Anyone else preparing for the "Dead of the Blight?"

This is a term I've coined to describe anytime Behavior messes with Blight's code and unleashes a bunch of bugs, I can't wait to see what extremely unfair "techs" come from removing hug tech.


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    I foresee it will either break Blight's collision and sliding, collisions for all other killers and survivors too, or both.

    If BHVR adjusts Blight's collision mechanics, it'll likely ruin regular collision for bump logic, as well as for sliding, which is an intentionally created mechanic (this is not up for debate), just because they wanted to get rid of one specific unintended method of sliding.

    If BHVR adjusts map objects, it'll likely screw it up for all killers and survivors both.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I have a feeling the "fix" has been put pretty far back on the back burner. But also, if they managed to remove the butter from random objects that should be a buff to him.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    I'm sure it'll turn out fine in the end (This is not up for debate)

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137

    If anything you're gonna get more frustrated at blights using bump logic compared to hug tech getting removed. Eitherway when they do remove it it won't remove the intended feature called scoot surf which is virtually similar.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    I really don't get the complaints with hug tech blights. It adds an extra level of complexity to playing both as and against him.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370
  • S4ShadowWolf
    S4ShadowWolf Member Posts: 92

    Everything is up for debate, this is a discussion forum. And you say it will turn out fine in the end like it won't take 1 year to do. Nothing better than the pain of something being broken for weeks, killswitched and "eventually" fixed.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    Can someone please explain why we call this the scoot surf? McLean literally told us on his Twitch stream that he added a secondary collision system to help fix Blight’s collision, and we should try looking down to see how it changes what Blight slides off of. And he did this before scoot “discovered” this feature. If anything, we should call it the McLean surf.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I never to rarely like bug abuse, or things not working as intended in versus/competitive games. I stopped playing Super Smash Brothers Melee when my friends saw pros use Wavedashing and started copying them.

    It also adds another tool in the belt of the 2nd best killer in the game, it isn't like some trapper or clown bug to make them roughly as deadly as mid-tier killers. Also everyone claiming it is some arcane magick that only the most skilled of wizards can pull off 90 % of the time is just another sweaty tryhard that abuses every exploit for a "win". Blight is one of the easier killers to play effective consistently, as you don't have to balance map pressure or your situational awareness to nearly the degree that other killers need to. Even then, if you use the same brain power the other killers need then nearly every match is pretty much an easy 4k.

    In short easiest best killer doesn't need or deserve more access to game winning tools.

    I also always hear people parrot the same line "bump logic scarier", but it only comes from those same bug abusers. I hear "no don't nerf my overpowered killer, I am not even using my full power by glitching!" If it works properly then Blight can be viewed and balanced appropriately, without worrying about unintended mechanics.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    Tell that to the person who said that seriously a few posts earlier

    I was just making an optimistic joke

  • TeleportingTurkey
    TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589

    Blight's "fix" is going to be him having the same mechanic Wesker has - inability to use his rush if a collision is in front of him within 1 meter more or less.

    So sliding would be physically impossible because you would never be able to enter the range at which it is performed.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited August 2022

    There’s absolutely no way something isn’t going to get bugged.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Tell me you haven’t played blight, without telling me you haven’t played blight. 😂 Man talking nothing but BS.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I'm sorry you have this false notion of gaming difficulties, but Blight is hardly difficult to play. Maybe for some it can take up to 3 matches to understand his mechanics, (at the most) but then he is pathetically over-rewarding for the mental processing power put in. When I play Ghostface I have to gauge everyone's locations and their stalk and determine if I can afford approaching at an awkward angle or not. When I play Blight I RMB towards the nearest gen and LMB once at the survivor and get a hit. Now to be fair that is an oversimplification, but the concept is that mechanically he is not nearly as demanding as ranged killers or heck even Bubba avoiding colliding with bad hitboxes. Blight is my "turn off brain" killer where I don't have to try to get results. I don't use him more often because I enjoy a hard fought victory and a challenge. As a result I am a "C-tier/D-tier" killer main. (Edit: fixed 2nd sentence phrasing)

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Sure.. if you strictly stick to just using his power to cross map. But when you start trying to implement all the techs and flicks to try and consistently get hits, he is harder than nurse. A blight who doesn’t know how to blight, is prone to being bullied or having to go straight m1.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    But using the power to traverse the map and get hits is all it takes to "Blight". Neither Blight nor Nurse have high enough skill floors as people tend to claim. The more I play Huntress I appreciate a good hit over a car/wall since I know some of them are just straight up bugged and have improper/false hitboxes. That Huntress tried and missed that shot and learned from previous matches, and still had to accurately aim and gauge the distance for lobbing.

    "Techs and flicks" are abusing bugs to get more hits in circumstances they could normally get a hit, just maybe 5s delayed the proper way. I google-d Blight Flick and the first result was a timestamped video that showed how truly simple it is to abuse this bug. This isn't some truly skilled play, this is abusing free access to extra rushes essentially. RMB W Mouse aim down isn't a grand expression of skill no matter who claims it to me.

    If the Bubba pre-revs his chainsaw and hits me with the last quarter second of the third charge, he gets my respect. If the Doctor strategically puts people in T3 Madness with a Blast to prevent a pickup he gets my respect. If a Pig actually lands a charge attack at a loop she gets my respect. If a Demo Shreds off a hill and bodyblocks the only pallet during the recovery he gets my respect. A blight or nurse playing the game never get my respect, because I know how simple it is to actually play them, and most losses is them simply being bad at the game.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702
  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Idk bout him, but when I face a blight hitting nasty 180 flicks, moonrushes, etc. that’s massive respect. It takes lots of practice to get that down.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    In the blightfix demo can now hug tech and can't fix it due to it "not being in the game"

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    To be more accurate the lack of skill and dedication required compared to the results received. Also you found it necessary to comment on this proving deep down somewhere in your ego you couldn't let it go, and it matters to you to some degree. For most people the need to be recognized when pulling off something difficult is a core need. I am recognizing a lack of skill for Blight bug abuses, and the need for a crutch such as exploiting on an S-tier killer is more sad than impressive.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Have you tried leaving the surface? Hug tech is simple to counter in return for the upsides being using less rushes/looking flashy.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257
    edited August 2022

    The issue is it isn't truly countered, since they can still bounce off of a background object and aren't forced into swinging to pull it off.

    Also with short loops such as cars, looking down doesn't block enough LOS and you can still track the survivor with ease. (Edit: fixed spelling)

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Yes exactly the problem, no counterplay is allowed, you are given a maximum 30s timer. With that people think an S-tier killer needs more bugs and exploits to potentially shorten it? That is insane.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    You can counterplay both bump logic and hug tech via mindgaming.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I was referring to their post claiming Survivors essentially being on a 30s timer vs a good Blight and that timer is assuming Survivors did make attempts at counterplay and that is how they reached 30s.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    When I first started I hated Hillbilly. I couldn't play him at all and always got wrecked by them. I almost met a couple racist/super toxic ones along the way that soured my outlook on him while I was leveling Claudette. (I liked to play who I leveled back then)

    Blight replaced him at my current era. Ever since he came out, I can not play him at all and get disoriented/annoyed with the bumping around. Meanwhile it seems like all of them that I face steam roll the match in seconds and it just isn't fun. Luckily most aren't toxic though like old school Billys as most of those people went to Bubba, Spirit, or Legion it seems.

    Only thing I could give Billy back then and Blight now is that I can respect them more than I can and ever will respect Spirit. That's truly a low skilled easy mode character to abuse that is kept at that level to sell skins.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    In what world should a survivor be able to reach more than 30 second against a killer, this is a 4v1 not a 1v1 survivors should not be able to 1v1 the killer. That's just dumb game design if that was the case in whatever world you speak of, but the fact is dbd is a team game you don't win by yourself you win as a team.

    I seriously don't understand why people complain so much about not being able to do 2-5 gen chases on every killer like you can do to Onyro or on the weaker side killers like wraith. 30 second is a lot of time and its more than enough to be able to complete a generator before a hook if prove thyself is in play as the killer still has to go over to your gen.

    If anything the killer needs to have shorter chases than that to keep up pressure unless the team is bad, because 30 second chases are definitely cutting it timewise. Heck if you were being ran for 30 seconds it might be better to go chase someone else who is on a generator as worst case scenario 3 generators are now nearly halfway.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    30s across 2 health states in the blight example? Also in general utilizing map resources can extend a survivor's lifespan, but cannot make it permanent. (Except infinites which sadly still exist for those M1 killers) Also artificially shortening chases too far runs the risk of the game becoming nothing but hide-and-seek with no chasing at all. This has partially started to happen, but thankfully it hasn't become too common yet.

    Also I think the issue is people dislike the extreme difference of power in facing a Nurse vs Sadoko or Blight vs Wraith. Flattening the killer power levels would go a long way to help balance the experience and ensure basekit changes can improve the experience in more cases.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Even if you are taking away survivors' resources it's really important not to lose so many generators you can rely on 3 gens if you have the generator regression perks, but losing 2 generators is definitely not great if you are trading for 1 hook state depending on how long they extend the chase for.

    Such as on maps with lots of pallets sometimes losing those resources isn't actually bad if it extends chases when pallets were more scarce obviously there were cases it was better to just go down without throwing the pallet, but honestly besides maps like shelter woods maps have a lot of pallets on them a lot of good ones too.

    Sometimes even taking away all their defenses they take away too much time from your clock and you end up losing out on winning though lately it hasn't been seen as much besides in swf teams that split up on generators. Though it's definitely much harder to do so in solo q, you really need a luck-of-the-draw team who realizes just how important the generator to hooked survivors ratio is.

    Though offtopic I am definitely looking forward to the anti-camping perk coming out this RE chapter it would have been a nice general perk, but it's whatever. I can see it being absolutely great against camping killers I have been seeing quite a lot lately as either early-game stereotypical 5 gen tunnelers or late-game camping which I can't really fault. My biggest issue with making the late game saves is the hooked survivor's bar goes down so quick it feels and I end up making dumb last-ditch saves which often save the person, but end with me dying. So I wonder what kind of tricks I can pull with this perk lol.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Bump logic is the hardest thing in this game. Nothing can compare to the difficulty of gauging the rng surrounding and playing to get a hit off of it in the moment. He may not have the highest skill floor but he most definitely is the hardest killer to master in this game.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Hard doubt, for instance basic macro killer mechanics are far harder to master. That is when to chase, when to kick (pallets or gens), when to drop a chase, etc.. Those all require far more processing power than basic pinball geometry. I will concede the point on swamp maps. They have the most inconsistent hitboxes and half the swamp is covered in butter. So learning which bushes and twigs on swamp you can bounce off of actually is skill (but almost knowledge moreso).

    Also like I said in other posts, it takes far more mastery of the killer to pull off last second 3rd charge Bubba hits, Huntress snipes (especially through gaps), and nearly half the killer roster of powers. To be fair, maybe Blight bump logic comes naturally to me so I fail to see any skill involved in comparison to other mechanics, be they killer unique or universal to the game.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Uh yeah macro is the accumulation of all killer game sense. And taking the best possible path to a hit is most definitely harder than 50/50 a huntress hatchet lol. I think otz's bump logic is terrible if you have ever seen him play, I doubt yours is better though.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    You have the strangest way of conceding a point. You say X is the hardest thing, so I refute Y is harder. You essentially say well yeah Y is harder, also ranged attacks are always 50% accuracy, skill at aiming and mindgaming doesn't matter, and big streamer bad at X and you are bad at X. You said nothing to refute my claims, and also made irrelevant claims to a third party's individual skill level against the point of X not requiring nearly as much skill as purported.

    My claim is that people say someone needs the realm of 8/10 skill level to get effective results as Blight/Nurse/Spirit. I say the truth is it is closer to the 3-5 range, and if you are at 7 or greater then there is no challenge in averaging 3+ kills (averaging, not every single match, if you get a 4k in 9 matches and 0k in the tenth you average 3.6). I would also claim most people start in the 1-5 range for their first match as any individual killer, and most people would improve (if they are trying to) at 1 to .1 points per match until they reach their personal softcap. Once someone reaches their softcap then any further improvement is rare if ever, and typically only comes from knowledge of specific interactions, such as when to Doctor Shock on RPD library if they are going for the far vault near the totem spawn on the third floor.

    I will say Otz might be below par on Blight/Nurse/Spirit compared to his skill on other killers, but that is because he has said he purposely plays them less than the rest of the roster. If I recall correctly the reasoning is because of higher level players being sick and tired of those 3 over and over again and it is his desire to not ruin their experience. It may also be for the understandable reason of not wanting DCs/early quits when he is a content creator and relies on gameplay/commentary for his earnings. DCs/quits are obviously not profitable with 5-10 minute queues. With either of those reasons it would be understandable for him to be rusty with them in comparison to his skill with everyone else. That being said in the first VOD I found of him playing Blight he still got a 4k (technically 3k but he let the fourth go so it was an effective 4k).