Reassurance is a killer perk now

dictep Member Posts: 1,333
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

With the massive nerf now you’ll get all survs with this perk running to the hook to use it, so nobody doing gens, and giving the killer a new surv to chase for free, without needing to find him or moving to anywhere. Add to this you remove a perk slot to survs who use it, and it’s a very strong killer perk now

Post edited by dictep on


  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Never fail to disappoint more bad changes with every patch

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    If I can choose I don’t want my solo survs to bring it.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    yeah if killer mains think that it's a "good balanced strong perk" you know it's trash, as useless as DS after that change

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited August 2022

    Yeah, i am sure it is strong perk. Killer main who is rarely playing survivor calling a perk balanced lol.

    Sure, it is balanced. You can keep camping without punishment.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,510
    edited August 2022

    Once perk hook instance. Meaning each time your hooked. So even if you go to second state on 1st hook it doesn't refresh.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 666

    Alright. And the ability to extend the time that survivor spends on hook by 30-90 seconds makes the perk killer-sided? That's what I'm not getting.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    It's not a strong perk...and wasn't a strong perk on ptb either. No one is going to use it except for comp teams might take it once.

    It's a situational perk that benfits other players by increasing their boredom of the game. If i'm on a hook for more than a minute, i'll be watching youtube or something. I sure as hell won't remain hanging in place while everyone else gets to play a game. F--- that.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 666

    That's what I thought, so this thread is just typical forum whining.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Which change? The recent one, or the initial nerf? Because survivor mains pretend the best perk in the game was trash just because it deactivated upon a conspicuous action. So I have no idea if you believe that as well, or if you are talking about the recent change than no killer is calling a well balanced, strong perk.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I knew this was coming. You are killer main and you are playing survivor very rarely. But me, i am playing both roles equal.

    It is so funny to watch that killer main is defending how strong new survivor perk is. :d Hilarious. Yeah, yeah. I am sure it is so good perk. I am sure it will be meta. Like Camaraderie.

    Believe to whatever you want but whenever i play survivor, i will not use this perk. I doubt survivors will drop any of meta perks for this trash perk. It is on garbage tier now, like most of survivor perks.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    No my english is bad, I'm saying that after today's nerf reassurance is now joining DS in the useless tier, it's just bad except maybe for 4 man swf (like always), there is nothing else to say but of course killer main will find new reassurance "very strong and balanced" no doubt

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    So a survivor who stays 5 minutes on the hook is a killer perk now? Uhh ok...

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited August 2022

    I am lately talking about survivors, this is true. Because on current game, survivors needs help more. I am meaning solo-q btw, i know SWF is alright.

    And i talked about killer issues as well, i have not survivor sided glasses. If you are not believing me, there is my some posts. You can check them. I am talking about both side issues whenever i want. Right now my solo-q games are terrible, so ofcourse i will tak about it more. And camping is one of the issues. It is bothers me so much they did not address it at all.

    I can give more examples but i think this should be enough. I am talking about killer issues as well and i know maps are biggest issues for killers, especially for m1 killer. So please don't judge me with something i am not.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,908

    JFC, the perk is still strong. You can still buy 90 secs if three survs are running it. Even just 30 secs is still going to heavily disincentivize camping.

    And if anyone wants to assign blame anyone for this change, blame trolling survivors, because that is what the nerf is aimed at.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Exactly right, which is why you never see anyone complaining about 5s BT. I knew when I saw streamers saying how fair and balanced 5s were and how powerful it can be to reach a loop that told me it was garbage, and low and behold, the devs agreed.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    What, I thought all the change does is make it so you can't grief survivors by keeping them on hook since it keeps recharging. It refreshes for each hook stage on each person.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    "if I can't literally turn the hook timer off by myself the perk is worthless!!". You get 90 * 2 = 180 seconds on one survivor if the other 3 use it on both hook stares.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
    edited August 2022

    A perk that makes all solos with it go to the hook and stop doing gens, and the killer wait at the hook to these survs to appear it’s a trash perk if only give you 30 secs at Hook. And it’s also a perk slot lose

    Post edited by dictep on
  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    30 seconds per a hook, can be used up to 6 times for a total of gaining 3 extra minutes if used properly along with proper hook trading is not a killer sided perk unless your teammates literally don't touch gens.

    The problem is that you will never use this perk 6 times. If other survivors are getting hooked a total of 6 times, the killer isn't camping. And if the killer isn't camping, Reassurance won't benefit your team -at all-.

    Reassurance is a laser-focused perk. It has one applicable scenario, which is that of a camping killer. That is the only way it is going to get value. Now that value has been crippled from the singular perk offering up to 360 seconds of extra hook time to 30. The one job this perk has it is now bad at.

    This is the same issue as the massive stun cut on DS. It has one singular job, and it is now bad at it.

    This perk should not have had any nerf. It should've allowed the hooked survivor to reject the effect to solve the hostage situation, and that is it. But instead of just fixing the one problem the perk has, BHVR went gung-ho on it and gave it a massive, crippling nerf which specifically makes it worse against camping.

    Keep in mind as well that, prior to the nerf, if the killer saw someone use Reassurance, they had a strong reason to leave the hook and give chase, since that one survivor, left unchecked, could kill his entire strategy. That is gone now, too, since chasing the survivor won't take the perk out of the game; it has already deleted itself.

    This perk is now going to require a full team to all run it in order to do the one job it was supposed to do. It's basically dead in the water for solo play, which was the only thing that needed it.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Actually, If I read it correctly, The dev update says "Reassurance can only be used once per hook instance" not State/phase. Which I take to mean: If a survivor remains hooked, each other survivor gets to use Reassurance on them 1 time, until they are rescued and hooked again. So, a Survivor can hang out on the hook, have all survivors run in and pause their timer for 90 seconds during their first hook phase, but if after all of that, they haven't been rescued and reach the 2nd phase, the survivors won't be able to trigger Reassurance on them again.

    Still if a survivor hasn't been rescued after 90 seconds of pausing the timer +60 seconds for their first hook phase, and goes into the struggle phase, all I can say is that either the killer is a hardcore camper, or the team just REALLY hates that guy, so I don't expect this kind of thing to happen too often.

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    I guess it's already time to argue that Reassurance should be basekit for all survivors.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Lmao what even is this lmaoooo

    Worst case Ontario, the new Reassurance will still serve as an adequate Survivor Deadlock.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Really? Because I constantly see you defending camping and tunneling. So one could just as easily assume that you don't play a lot of survivor, or you'd be more sympathetic about how problematic and unfun camping and tunneling are.

    I do agree with you on one thing. This perk is far from weak now. It will still surely make a good impact against camping and tunneling killers. It's to be expected that some people would overreact to this nerf.

    But at the same time, the nerf was completely unnecessary. It should be even more effective considering it only counters the cheapest tactic in the game, which is camping.

    I wouldn't even mind the nerf if the range would have gotten buffed to 12 or maybe even 16 meters or so. Cause then you at least wouldn't have to almost throw yourself in front of the camping killer in order to pause the hook phase timer. There is no reason killers should ever get rewarded for camping and tunneling.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    You're kidding right now, or? Your suggestion is for people to just play with friends? Please tell me I am misunderstanding you.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    It definitely still will be a good perk. Even just using it once on a hooked survivor is definitely impactful.

    It just didn't need the nerf to begin with, and it's a shame it is getting nerfed. Or that they didn't increase the perk's range to 12 or 16 meters as compensation. Then I probably would be fine with the nerf.

    To be fair, we should want BHVR to nerf camping at base anyways, and not just with a perk. I am beyond happy that they are at least buffing the anti-tunnel mechanic. This definitely also makes me hopeful that they continue to listen to their community, and hopefully nerf camping in the future as well. Doesn't need to be huge nerfs, so they don't hurt killers too much. But just some decent camping nerfs would go a long way.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    Solo is literally where I have 99% of my fun, if I may be honest.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited August 2022

    It was adjusted as needed. Many of us said it might be because it's in a test phase and of course it was adjusted after seeing how it performs. Nothing was "changed" the test phase of any feature isn't there to be taken as granted. It's a work in progress with all it's flaws. You have to understand that. That's all. It's Public Test version of a perk, not an actual perk in the live game.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    30s is a whole half another hook state. If you use it on first and second hook, you've essentially given a survivor an additional hook state. This is very powerful for obvious reasons. It doesn't magically become less useful just because you're not grouped with your teammates.

    I'm so sick of people blaming all the ills of the world on solo queue. Oh no, spooky scary solo! It's trite. It's boring. Grow up, it's not that bad. It's fun most of the time, even.

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 247
    edited August 2022

    Just cause YOU will not use this perk in solo, it's not means that in SWF wouldn't be extremly strong in it's old form, or it couldn't be able to abuse against somebody on the hook.

    And honestly if BHVR thinks and says since years that camping is part of the game, and the killer sacrifice genpressure while camping than this perk is even in this form is strong enough. Especially now, when BT became basekit. But i know i know... I am a killer main if think something else then you, and i don't play survivor, and I am automaticly wrong, which means you automaticly right

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    So you've got a person on hook, right, and the killer's face camping them. If the killer's smart, they're not gonna hit you until you go for the grab animation so they can hook trade. So what you do is you run up close, activate the perk, killer doesn't hit you, and you run away to do a gen. All this time, the other survivors have also been doing gens. Then when the perk finally ends and their hook meter starts going down, a second person activates it, rinse and repeat. That's how this perk is gonna kill camping. It's not a bad perk at all. Sounds like you just want something super overpowered.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    SWFs messing around with it in PTB results in a nerf for solo queue. Not surprised. The perk is still good for coordinated swfs

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    this perk is literally camaraderie but for solo survivors, it is very very strong

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Unless everyone runs at the same time and just hangs out at the hook and gets downed that's a survivor skill issue or they will have to leave the hook to chase the other survivors that came which allows you to get the unhook so that's a win.

    It was only changed so survivors can't grief each other and I seen way more survivors complaining about that then killers complaining about not been able to camp.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 937

    It's not a killer perk now, it's not bad, but it's definitely not nearly as good anymore as it had been, and might well not be good enough anymore to see frequent use. And yes, given that its only real effective use case is against hard camping which should long have gotten rebalanced at a base game level to begin with and that it now won't be nearly as impactful anymore without multiple survivors running it and coordinating their use of it, the nerf is super disappointing.

    In its original form, a singular survivor using the perk could single-handedly counter a hard-camping killer with it, since they could prolong each hook stage by 6 (more realistically around 4-5) * 30 = (120-)180 seconds. Those extra 2-3 minutes are too much for a killer to keep camping, they would have to commit to a chase on someone or at least try to prevent the survivor from being able to get close enough to activate Reassurance, which opens up opportunities for an unhook. And while the perk was super good against camping if even only one of the three survivors had it, that automatically meant multiple people having it was not very impactful, so SWFs would not benefit much at all from being able to stack it, while solo survivors could have a reliable tool against hard camping even without needing other survivors to happen to have it, or needing much of any coordination.

    In its nerfed form, a singular survivor can only prolong a stage (or worse still, only once per hook?) for a mere 30 seconds, which is regularly just not enough for a killer to be forced to stop camping. The survivor that activates Reassurance has to spend time going to the hook and leaving it again, which can already all but nullify any time bonus that survivor will have gotten out of those 30 seconds. Not only that, but if they run away again, now in order to actually be able to attempt to unhook they would have to run to the hook again soon thereafter, spending even more time. Often that means the Reassurance survivor wants to stick around the hook and is absolutely not getting any gen time out of it. Worse still, in non-SWF groups, your fellow survivors have no clue that you are going to use Reassurance, they may very well be heading to the hook themselves, or already sitting around it, and in any case, there are a lot of scenarios where randoms just won't actually use those 30 seconds to do gens, whereas at 120+ seconds, even the most dense randoms should stop crouching around the hook at some point, even just out of pure boredom (or you know, because the killer actually has to leave and allow an unhook). And even if multiple survivors happened to have brought the perk, timing it such that one survivor after the next activates it perfectly while the others always stay on gens is just something that will basically never happen. Unless you are in an SWF of course, who now benefit from the perk much more than solos, the opposite of what should be happening. It's Kinship 2.0.

    Again, I don't think the perk is bad now, but it remains to be seen how well solos will actually be able to make use of it, and whether it will have enough impact to use it at all there. I don't really think it will become a staple, whereas in its original form it most likely would have, and it would have been a (band-aid) fix for hard camping in any match it's in, while also even being a deterrent for campers in general just due to the mere threat of it potentially being in a match. Not only that, any non-camping killer player would even benefit from Reassurance being a staple, because that would mean in most matches, multiple survivors would be spending perk slots on something that does next to nothing for them.

    My suggestion: Increase it to two possible activations per stage per survivor, and three activations maximum per stage. So any survivor using it can activate it up to two times per hook stage, but only up to a combined maximum of three activations per stage (e. g. 3 survivors use it once each, or one survivor uses it twice and a second survivor once). I think 1 extra minute is the absolute sweet spot for the perk to be impactful enough on its own, while the third activation means it's not a "wasted" perk if multiple people run it.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    Can't use it on first and second hook state. Only once per hook instance.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I repeat, 5 minutes on the hook.

    With 3 survivors free to do gens after they paused the hook counter and the killer basically being afk. Thats more than enough time to do all gens and get out.

    If it was an infinite hook time, then you know full well, that SWF bully squads would take solo teammates hostage.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    edited August 2022

    No I definitely disagree. As do the majority seemingly. And if you think the majority of people here on these forums are survivor mains, then I do not know what to tell you.

    Map design is not that bad anymore. There are still some really bad maps, Eyrie of Crows and Fractured Cowshed being the worst, but you can't balance this game around those maps.

    Also, there are so many more killers that can still deal even with survivor sided maps. A lot of killers have strong anti-loop abilities, if you are getting looped with them for ages, it's almost always on you.

    I understand that there is still a fair amount of unfun crap killers have to deal with. I personally don't see how any of that compares to not getting to play the game at all, but there definitely are problems for killers as well. But that doesn't mean that some problems shouldn't be addressed just because other problems exist.

    Here's the thing. I definitely agree that some maps still need to be looked at in the future. No doubt. Low tier killers also will still need buffs. But at the moment, camping and tunneling clearly have the highest priority here. It's shown by the overwheling amount of complaints everywhere in the internet, and it's also shown by the current queue times. They shouldn't go to hard on those strategies, not yet at least, but they definitely need to be nerfed so survivors have a fairer and better chance at fighting back against those strategies, and winning.

    The basekit BT is already going to help with that. Now they just need to inrcease the hook phase duration from 60 to 70 seconds, and then remove hook grabs, and the game will be in a great spot for the moment. Those nerfs wouldn't gut camping in any way, they would just make camping somewhat weaker, and more manageable for survivors. And that's clealry what the game needs at the moment.

    Camping and tunneling are just too effective, that's all. Especially for how relatively little skill they require, in particular camping.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    An anti camping perk that gives teammates kinship is now a killer perk? Without kindred you wouldn't even know if a teammate is getting camped now you can at least pause it and go back to your gens.