Dead Hard

What are your opinions on the New Dead Hard? I feel like it mettle of man again...
Its better than before, it just takes a good amount of skill to use so its not going to see much play.
Its also still the best counter against high tier killers.
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does mettle of man and dead hard stack like can both be used together? I dont mind the new dead hard you are right about it being better than before.
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We'll find out in 5 days but from what they said Mom shouldnt be an endurance effect now so yes it should stack
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Unlike release MoM, though, it actually is an active effect opposed to a flat-out free hit tank.
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It's balanced now, but still potentially very good in my opinion.
After the nerf probably my favorite survivor perk to use. It's so fun to use, it takes far more skill, but also feels much more rewarding when you get it to procc. It's one of the best designed perk now if you ask me.
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it's pretty fun to use, I like running it
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I am glad the distance is gone.
But it looks kinda silly.
As surv i never used it.
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It's stronger against Nurse, Blight and generally higher tier Killers, but weaker against the lower tier ones
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If the new Dead Hard was better than before, we'd see high-level players equip it more than before, and this is not the case, so you can already dismiss half the claims in this thread that it is "better but requires more skill". These people are playing against noob killers. High level meta is now Sprint burst not DH.
New Dead Hard is much worse than before, because of endurance it synergizes terribly with OtR which is the new top pick in the camping era, it does no longer work against many killer abilities (trapper legion etc.), also depends too much on killer ping now and requires insane reaction time to use it in chase, so the only time you can use it consistently is before a pallet or vault, paradoxically it makes it a much easier perk to use than before.
Against noob killers you can spin them and DH but nowadays very few killers fall for that.
The only case I can think of where DH is clearly better than before is against Trickster.
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What more skill? It's easy to use against the top tier killers and you just use it at a pallet. Either killer hits you or he waits it out and gets stunned. They should have made this perk do anything else entirely
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It's also better against Nurse since she has punctuated windows of time where she can land a hit before she fatigues. So it's about exactly as hard to time against her as old DH, but you get more distance from it.
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But Nurse is also the killer who has the least trouble getting back distance so it's not really useful against her...
Against Blight I would agree
But again that's assuming they are not tunneling you and you are not already in endurance
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Spinning the Killer isn't to use DH it's to confuse the Aim Dressing that Killers have and causes them to whiff when attacking. Now most used DH in conjunction with spinning because of a Killer lunges DH will protect against that.
It is stronger than before and the ones not using it either A don't have the timing or skill to use it or B they used DH for the distance rather than the evade to begin with so that's why SB is being used more but SB won't protect against a hit and can still cause a down if the Killer catches you just before you use it or right after in the case of Got Validation.
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There is no high level meta in dbd since there is no 'high level'. The cut off point for mmr is low af and with how sbmm works you can get matched with basically every one.
Any one who thinks they are in ''high level dbd'' is basically just fooling themselves.
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Oh really? Then looks like Otz, Kyto, and top-level streamers who advise to run SB now don't understand the game
Maybe they are just not as skilled as you and Dead_Harder.
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As an Oni main. I hate it. Bring back the old version. Its hard enough to hit juking survivors as it is without having a demon strike fail because they clicked a button. As skillful as it may be, I just had 3 demon strikes nulled and void because of dead hard.
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I never really ran Dead Hard before or after the nerf, but its new version seems to have potential to be very strong. I might give it a shot for a while and see how it goes.