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Does Doctor need a rework?

Doctor is on the weaker side, but despite this, lots of Survivors seem to find him insufferable to go against and often dc or suicide on hook.

What is your opinion on Doctor? For you, how fun is he to go against? Does he need an overhaul?

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  • Member Posts: 5,279

    He is fine as he is now

  • Member Posts: 1,131

    Can you please elaborate why he is fine and needs no changes?

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I dislike playing against Doctor a lot, even tho he's low-key kinda weak. But I do think he's in a good state.

  • Member Posts: 800

    as a survivor he's one of my favorite killers to go against and as a killer he has a decent antiloop plus a variety of good addons so he's fun to play.

    without shock delay addons he kinda struggles a bit and that's the only issue i see with him but in general doc is in a good state and the focus now should be on killers like twins, deathslinger, sadako.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Probably not a rework but he definitely needs some changes. I’d like to see his base shock range increased and his detonation delay reduced a bit

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    DCer's gonna DC just like haters gonna hate. I think they just need to get good because killers like Doctor and Wraith are not overbearing compared to other killers, and have some of the easiest to pull off counterplay in the game. It just takes a little bit of thinking about what the killer can actually do to you vs what you can do to them. The main complaint about the Doctor being that he can use his ability to find you... I think that speaks to the level of people who are complaining about him.

    The Doctor has problems with his detonation delay and the latency on his shocks hitting survivors, both of which causes them to get to pallets and windows that they really shouldn't. For that reason, you have to preempt your shock basically every time, and use shock delay add-ons to make the start-up animation not be so brutally slow. Also, those Doctor illusions and pallet illusions aren't fooling anybody.

    As a B-C tier killer, the Doctor is fun to play as and against, but he needs a little help. I'd rather keep him mostly as is vs doing a Freddy-level rework.

  • Member Posts: 280

    He just needs a few basekit tweaks because his power is fine the way it is, just a little weak. I think he could use a more ghostface style rework/buff. Just make his anti-loop more effective, don’t buff his pressure aspect to much though, otherwise he just becomes a boring chore for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    I think he just needs the adjustment that every other perk got, so that perks dont interact with his power anymore. Like the moving skillchecks in Merciless storm or reverting dislocated Overcharge skillchecks should go. Everything else is fine, he is not OP or anything, the only thing is that he can correctly time shocks to deny unhooks, but also not sure how to adress this. Maybe let hooked survivors be shockable, pausing the entity progression while shocked xD

  • Member Posts: 505

    i think he could use some qol changes, similar to how plague got some a while back

    just a few small things that make both playing and vsing him feel nicer (he moves quite sluggish using both his power, so that could be a little better, and for survivor its quite jarring being shocked by his m2, so they could do something to make that feel nicer)

    but for the most part hes an average killer that stomps babies and gets stomped by good players

  • Member Posts: 589

    Doctor could really use Iri king basekit, because for a killer who is supposed to make survivors insane, his basekit does very little to do this.

  • Member Posts: 205

    At most, I would expect some minor basekit changes like a reduction to his shock's delay or slowing him down less to use it. He's a way better killer than his LE TWO STANCES version

  • Member Posts: 333

    The survivors who DC face a Doctor are the people who DC in general, regardless of the killer, no connection to the power of the killer and the DC.

     So no, your point doesn't hold.

     Regarding the doctor, he has balanced it but I would say that from a killer point of view his power seems slightly slow to me.

     The reload time of his bubble for example.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
    edited August 2022

    Doctor is really fun to go against, because his various add-ons make him unpredictable and affect the mood of the game, I think he's fine as is from the survivor point of view.

    I haven't played him though, so I can't tell if from the killer perspective he needs a little boost.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    No one dcs specifically against Doctor. It's the same people that dc against any other killer just because they got hooked, outplayed, the wind blows slightly from the north, they found a pallet on Gideon's that didn't spawn etc. But Doctor definitely needs some slight buffs. I would love to see the brown range addon added to his basekit and the shock delay reduced by 20%.

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