Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Has anyone considered WHYpeople get tunneled out?

Despite the new changes, once Again, the cries of the few outweighed the many, and we have extra borrowed time. This will not have the effect you want. Instead this will quickly shift back into the old And bully meta that we've desperately tried to avoid. Tunneling is always going to be a thing, but does anyone ever stop to consider WHY it happens?

Point blank, its Toxicity. 98% of the time, someone is going to be tunneled out of a match because they decided to be toxic and nasty to the Killer, at least. That has been my personal experience. Whenever a teamate of mine gets tunneled, it's usually because they are tea begging after a stun, teabagging after a blind, flashlight clicking, or doing everything they can to be as obnoxious as possible for really no reason, other than to do it. The other 2%, (again, my personal experience) are the ones that really just don't care and feel like being tools.

Why are we rewarding toxic survivors with more ways to bully killers? Untill we start handling the toxic side, tunneling and camping WILL NOT go away.


  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I go into games sometimes, when I actually play (haven't played in a while). I'll try not too tunnel but it's hard.

    I will straight tunnel survivors for specific reasons. Blinding me, tbagging, saboing the hook. If it gets me annoyed you gotta go really.

    Otherwise it really is just easier.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I got tunneled if i am found first, and i am never toxic to the killer. I dont teabag, i never bring a flashlight, but i play a claudette and i am using stealth gameplay (but i am found on gens, not in a corner. Stealth play is not just staying out of harms way). I had killers that told me they killed me because i play claudette, and they always kill Claudettes, and i had killers that told me they killed me because i hide. But most killers do it just because killing one survivor fast makes for an easy game.

    Of do you consider playing Claudette toxic? Or is just being the first survivor found toxic? No, i think you are just plain wrong.

  • Jangles
    Jangles Member Posts: 377
    edited August 2022

    I tunnel on killer and get tunneled on survivor, Players will optimise the fun out of anything. You can't blame someone for using the most effective tactic to win even if it "feels scummy" I feel great winning as killer regardless of what I do, I hate getting tunneled as a survivor.

    Feels like a base game mechanic that needs to be addressed rather than expecting the community to play nice.

    Yes there are tools available, but they're not good enough.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I am sorry, but people don't tunnel because of toxicity, they tunnel because it is the easiest way to win. There needs to be some baseline changes to the game to discourage people from removing individuals from the game. Whether that be taking time off generators when people get killed or straight up allowing you to revive teammates that get tunneled.

    Tunneling is without question the most efficient way to win a game, it wasn't always like this but the recent patch changes put us here.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    With what some people consider camping, tunneling or toxic, i wont question your statement.

    But most people "tunnel" because it's efficient. Far more than playing "fair", which also is something this community cant decide upon.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939
    edited August 2022

    LOL no.

    Play Solo Q for 10 matches or so.

    I rarely see toxic survivors in Solo Q. I see potatoes, stupid plays, unsafe unhooks, sandbagging, self-caring in a corner.

    I rarely see a Solo Q team bullying a Killer at 4-5 gens just because.

    Killers tunnel out at 4-5 gens because they know if they remove one survivor early on it will be a steamroll GG EZ. They also know it's a cheap, scummy tactic that ends with a player getting like, 4k Blood points or ends in a D/C but choose to do it anyways because 4K'ing is more important than sportsmanship.

    I've been tunneled simply because the Killer mistakenly dedicated too much time chasing me for 3-4 gens and it made him/her mad. Usually this leads to me being face camped and hit on the hook. Then they will leave every other survivor to kill me.

    To be fair, playing Killer (I don't much anymore) I have run into very toxic SWF's with the clicky clicky flashlights, constant blinds etc. They are a small, but memorable portion of the playerbase.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756
    edited August 2022

    Camping and tunneling someone out at 5 gens is to give the killer player an easy win (to most of them that's the only way they know how to play). It's to hard to risk it for the biscuit.

    Win is the fun if they're not getting 4K's every game it's not fun, playing the 12 hook game is not fun. Getting better in chase and mind-games is not fun.

    They are entitled to 4K every game if they are not getting 4K's every game survivor side must be nerfed, maps must be nerfed the whole map must be one big dead zone. NO structures, NO pallets just open fields.

    They take the game so seriously that they don't know how to have fun. They believe that their in a 1 million dollar tournament.

    Because of the way they play they push survivor players to join a SWF group which in return give other killer players that want to have fun a hard time. Just a nasty cycle of the same BS.

    The bottom line is everyone killers and survivors just want to make this game miserable for the other side to play.

    Post edited by I_am_Negan on
  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    Highkey disagree. I play equally survivor and killer and I no longer consider teabagging/ flashlight clicking as toxicity (nor do they happen that often).

    Smart survivors know that teabagging/flashlight clicking only slows them down during a chase instead of making more distance, so the majority don't do it.

    Killers tunnel off hook to make their game easier, whether the survivors are playing nice or not.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,635

    People tunnel because it's easier than not tunnelling and it's more rewarding. It's not rocket science. It's human nature.

    Some people will not tunnel because they care about their community reputation and the other people's experience but i have a hard time believing those people are genuinely happy and not just afraid of social pressure.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Ah, trying to kill someone as fast as possible must mean they were toxic or that the killer is a tool!

    I knew I was missing something....I just assumed it was because eliminating someone in a game where elimination is possible and the killer is outnumbered was just the best way for them to win.

    Thank you, kind sage.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Tunneling is 98% of time because it's easiest and usually most effient way to win. You can turn off your brain and just go after the one who is unhooked. As ds is not threat anymore so your not even punished doing it. So anyone who wants to win tunneling is good stragedy to use but not most fun or fair so everyone does not want to use it always.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    I try to not tunnel so we can have more fun match but if you gen rush I will tunnel 100%.

  • ThePrizz
    ThePrizz Member Posts: 111

    The reason does not matter, tunneling should be made almost impossible to accomplish, all that while giving the Killers a bonus for the "nerf"

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Im tunneled because my teammates used the old Dead hard and I didnt.

    So I guess Im tunneled because I play nice..?

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    While op isn't exactly incorrect. if you teabag me i'm going to tunnel you. 100% that is the only reason i tunnel. Most games I actually try to be nice and let survivors escape because the game has become so damn easy for killer its boring.

    Having said that, when I play survivor i get tunneled frequently enough and I never teabag, flashlight click or anything considered "toxic". Not all killers are the same just like not all survivors are the same.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    Yeah, you must not play enough survivor. As most have said, survivors get tunnelled mainly because it's easiest for the killer. Sure they also throw in other reasons like killing the toxic players but it's 95% just optimal / EZ play.

    And no, the majority 'won' on this.

    Finally, I do agree that it wont be the solution. It will certainly help. But we need to switch every killer to Pyramid style - send survivor to a cage across the map, or something similar. Human nature is such that the majority will take the easiest route, and that's camping and tunnelling. Killers will still proxy camp because the hook is the water cooler of the game, they KNOW people will be there and they don't have to run around to gens.It's lazy, but it works in solo queue. Even if they play 'nice' and don't tunnel off hook they get the easy hit on the rescuer. This stuff won't change until we make it easier for killers to just move on from hook and find someone else. I like the P Head system because it does just that in a simple way.

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    I play solo q survivor pretty much all the time.

    Like I've stated, in my experience someone's getting tunneled for the most part because they've been toxic. Or do something extremely stupid.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    Yeah, no. I've been taking a break from the game because I'm so tired of the playstyles I come across. My friend still plays attempts to play daily for some reason, and he's never toxic, but I watch him get tunneled out all the time. The killer ignores the other survivors to tunnel my friend out. He's often running some meme build and is just an easy target because he doesn't run second chance perks and he's solo.

    Unless some of the killers think that randomly crouching at terrible times in the middle of a chase is toxic. It's not, by the way: it's what happens when you play on console/controller. It's also part of the reason he's easy to tunnel out, because he's only able to drop maybe 1/3 of the pallets he gets to, and the other times he's button mashing and nothing's happening and then he's on the ground.

    Oh, also, Switch killers will attempt to tunnel out Switch survivors every time. This I know from experience. You can't tell me it's toxic simply to play survivor on Switch.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,169

    No, it's too simplistic. There are more reasons, such as the killer wanting to out of amusement, a tactical play due to the flow of the game, survivors making it too easy, bm'ing and so on so forth.

    Both sides have the choice of how they play, but the reasons for their choices still have variety. A clicky-clicky guy could be doing it to bm the killer because they want to be toxic, but could also be doing it to distract a killer from a weaker player, or even because they'd had some bad matches and are venting.

    Whichever way, the explanation OP gave is too basic and single-minded for what's actually a multiple-answer reason.

  • basblater
    basblater Member Posts: 20

    This is just garbage. I don’t do any of that stuff, don’t ever use torch, and am constantly getting tunnelled. Majority of killers just use this as their play style because it’s easy, they win, and who knows maybe they enjoy taking the fun away. 😂

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    If you're fumbling left trigger and and left bumper mid chase then you may want to consider a different controller with buttons further apart or a grip over the controller that gives your fingers more room to move from one to the other. I play with a 360 controller on PC and have never accidentally crouched when I meant to hit run. I have accidentally hit drop pallet instead of heal self (medkit) but that's because healing and interaction is always RB unless you're using an item then it's RT. Playing on switch you have the option of the pro controller or whatever it's called if you don't want to use the joycons

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742


    toxicity is a thing, but in most cases the killer's the toxic element:

    Pathetic little brats that only want their 4k, because that's the only thing that the game views as skill. Or are you going to argue that someone who gets facecamped and tunneled (if they even get unhooked) by a bubba or wraith with lethal has done anything to be toxic in that match?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    I play on PS4 and Switch. It happens with both controllers. Other people on the forums have mentioned it happening to them, too, so it's not just me and my friend.

    I changed the button binding on both systems, so thankfully I never drop a pallet when I mean to heal. That's something that can be done in the in-game settings, unless it's different with controllers on PC vs console.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,886

    Yeah, it happens on my PS controller, but it also happens on the Razer Wolverine I use on PC, and that is essentially an XBox controller.

    I don't have hot dog fingers or anything, either, it usually happens if my fingers get even a little sweaty. It's an all the time thing, but it does happen.

    As for the topic, sometimes tunneling is because of toxicity, but when a killer tunnels right out of the gate, it's a stretch to say that's what caused it. It's just the most effective thing you can do if you want to increase your odds of winning as a killer, which is why so many people do it, at all skill levels.