hope Bug
Bug has been patched
Did the killer have Undying?
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No, it’s bugged 100%. I’ve seen it. You have to get your 5 stacks before the totem is cleansed, but once you do then you’ll be able to kill for the rest of the game. Cleansing the totem will still remove the exposed status though.
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i see, luckily its being reported here so hopefully its fixed
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no, i was the killer
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quick question, does it bug only on 5 stacks or do u have devour in tier 3
because i tried this, didn't reach 5 stacks but when it got cleansed it just stopped working as intended
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only at 5 stacks, you can still mori people, but exposed and the other effects wont work.
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i see...thanks
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Today we got a patch 6.1.3, but this bug is still out there. Today we met a nurse who has no mori, but has devour hope + undying. Both Hex was destroyed, but she could mori in the end game. I think this perk should be kill switched until it is fixed if the last patch wasn't enough for it.
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They didn’t even attempt to fix the bug with this patch. I’m fact, the bug hasn’t been acknowledged at all yet..
though I agree that killswitch might be applicable here ..
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I also came across this bug, the two hexes were cleansed, no mori, got 0 hook still died with mori, but at least got some ggez of course. I like to see that there is an order of importance: the shop bug (which appeared yesterday) has already been acknowledged, while a bug affecting the gameplay could not even reach this level in a week and a half. Today I also came across the combo, but the killer could not achieve 5 stacks. I think people started to intentionally exploit this bug. This perk should be kill switched until fix.
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Just had a game like this against a Blight. He got 5 stacks, I cleansed his devour hope and he was still able to mori me. I don't wanna make a new post so hopefully this message will bump the post so the devs can see.
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had a killer that was confused about it why he can mori without the hex totem alive.
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bruuuuuh it's still bugged come on fix fix fix cleansed undying and devour killer was able to mori
Post edited by KeshyWeshy on0 -
It is still bugged, had a ghostie that took blatant advantage - PC
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i can guarantee, when i was playing killer, once devour was broken at 5 stacks i couldnt mori, the bug is patched, must have been either undying or they had an actual mori
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I was in a match yesterday on ps5 and the bug is still not patched yet.
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it is not patched, maybe it does not happen all the time, but it happened twice yesterday. One time the killer did not have the mori offering and we cleansed undying beforehead. I even bodyblocked so we could cleanse the devour and got moried anyway. The other time the killer had a mori offering but they were able to mori at 1 hook (after devour was cleansed).
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It is not patched. It seems that it doesn't happen every time, but the bug is definitely still in the game.