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What klller u prefer?

Hello everyone, I wanted to see different opinions for killers and playstyle. What killer u prefer and most important - why? For example why all noobs use Mayers and Leather face? I don't want offend anyone but literally all times I saw these 2 killers is no skills at all, only bot movements and waiting for one shot which according to me is not big skill.. Now I see girl with TV is very op killer, good one and player who use it many times need skills to do it. Me, for example use only legion and trickster, who are not op killers and its bit harder to kill survivors with them (I'm mainly friend killer cz I grind xp but still sometimes when I'm not in mood, I kill them πŸ˜‚) So I would like to hear your opinions and your killers.

P. S. Don't hate me for what I said about Mayers and Leatherface but it's the truth, I never saw this killers with some skills.

Best Answers

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097
    Answer βœ“

    My main is huntress because she is extremely satisfying to land hatches while also being relatively strong. I like Deathslinger for similar reasons, he is definitely a lot weaker than huntress unfortunately.

    Contrary to popular belief Bubba is actually a pretty hard killer to play, at higher MMR people will bully the crap out of you, if you do not play him properly. The reason he gets a bad wrap is because he is the most popular killer to camp with. If he is camping you kind of just have to let that person die. I don't know enough about newer players playing Myers, he isn't very good, and takes some general game knowledge to not get dumpstered on.

    Newer players in my experience play the M1 sneaky killers like wraith and freddy. You can sneak up pretty easily on newer players with these two and get free hits.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,971
    Answer βœ“

    Wraith because i like stealth killers and wraith makes it very easy to be stealthy. I like that he is a basic killer outside of cloak because the game is easier that way and he can make use of many perks.

    I'm also excited for The Mastermind because his power looks very fun to use and i like that he can slowdown survivors with the infection and also his add-ons look strong.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130
    Answer βœ“

    I am a Trickster main, why I prefer him? Its a mix of reasons. His aesthetic and appearance. His lore. And his gameplay is easy and satisfying and fun. I dont care that he's not meta or is weak. I find that every killer can be S tier in the right hands. And I find it boring everyone plays the same killers. Today I faced 3 Nurses in a row. With 2 Blights and 1 Ghostface. No killer diversity. So I love Trickster even more as he's not used much and offers diversity to survivors who always face the same thing. Granted, I know people dont like facing him, I personally love playing as and against him. Sadly encountering him is so rare. And besides, people keep hatin on him, but they forget that he gave the best lobby look and great perks such as Starstruck and No Way Out.

    My 2nd place sweetheart among killers is the Legion. Similar reason to Trickster. I love their edgelord 90's hooligan theme and aesthetic. Their music is a bop and I love to use their mixtapes just to jam out. Frank has great lore (Not so much Julie and her tome). Their power is fun and satisfying to use. Never Stop Slashing~ I find the Legion are the underdog, the butt of a joke so I have had a soft spot for them. The rework did them justice they deserve.

    And besides, one thing I love about Legion is what they say is so true. People may love the new shiny thing that is Wesker, but "Smartasses get killed. We always see to that." β€” The Legion, Discordance


  • Moto_girl_bg
    Moto_girl_bg Member Posts: 22

    You are just like me, I also use only these 2 killers, I love them πŸ˜‚ but I actually don't use this perk starstruck because I can't understand for what is it. My English is not so good. Instead I always use perk light born I hate survivors to try blind me πŸ˜‚

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623


    Because Demogorgon

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    Demogorgon strong but fair killer with good map travel ability. I really like his looks and sounds. He also has amazing lobby music bringing stranger things vibes.

    Executioner I like his antiloop and it takes more skill than what nemesis has. I do like nemesis pallet breaking but executioner is better version of him in everything else.

    Oni still is one of my favourites his blood fury is most satisfying thing in the game. But I drop him though after they nerf him next update.

    Myers I enjoy killing survivors instantly he requires skill as you are only m1. He has add ons which completely changes how you play him.

    Bubba I enjoy facecamping survivors in basement with insidious. Not really I rarely camp with him anymore his chase power is usually enough to win and survivors with brains can counter his facecamping by just doing gens.

  • Moto_girl_bg
    Moto_girl_bg Member Posts: 22

    About Bubba - yea but that means they should leave other one die. Its for survivors who don't care about team play I lately met many people like this but I always go save all even if there is one shot of killer. I hate coward playstyle maybe this why Bubba is most hated killer by me bcz only chainsaw one shot and camping requires 0 skills and its very annoying to play vs him.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    Most bubbas I face do not camp and he is quite fun killer to face. Killer I hate for most is nemesis he is so common and his testacle has bigger hit box than huntress hatchet.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Haggers because who wouldnt want haggie smooches

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555
    edited August 2022

    The Onryo is great if its you and your friends. She's still good in public matches at low level but gets much better as you level her up. The and the spirit are good if you know how to use them

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Starstruck allows you to one-shot healthy survivors if you're carrying a survivor or if you recently carried one. But only if they are in your terror radius. But yeah, I think its cool we like the same killers. My 3rd place is Ghostface, cuz its Ghostface. So he'd be my number 1 licenced

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    Wraith for similiar reasons @OrangeBear gave. And my beloved Adiris (The Plague), because, and I'm not joking, vomiting on everything is a lot of fun actually. For me at least. It feels as if the tentions of the day are getting relieved. I also like her abilities, that are kinda a bit of everything. If someone is fully infected they can be downed in one hit, they infect each other and everything and when they clean themselfs she becomes a ranged killer sooner or later. Very statisfying overall. That said, I'm a pretty terrible killer. :D

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    I like any killa characters that seem to be having fun. I could not stop playing Doctor for the longest time because his laugh after each attack would bring a smile to my face.

    And Clown. I mean, who doesn't love a playful clown???

    I got Hag 5 or 6 weeks ago and much more upside and fun than the Trapper. Note: My MMR may not be very high so your mileage may vary.

    Lilith Omen streams have inspired me to play Blight more just for the skill challenge although I do not pretend that I can ever reach his level of expertise.

    At this moment of time, killas seem to be favoured in the game balance so it is a good time to experiment with ones you have been avoiding because of their difficulty level.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    I mean tentacle sorry im finn so I don't have best english...

  • Moto_girl_bg
    Moto_girl_bg Member Posts: 22

    Thanks all for opinions, I noticed that not so many people use the artist, to me looks very op killer if u know how to use her ability with crows properly. What do you think about her?

    Also I bought the twins, it's very funny to play with/vs this killer πŸ˜‚ I always laugh a lot with little baby but I think it's not so op or maybe need very good skills to use it.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Spirit,I love going against a good spirit or indeed hag as they have the genuine ability to appear and scare the crap out of you.Love playing Plague she is under rated her powers in the right hands are devastating,but playing against her when fully infected can be a bit nauseating,for pure fun value Myers and Bubba make me smile.

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    I'm with you on that. I love to play the Twins because Victor is hilarious. By the way, don't call him a baby. He hates that. He is the same age as his sister!

    You are right about the Artist. Huge upside. I am working at getting better at Artist but just don't play her as much lately. I think I will go play a few rounds of the Artist now!

    Seriously though, Victor does not respond well to being called the baby, Watch out.