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Why Deathslinger still is a 4.4m/s killer?

Member Posts: 180
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

Genuine question. Slinger barely is a ranged killer, he has limited range, cant get a down over pallets, needs to reload after every shot, has zero map control, even if he hits the shot, he dont have a guaranteed hit, most of his addons are a joke, and he is the only 4.4 killer with a 34m TR. Would he be too opresive? How he would be worse than Nemsis, Demo, Wesker or PH? Heck, make him 4.5 for a PTB and see where this takes us. I genuinely dont se a reason why he should be 4.4 at his current state

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 180

    Uhhh help? Why is my post broken?

  • Member Posts: 506

    If I remember correctly, they gave him 110% because they wanted us to rely on his gun for hits. At least for the most part, so that we would play him a certain way and not just like a normal 115% killer. Back then he was quite good in 1v1 situations because he had insta shots. But since the nerf he lacks power there as well. 

  • Member Posts: 180

    i guess you could justify old slinger being 4.4, but new slinger cant always relay on his gun for hits, specially in some high-walls loops

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    I'm a big fan of the presentation of this post

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  • Member Posts: 3,140

    What they said : It's lore-accurate. Guy's supposed to be hobbling. It's already a wonder he's faster than survivors !

  • Member Posts: 181

    Because he has a broken leg in a brace you can clearly see on his character model? That and they decided to balance them like a ranged killer while he's a melee killer with a ranged grab

    While I don't think a full speed buff would be the way to go an addon patch up would be sweet and much more effective than the huntress one being controllable in a chase (like +4-5% move speed when you need to reload the redeemer)

  • Member Posts: 450

    Compared to huntress, pyramid head, artist, other killers with ranged attacks, yeah it is still very fast. The only killers with ranged attacks that can attack as fast or faster are trickster and nemesis, but both of those killers need to land multiple hits. Deathslinger only needs one.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    From the stats I’ve seen Deathslinger is basically middle of the road in kill rate. A little worse than Huntress overall but not by much, which makes sense since his main advantage over Huntress is his needle like projectile can thread certain obstacles the huge hatchets can’t get through (e.g. shooting through holes in the wall of killer shack, something I can’t personally do since I’m a terrible shot but which some of the streamers I’ve watched can reliably pull off and is pretty slick to watch honestly!) But there’s a few too many pallets where he can land a shot on an injured survivor but not get a down because there’s no way to reel them around it in time versus Huntress who just downs them instantly on the hit.

    The one buff I’d like Slinger to get would be to let him turn normally while aiming. For some reason I think he’s the only ranged attacker in the game whose turn rate is significantly reduced while aiming, it feels like turning in mud. If they just let him swivel normally he’d feel a little more fun to play, at least to me. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2022

    Patrick despises Slinger.

    This isn't LoL, stop attaching any form of importance to stats. Stats also say that Nurse is the least lethal killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Actually, patrick doesn't (unless there's something I'm missing). Someone else was responsible for the slinger nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    he is 110% m/s because of Instant scope and low terror radius. Oh wait!

  • Member Posts: 395

    It’s almost like some killers should be 112.5% movement speed. But I guess that’s too complicated.

  • Member Posts: 212

    Artist should definitely be 110. Far more deserving than deathslinger. Pyramid head is fine because you have time to dodge, the range is limited and it takes time to charge. Nemesis takes 3 hits to down 8 times in the game. At some loops if you're injured there's not much deathslinger can do where artist could do more. She can also pressure people off gens from across the map. Artist can zone extremely well. I don't think she's even be that much weaker at 110. She'd probably still be the 4th strongest killer. Deathslinger at 115 would still be weaker than artist at 110.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Artist at 110 would be very frustrating to play because of how much W holding happens against her

  • Member Posts: 212

    Because that's literally the only thing you can do against her.

  • Member Posts: 3,546
  • Member Posts: 5,921
    edited August 2022

    They should just make him move faster when his gun isn't loaded.

    • While the gun is loaded, the slinger moves at 110% movement speed and has his power
    • Gunslinger can activate a secondary ability to put the gun on his back.
    • While the gun is on his back, the slinger moves at 150% movement speed, but is unable to use basic attacks or do any damage to a survivor.
    • Make it take 4-5 seconds to take the gun off his back.

    This allows him to keep is strong power in chase, but actually gives him some map pressure and mobility, while taking away the lethality he has of his power to move faster.

  • Member Posts: 413

    150% Would be WAY too fast, 115% and I'm onboard. 4.5 m/s and it's a good idea. I had this exact idea on my own. They should do it.

  • Member Posts: 5,921
    edited August 2022

    150 might be too fast, but 115 might as well not even exist. The point is to give him some map pressure by letting him move around the map a bit better. In general all killers should have some kind of mobility and map pressure because the ones without it are terrible.

  • Member Posts: 413

    no making him a 4.5 up from 4.4 m/s when unloaded would be tangible in chase, that's the difference between the survivor making the pallet and getting downed 3m before the pallet in some cases

  • Member Posts: 510

    His leg is broken, he should be slower than survivors! You have a gun, use it!

  • Member Posts: 5,921
    edited August 2022

    It's not about the chase, his chase power is already strong. The point is his map pressure. He literally cannot walk across the map even if he knows exactly where the survivors are when they are on a gen with prove thyself before they finish the gen.

  • Member Posts: 413

    True. That was actually my reasoning in my rework post. Regardless, I think 4.5 m/s while the Redeemer is unloaded would be perfect. 4.6 would be too quick I think.

  • Member Posts: 39

    I'm actually really interested, why did they decide to make Blight 115%? Did the devs ever justify this? Even Spirit is 110%.

    IMO if devs followed their own logic Blight would have been a 110% movement speed killer YESTERDAY.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Hag, spirit, trickster, slinger, and huntress can all use their powers to get a hit at low round loops that they would have to otherwise run around in a circle over and over and over again. Blight can't barring exploits or a convenient bit of debris nearby

  • Member Posts: 79

    Because he is a strong chasing killer. His power works pretty much everywhere and quite reliably if you know what you are doing. Coming from a Slinger main.

    (PS: this killer is still underrated despite being out for 2+ years now)

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    Why are they so adament about not reverting the changes as a whole?

    Seriously, there was nothing about old Deathslinger that was problematic / overpowered in any way (debate me on this if you want, this is the hill I will die on), they went completely ham on one of their most well balanced Killers in the whole game for absolutely no reason.

    The ONLY change he received that I can agree with (which includes both the "buffs" and nerfs he received) is the cooldown when dropping out of ADS. Because spamming ADS to zone people and then M1 them was by far the most boring way to play him (and it went directly against the idea behind him) and should not have been as efficient as it was. Everything else he received in that update was extremely unnecessary and unfair towards him and ultimately just killed the character that I used to love and main.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    He would be very powerful if he wasn't 110, the distance he gains between shots, getting a first attack without shooting, both are very powerful things that would take drastically less time if he was 115.

    What he needs is to have some of those nerfs reverted to an extent. Make him have 24m terror radius and a 24m lullaby. There, no more stealthslinger, but now he at least has a reasonable TR.

    Make ADS 0.2s instead of 0.4s, but keep the 0.6s lower sights. You could even reduce his movespeed while aiming/lowering sight even more, to punish ADS spamming.

    Then rework his addons a bit, and he'd be golden in my book.

    I'd like a little crosshair too, but I guess that'll never happen. Just for quality of life.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    I agree with all of this, but the lullaby.

    I just don't think that it is really necessary at all.

    After all, Stealthslinger, as you dubbed it, had a fair share of downsides and counterplay to him. First of all, this playstyle was only accessible when you had the Perk Monitor & Abuse equipped, meaning the Killer had to pay a hefty price to even gain access to it. You would also need a way to accurately track players to make usage of it, so a second Perk slot would most likely need to be sacrificed for something like A Nurses Calling. That's 50% of the available Perks that go into a very nieche playstyle.

    Then ingame, the Killer had a 2m window in which he could shoot someone from outside of his TR - a distance that is very delicate and he has no way of accurately measuring: too far away? your shot won't reach. too close? they get warned of your approach by the TR.

    In addition, you needed a direct LoS towards the Survivor to make the shot, one that is also not just barely peeking over / through something like Myers can, as otherwise you won't be able to reel them in. Deathslinger also keeps his red stain during all of this and is generally a very tall man, making him quite easy to spot in the distance. There is also a loud ringing noise that plays any time Deathslinger aims at you when you are in range.

    We are also talking about a distance here that makes it very easy to react to his shot and dodge it. Combined with all the warnings above, the only people that should ever get hit by this are people who are not paying attention to the game / their surroundings.

    The most important counterplay Survivors had for this was positioning. If you wanted to heal and went up against a M&A + Nurses Deathslinger, then simply do not heal out in the open. Heal somewhere that makes it hard for you to get ambushed by him (e.g. a jungly gym) or in places where you can only be ambushed from a few key points, making monitoring them and looking out for him a lot easier. Also, and this is by far the most important thing that I have seen way, WAY too many people do wrong: Stop healing immediately when inside his TR and MOVE. Chances are he knows where you are, so gtfo and make distance / hide. Don't just stay there and keep healing, you are literally a sitting duck waiting to be shot here.

    The best counterplay to Stealthslinger was simply good positioning and map awareness. Combined these two made the tactic near unusable, so if someone got sniped like this, it was 100% their own fault.

    All of that said, I will agree that his TR starts out a bit low, making noticing it hard for some. I would suggest instead of adding a 24m lullaby, increase the beginning of his TR's audio to make it much more apparent that you are close to him.

    Again, I agree with everything else you said.

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