Better Than New is useless. Use Leader

Leader gives the same effect and for a higher speed bonus at all time. Better than New forces you to heal a survivor and it only affects them!
Nobody needs speed boost for chests and totems, and 16% on healing is almost nothing
Just use Leader guys.
Leader requires you to be near the survivor, though. With Better Than New, you can just heal them and leave them to do whatever they want.
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I would have much rather had a constant low % bonus on repairs than a higher % on everything except for gens. That "buff" was badly done.
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Awesome, broken perk! That survivor can even keep the speed boost when there is no chest or totems around anymore!
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Yeah, I prefer the old version too. It could play nicely if a survivor comes to you whilst you are repairing and you just heal them and both of you go back to the gen.
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Better than new gives you 16% repairing speed until you lose a health state, far better than leader.
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Use both😈
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They removed repairing speed in the new description. It states it only affects healing, chests and totems now.
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Or use better perks instead of these trash ones 😂
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If it actually did boost repairing speed it would have a function: incentivizing healing someone before returning to work on the generator together. Now I see little purpose to it.
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I'm disappointed in the change. I thought I could use it in an Autodidact build
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Dead perk is dead.
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Yea, i was like WOW 16%?! Oh wait, no more repair speed? Nvm, in dead perk bin it goes.
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imo they should increase the bonus to 25% since it's for such specific things now and it doesn't affect repair speed. that way if you take with leader, it increases outgoing action speed bonuses to 50% so long as you're within range of your teammates and healed them. it would still be a niche build but it would at least be a little bit less useless.
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It should not get repair speeds anyway. Repair speeds are already fast as it is, and this would essentially give everyone super fast repair speeds for most of the match. Killer injures a survivor? They run off to get a heal anyway, then poof back to super repair speeds again. It would effectively givr super repair speeds in the match when they would be repairing anyway. Killers would have to constantly damage everyone they can asap even if just getting healed from an unhook, otherwise gens will be flying faster than they already are. There wre plenty of times when playing killer I would leave a survivor alone because they were recently hooked. If I knew them being fully healed means someone has buffed their repair speeds, I'd be shooting myself in the foot taking it easy on then.
That's even worst for killers like ghost face who have to build up stalking for kills. Now they would be shooting themselves in the foot for letting any survivor get away for the sake of building stalking.
A never expiring repair speed buff when survivors would actually be repairing would be too powerful.
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Have it affect unhooking, sabotaging and opening exit gate speed as well
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In another words, useless perk
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Yes, but number should be at least 25%, because given values are garbage.
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what do you mean most of the match, its 35 seconds and you need heal before bonus kicks in. the old perk was fine and did not need any changes. it was worse deju vu, deja vu is 5% for 60 seconds. better than new was for 35 seconds with healing condition. hope the perk gets revert similar to MoM. bad change.
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Maybe you missed the memo, but the buff lasts indefinitely until injured, and once you're healed by them again, you have it indefinitely again. It doesn't last 35 seconds. The majority of matches you're typically in a healed state unless you're running an injured build. As long as you're healthy, you get a big bonus to action speed. Just saying that it definitely shouldn't affect gen repair speeds because a big boost to repair speed as long as you're healthy is beyond overpowered. Heck, it would punish killers for damaging people. Wouldn't make sense.