The build I use to win 50%+ of solo survivor games

DeleteSWF Member Posts: 20
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

Distortion - I use this perk so the killer doesn't see me. I can guess which perks the killer is using based on when Distortion activates. This often lets me do generators without interruption because the killer doesn't realise I'm fixing. It also saves me from Nurse's Calling when I'm healing, Floods of Rage during rescues, Bitter Murmur when a generator is completed, etc. I rarely have a "how did the killer know?" moment. After the first few minutes, I know when the killer will see me before their perks even activate.

Self Care - If I take damage, I use this to heal. It is still by far the best healing perk. Everything else is too situational (Inner Healing) or a massive waste of time (Circle of Healing). You could swap this with a medkit but they have limited uses and can be countered with Franklin's Demise, so I prefer not to. This also allows me independence, not having to rely on other people (NEVER interrupt somebody fixing - fixing is the most important thing) or items, or totems.

Left Behind - When my teammates die, I use this to find the hatch before the killer.

Sole Survivor - If the killer finds hatch before me, I use this to open exit gates 50% faster.

I advise gen rushing with this build. Don't rescue anybody and don't heal anybody. Your solo queue teams are full of people who will run for every rescue, traverse the entire map to heal somebody, search every box, break/boon every totem, take hits for no reason, fail flashlights, and generally waste time doing anything except repairing generators. Hooked survivors WILL be rescued, just not by you.

If everybody else fixes generators like you, it's an easy win. If they all die, that benefits you anyway because you can easily get hatch or gates.

Post edited by Gcarrara on


  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516
    edited August 2022

    Just take CoH and Botany. Get good with wasting the killer's time and you will win more often than not.


    And of course bond.

  • DeleteSWF
    DeleteSWF Member Posts: 20

    I use this build due to the dominant survivor playstyle that has always existed in solo queues. When 1 survivor is hooked, 3 other survivors run towards the hook for rescue points. You are probably one of them. If survivors changed their playstyles then mine would change too.

    If everybody played like you, then no generators would get finished and survivors would die every game, due to the large amount of time wasting and nobody repairing. Which is what is observably happening. This is also why I see multiple rage threads by you. You're failing to adapt.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Just to clarify, when you say you “win” 50% of matches do you mean that you personally escape 50% of the time or do you mean you plural including the other survivors as a team get 3-4 escapes 50% of the time? There’s two main definitions people use for “winning” as a survivor player and they depend entirely on whether the person thinks of the game as being fully cooperative versus every survivor for themselves.

  • DeleteSWF
    DeleteSWF Member Posts: 20

    If my team wins, it's because I fixed generators while they were running around like headless chickens.

    You'll die in SWF too if you keep playing badly.

  • DeleteSWF
    DeleteSWF Member Posts: 20

    I don't consider it a selfish build but a pragmatic one.

    I started with the knowledge that most survivors die in most games. I noticed that I was often the last surviving member of my team, because everybody else in solo queue is terrible. Then I thought, "Which perks would save me most in this situation?" If I'm regularly in a situation where I need to find hatch, why not use Left Behind? If the killer finds the hatch before me 50% of the time, why not use Sole Survivor so I can open doors quicker?

    Many survivors are in their own mental prisons, as you can see by the replies in this thread. They're not thinking of how to win, they just want to use cool perks, or annoy the killer with Dead Hard/boons, and after playing badly they complain about not winning. In my opinion, they were never trying to win in the first place.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    if someone wants an actual good build for solo queue that doesnt require the murder of your entire team, i recommend





  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Thing is, BHVR is totally onboard with it. As shown in the game trailers and the perk design. Look at the upcoming perk Low Profile, a D-tier Left Behind counterpart.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Distortion isn't bad, but I think there are better options.

    I generally run:

    Windows of Opportunity. This often gets dismissed as a 'noob' perk, but I love it - I can tell, at a glance, which pallets are still up, which windows are open etc.

    Circle of Healing. Still monstrously powerful. Self Care is sadly a new player trap now. I replace this with Built to Last if I bring a good medkit.

    Empathy. I adore this perk, and find it almost as useful as Kindred. It helps me to set up saves, know where the killer is and find people who need healing.

    Lithe. Always loved this perk. So few people run it on anyone but Feng, and it has wonderful synergy with WoO.

    'Bad teammates' are unavoidable, but if you play aggressive you can often loop the killer for long enough to carry.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    I run builds with those perks and still lose. I think OP’s build could be a good one. Survivor really is (1 v 1 v 1 v 1) v 1 after all. And if others escape while I die, I’m not rewarded; I’m punished.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited August 2022

    I dont get how you win your games, can you explain? A won game is a game with 3+ escaped survivors, everything else is a loss (well, a draw with 2 escapes) where you just happen to escape.

    or do you consider a 3k game a loss for the killer? Is only a 4k a win for the killer?

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    People are dragging your build, OP, because they want survivors to be something they just aren’t: a team. In solo queue, I’ve actually had better luck with builds that preserve me alone than I have with builds centered around supporting other survivors. If all survivors were rewarded with PIPs, bloodpoints, and MMR increases for 1-3 survivors escaping a match, I could get on board with the team-orientation. But that isn’t the case in this game. It really has become every survivor for themself. And that is what people must accept.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    thats a skill problem.

    you shouldnt run perks that do nothing unless your team is dying, because it promotes you just letting them die, causing you to lose, and then you call killer op, and then killer gets nerfed, forcing them to tunnel/camp more, then survivors complain more - see how it works?

    get good (this isnt mean spirited, its genuine advice)

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited August 2022

    That’s actually a good solo build. Selfish but efficient. Instead of left behind you can use Clairvoyance, it’s more versatile and has a better aura reading range.

    And then Inner healing becomes better than Selfcare.

    Post edited by Murgleïs on
  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    Did BHVR not massively buff Sole Survivor and Distortion? They’re actually really good perks now. When you think about it, given the buffs and nerfs BHVR has done with the last patch, they really are pushing survivors toward individual effort—not teamwork. But that’s what killers mostly complained about, isn’t it? SWF/survivor team efficiency? So I’m gonna take your advice and ‘git gud’ by playing for myself. :) Perhaps you should do the same. See you in the fog!

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Doesn't matter. That's how the game determines a win. Except hatch which isn't counted as or against.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    the perks im saying not to run are left behind and sole survivor. pretty sure sole survivor only does anything when you have dead teammates, and i know for a fact left behind does nothing until youre the last one left.

    like it or not - its a team game. if you were the lone survivor to do 5 gens, do chases, open the gate and get out, youd have a 0% win rate. but having 3 teammates and yourself to split these objectives, all of a sudden its easy.

    you can play like youre the only survivor on earth, and lose every game if you truly want, but ive given you advice on how to win games, so dont complain when you start losing every match playing as a lone survivor

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Because it isn't. It's a 4 v 1 game. 3 people dead = most survivors died = killer won.

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221

    That's why I run SotS specifically for the satisfaction of denying people like OP the hatch.

    OP for your information, if I'm the killer in your game, and towards the end of the match I realize that there's a Claudette that I haven't seen all game, that Claudette is never going to escape, I'll slug your whole team until I get to find you, and no you'll NEVER get hatch. In fact, the slugged person will usually crawl towards you so I can find you easily without even needing SotS.

    I don't know if your killers are incompetent enough that they let you truly escape 50% of the time with such a bad build, but 90% of the time a killer should be able to find the last survivor before the hatch spawns. Your build only works against nice killers.

  • DeleteSWF
    DeleteSWF Member Posts: 20

    Killers win or lose based on number of survivors killed.

    Survivors win or lose individually.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited August 2022

    Most survivors don’t crawl to the last survivor. They are annoyed that you slugged them and will AFK in a corner.

    Also if the last player was repairing gens all game, they have no reason to be mad at them.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    The game considers escape to be a win. Moreover, MMR takes escapes as the only measure of skill. So yeah, this is a build of a skilled soloQ player, by official definitions of BHVR.

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221

    If someone sits on gens all game and doesn't take chases, that's 2 hook states lost which mean the rest of their team will die faster.

    Yes the slugged person will usually cooperate, if their teammate is somebody like OP. If they don't, I'll grab them and let them wiggle out a few times until they lead me to him.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    coh - you know people can memorise totem spawns? you dont need small game. also its not a single heal, its constant healing at almost twice the speed self care takes, and its for your entire team. killer snuffs boon? put it back down when youre done on your gen. all snuffing boons does from killer is bring them into an area where they lose all pressure, and waste time. self care can be better, but those occasions are so rare, and coh works almost as good in those occasions.

    prove - yes it is slower. by 2%. survivors will repair a gen with you when theyre there. its a bit of a time waste to have dead time, when theres a gen right there being repaired that you can buff its repair speed by almost double. i dont often run prove, usually use coh, but its a strong perk.

    bt - not everyone runs otr, those people are idiots, but you might as well stop them being hard tunneled. otr also doesnt work endgame, bt does.

    ds - yes it is. nurse is the only one where it kinda sucks, but ds still wastes 5 seconds from the killer, plus resets the chase, plus gives you distance essentially free.

    otr - a survivor is in control in chase when the killer isnt nurse. you can last until theres not a single pallet left on the map, as long as you dont fall for mindgames (which is really not hard). it also gives more distance than ds, at the cost of less of a stun (which is why i prefer ds, it wastes more time, but otr works better for bad survivors).

    kindred - or i can see that my team is all on gens, meaning i have to get the unhook, and even if 2 teammates go to the unhook, i know to stay glued to the gen. kindred is one of the best perks in the game

    empathy - ill know where all injured survivors are. ill see if theyre on gens, healing, being healed, unhooking, opening a gate. empathy is very strong in solo.

    bond - only idiots do that. its to keep away from teammates while chasing as well as getting info on all gens that have progress. that inefficiency you talked about with prove? bond helps you to go find another gen from 32m away instead of needing direct los

    exhaustion - adding time to a chase is priceless. youre wasting the killers time, even if you go down 5 seconds after using an exhaustion perk, thats 5 seconds less that the killer has to get to a gen to kick it, pressure survivors off, etc.

    there are more playstyles than the one i use, but this wins me most games, and im trying to not get killer senselessly nerfed, because at high mmr it is so hard to lose as survivor its kinda insane. me and my friends ran a no mither squad (literally all of us only using no mither) and we won that game (although it was 1k 9 hooks).

    you can play stealthily, but the problem is teammates can often be unreliable, and when you dont take chases it means your teammates will, which is good if you arent confident in yourself, but bad if you arent confident in them.

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221

    Survivors definitely do not win individually. They win by taking turns distracting the killer while the other 3 do gens. But since you have 4 useless perks, you cannot take chases, you cannot tank hits, you waste time self-caring for 1 minute while your team gets slaughtered.

    All of that, in the hope to get hatch. But climb a bit in MMR and nobody will let that happen, neither the killer, nor other survivors. You'll not only die but get taunted in end chat by 4 people. You might as well play killer.

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221
    edited August 2022

    Agree but rest assured, regardless of MMR flaws, OP's build won't work, because it operates under the false assumption that one can reliably get hatch after their teammates die. But climb a bit in MMR and nobody will let that happen, neither the killer nor the other survivors. OP will not only die miserably but also have 4 people taunting him in endgame chat. At this point he might as well play killer.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    I used your build and escaped three matches back to back. I know people hate what you’re saying but I think your right: Stealth and self-preservation are the way to go—at least until you can crawl to an MMR where solo survivors are more efficient. I watched my whole team die but I did escape. In one particular match, I saved a couple of survivors once each and completed one full generator before I knew the writing was on the wall. And I got out.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    It’s working for me. One survivor tried to call me out for hiding—she brought the killer to me—and guess what? I walked right past the killer as the killer tunneled that survivor out. And then hid until I got exit gates. And I’m a baby survivor. So if this it what it takes to live, this is what I’m going to do. I used to play altruistically but honestly that’s over. I’m tired of tanking my MMR. It feels bad to watch everyone else die off, but it feels so good to escape.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Survivors 100% win individually.

    Your mmr goes up when YOU escape through the exit gate

    Your mmr stays the same when YOU escape through the hatch

    The most bloodpoints you can get in a scoring event is when YOU escape.

    You get zero bloodpoints for others escaping. You get zero mmr for others escaping. You lose less mmr when others die before you.

    Now you can have the personal goal of having multiple people escape and keeping your team alive certainly helps you escape.

    But as far as the game is concerned you win or lose based on if you escape or not. Irrelevant of what happens to the others.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Doesn't change the fact that survivors win individually. As far as the game is concerned you win if you walk out the exit gate. What happens to others is irrelevant.

    Keeping them alive ofcourse makes it easier to get out of the exit gate but in OP's build case with his 50% faster gate opening if he gets out of the gate he wins just as hard as if the entire team got out. And if he were to die he would lose less hard then if he died first being a teamplayer.

    The game has always been advertised as a horror game where sometimes you need to leave people behind. That's the entire reason perks like that are in the game.

    That your playstyle resolves around getting everyone out is good for you but that doesn't mean OP's playstyle is any less valid.

    If they get out the door then the playstyle works.

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    Sorry bud, escaping through hatch isn't a win. It is a consolation prize of some blood points, so survivors don't feel so bad. All you are doing with this post and your "I never heal anyone" post is showing your complete lack of game knowledge. Once the killer applies pressure by injuries, interrupting gens, and hooks everyone can't just sit on gens. If everyone played like you suggest the killer would win with four hooks in about 3 minutes. Unless you get hatch which again isn't a win.

    I'm pretty sure you are just trolling though.

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221

    Then ask OP to share his gameplay and prove that he can escape 50% of the time with his build.

    But he won't share ANYTHING, because that's just clickbait post and lies. He doesn't escape 50% of the time. In fact I don't even think he's alive 50% of the time when hatch spawns.

    Hatch does not work 50% of the time, it should work 0% of the time if the killer is competent. And unlike OP, I will back up my claims:

    This is a 36 win streak of me getting ONLY 4K's. NOBODY got hatch in any of these games. People tried to apply OP's strategy and hide, it didn't work. I would slug and find them, before the hatch even SPAWNS.

    The only 2 people who escaped and broke my streak, did it by cooperating, taking turns in chases, preventing me from tunneling the same guy, and getting gens done to open the gates. But OP can't do that efficiently with his build. He cannot get 50% escape by cooperating, and he cannot get hatch 50% of the time, so he cannot mathematically get 50%.