Gorik Member Posts: 175
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

I put up a post a few minutes ago talking about this exact scenario.

This is my first Killer game of the night and already I am the issue as Killer because of Built in BT making people do questionable plays, that will likely have people asking for even longer built in BT times etc in the future.

Sorry the pics aren't in the correct order but you can see what's happening.

Edit: This Survivor was not body blocking to protect their team mate, I couldn't even see them after the unhook un till they ran at me, we where all probably about 16 meters from where they had been unhooked when they intentionally ran in front of me.... And that's me tunneling?!

Post edited by Gorik on


  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Remove the names and repost. The forums don't allow it. Don't want you in trouble for not knowing.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    It's fun being the bad guy ain't it 😎

    The worst for me is when I get a huge map like Eyrie and dump somebody in the basement, praying that ANYBODY will come trade or give me some interaction but instead I get people coming to just gawk at me until the poor guy dies andthen suddenly it's all my fault, ezzzzz you're trash etc.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2022

    All good, Man! Some people rush hooks but there are multiple reasons for doing so. It's not cut and dry from what I've experienced over the years. Some are desperate for points because other's do the same and screw them out of emblems.

    Sometimes the killer is camping and they have to do a trade since a 3 vs 1 is guaranteed loss at 4-5 gens left against any decent killer. Could be a Rift challenge from the past. They might think it's safe because of a killers power (like Pig and Freddy), perks like Insidious and tinkerer and sometimes even an accident. Might just throw their lives away for that last save attempt.

    Finally, They just don't care about a random but not every scenario is the same. Just some food for thought.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    I get you brother, I play both roles a lot so I get the need to do things at times.

    It's just the whole... " The Killer is the bad guy and there for tunneling etc is an issue the devs need to fix."

    that's what ticks me off.

    Never mind that they did it to themselves, it's tunneling Killers and Devs that don't care that are always apparently to blame.

    if you run at the Killer for any reason expect to be killed, don'[t give the Killer a hard time for it sort of thing.

    I know this is obv stuff, but today it's really under my skin.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    I feel you so much on this.

    As Killer I pray for the trade, as Survivor I can't understand why staring at me un till I die on hook, is a better strategy then say, doing a Gen, or trading 1 for 1.

    it boggles the mind.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2022

    I feel you on that. I have screenshots on Steam against a Team that SWEARS I was face camping 2 different people and it was on "stream" but wouldn't show it. Went to my emblems and had 0 Proximity To Hook on it. Some people will throw every excuse for losing instead of just accepting that they played poorly or were outplayed. There's no shame in it.

    It's forever in my steam screenshots for everyone to see xD Funny enough, I've met the same team about 7 months later and guess what? Same thing. Curb stomped them while 3 hooking (I don't camp or tunnel) and they accused me of gen camping. Sometimes you cannot win. Final thing, I try not to punish the unhooked for a rushed unhook.

    I always go for the unhooker to give everyone a fair shake at a fun match. Same if someone is afk and I down them at the beginning of a match. I won't hook. I'll just leave. Does it hurt my game? A little, yes but do I get hate comments if I still win afterwards? Not usually. It's why I have so many positive comments.

    I've went against a few big streamers who've signed my wall like Monto, OhTofu and even an old dev McLean, who was SUPER sweet. Its just how you play. I curb stomped them also but I always gave everyone a fair chance at survival because winning might feel good but doing it downing someone who had no chance to even run isn't skill.

    Beating up a paralyzed person in a fight doesn't make you a badass, does it? So why do people say it's fair to attack someone who was immediately unhooked and goes down again (this was before BT built in) then act like it was skillful? Or playing Bubba and face camping someone to death? Or Hag/Trapper placing a ton of traps around the basement?

    People can try to justify this by saying it's skill but all you're doing is beating up a disabled person who cannot help themselves and it disgusts me. Those instances, people deserve to get an earful. Otherwise, survivors who make excuses need to learn how to lose with dignity. At least, this is how I play and I usually 4k with any killer. 6 years, over 7k hours. Even use to be competitive but stopped because of stress.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    Could do with a few more of you in Solo.

    I'm with you to a point with not going for the unhooked, but if I know BT has worn off and I am getting destroyed, then I don't mind going for the guy whos just unhooked.

    I still tend to slug even then incase of DS, damn that perk has scared me mentally over the years.

    When I die the reaper will remove his hood and the DS emblem will be staring back at me with cold malice.

    I have had the same when it comes to apparently camping. No proximity, got the proof for them to see, etc and I am still a camping, tunneling piece of freshly deficated sustenance.

    I hope your stress levels have dropped a little more and you can just enjoy the game.

    Hopefully I will bump into you in game on 1 side or the other sometime.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    After years and years, I learned to not take this game super serious anymore. I've won a bit of cash on gift cards during tournaments but the stress during it wasn't worth the $50-$100 gift cards for each 1st and 2nd place wins. Once you relax, the game becomes much more enjoyable. Sometimes the game WILL screw you, other times I've ran into VPN killers who would hit me from literally 8 steps from a window and around a wall. I've had VPN'ers as killer who would start lagging all over the place and cause me to miss a few swings because their ping went from 70 to 650-990 ping when they're about to die.

    Could be lagswitchers, who knows? Point is, this game is against real people. When you win, they lose. When you lose, they win. A side HAS to LOSE. Show respect and even when you lose, you'll usually get survivors who are super nice to you in end game chat and some will even let you hook them at the end twice or even die for you if they had a lot of fun. Not everyone is a sweat lord. Some people just want to mess around. You got this, Gorik. Just don't take everything serious. Trust me, this game has a way of getting under your skin very quickly when everything is sour. Just let it ride and soon, you'll enjoy it much more.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I a survivor comes running at me to bodyblock with bt I'm waiting it out and there going right back on the hook. You want to be hit ill hit you no problem.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,876

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use Borrowed Time offensively. Maybe OTR, but… BT? Lol. Wow…

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    They complained loud enough that they got a free perk. Then complained loud enough that it wasn't enough and it got doubled.

    Why would they EVER stop complaining when it works every time?