I'm getting no satisfaction playing the game so...

I'll take a break before I end up getting burnt out and uninstalling it.
Hope you all enjoy the new DLC. I'll be back in a couple of months, hoping to get some fun out of the game again :D
Cheers to a much fairer solo Q gameplay, with new visual options in the interface (am I hoping too much? haha)
Good luck.
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Actually, I think I'll join you. Uninstalling now.
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I think camping and tunneling need to be nerfed first. But I would also be very happy about some solo queue information buffs.
I know some people say that solo queue is dead, but that's just an insane exaggeration. You can still win, even in solo queue. Problem is just that it can be quite rough for solo queue at the moment, or even just survivor in general. Even swf survivors have to suffer camping and tunneling. That is no fun for anyone.
But yeah, solo queue isn't dead. There are still tons of people that seem to be playing survivor solo.
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I dont know if i will uninstall, but i agree. i have only been able to play about 1 game each day max. most of the only once a week. its becoming so... boring.
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I kind of want to at the moment, but I have a lot of faith in Mr. Whisker to make DBD great again. So we shall see, plus I want to get the Battlepass and I am nowhere near done, yet.
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It's not a matter of winning. Most solo queue matches can barely be described as playing a videogame right now. Killer gets infinite pressure in the first minute and it's a total snowball with nothing resembling any gameplay.
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I uninstalled, came back. SoloQ was somehow worse than before. Uninstalled again.
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My problem is that I can't go past one or two games a day... it has been happening for a week or so already. So that means I prefer to do something else at the moment, even if it's watching random videos on YT.
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I took a break at the end of July. Not sure if and when I'll be back, but my recommendation to anyone who is really not having a great time is to just take a break. You can always come back, and if you don't that's cool too.
But don't waste your time playing a video game that doesn't bring you more joy than disappointment or bad vibes.
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I open the game, play a game and gets no satisfaction out of it, and then I just move on with something else
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been playing a lot of VHS, Fortnite and even Minecraft.
Vhs is becoming stale 2 tho
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I still need to play the new Minecraft update. I don't even know whats new except for the Warden :o
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At the moment I can barely finish one game without just closing the game. I have all Killers and I just flick through them like I'm looking for something to watch on Netflix because I can't be bothered playing any of them lol.
To make things worse I've been playing call of duty a fair bit and whenever I decide to play a killer it feels like I'm walking at a snails pace because COD is so fast. I actually thought Nurse bugged out at one point because it felt so slow lol.
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The problem I see in DBD is that we need to be more united and support the ideas of others, when someone has an idea even though it's good, most criticize it, think it will break the game, but the devs know how to adjust things, so I recommend that the guys support more ideas for this game to come out of the same
I myself have posted several ideas (maybe not all of them were good, but at least they were ideas) most of them don't respond and when they respond it's to give a negative review, we have a game, where you play a game and halfway through it you already know that there is no way to escape alive or to terminate generators, which are very slow and boring, DBD has become a game that only SWF players can have fun, and when they do
But I think the community needs to support each other and unite more so that the devs realize that we want to improve the game and not go to war with it.
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Haha, i play a bunch of mods so i havent even messed with the warden yet
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Understood entirely, recently, soloQ has been more miserable then ever and it's seems like it'll only go down from here. See ya around pal, let's hope BHVR can pick up the slack later on, eh?
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See you later, have fun in the meantime away from the game!
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Goodbye, have fun during the next few months away from the game!
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I feel like once upon a time it would take until 2-3 gens were done before you'd start to get an idea of which way the game was going and the pressure would start to amp up. Even then you'd sometimes get it wrong - thinking the team had it in the bag until someone makes a mistake and things snowball in the killer's favour. Nowadays, there's an increasing amount of games where you know the game is over at 5/4 gens left. I suspect that's why there's an increase in people letting go on hook.
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Personally i've gotten to the point where playing the game feels pointless. I've already completed the rift, it was made way too easy this time because they did double xp for a long time.
I do want to p9 all the characters for the charms but it would take a very long time especially because there's no bp incentive right now.
I have plenty of archive challenges to do, but i just hate doing them. It's extremely frustrating, 90% of them are horribly designed. Most of the lore is not interesting at all.
Survivor feels extremely unfair right now. It's easy to know how a match is going to go early on. Like if it's nurse on midwich there's no point of playing the match. The attitude of many survivor players is also unbelievable. Last match i played, a survivor got pulled out of the locker by tier 1 myers at the start of the match, so they kill themselves on unhook. Extremely frustrating. Also i am fed up of how new survivor DLC perks are always such garbage. Absolutely no one is going to use reactive healing and low profile, extremely, extremely undertuned perks.
Killer is easy aswell if you pick a killer you are comfortable with, and make a strong build. You can try to learn new killers, but that isn't fun. You'll just get bullied and if the killer is bad then there is no point of learning them because you won't get anything out of it.
This game has so many problems. The only way to have fun with it is to look the other way and not take it so seriously.