What’s you’re go to build now?

So I think I finalized my go to build on survivor that works the best for me.

Dead Hard - cause it's both nice to pull off and can extend chases.

Off the Record - I’d love to not have this perk but I get constant value from it in nearly all of my matches.

Bond - Perfect to know where to avoid during a chase or if someone is chasing toward you. Also if I need to reset, I can always find someone.

Distoration - others using prove thyself to counter gen slow down, I use distortion to counter the other meta(aura reading). I’ve gotten some insane plays with this perk.

killer is different as I prefer lots of variety with my mains so nothing set yet.

what are your builds?


  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Sweat build - Windows of Opportunity, Off the record, Deliverance, Lithe

    Meme Build - Blast mine, flashbang, quick and quiet, head on

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I'm currently experimenting for now but my build is currently. It definitely could change

    Premonition, Lithe, Vigil, Lightweight

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited August 2022

    My meta build is pretty much:

    • DS, BT, OTR, DH

    Sometimes I might use Adrenaline and Prove Thyself instead of DS and BT. DS is generally overkill but it's good to have in the ultra sweaty games. I did use Adrenaline over DS for a while because of its end game benefit (especially when it activates when you are unhooked since DS and OTR don't activate).

    If I want to go for a slightly less meta build it'll probably look like:

    • Coh, Breakout, OTR, Hope/Aftercare/Kindred
  • Xane
    Xane Member Posts: 61

    None cause I uninstalled LOL

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    I always run OTR+ prove thyself then whatever, I like windows of opportunity and CoH I carried some games hard thanks to CoH, kindred+bond is cool too but it's just info, doesn't help much with potato teammates

  • Wesu
    Wesu Member Posts: 57

    Same, plus Circle of Healing.

    I get to choose one whole perk!

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    My go to build is Agitation, Pain Resonance, Save the Best for Last and Thrilling Tremors.

    Oh you mean survivor? My go to build on survivor is to play killer.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    I build on a theme around each survivor I play - same with killer too I guess.

    But generally - OTR (must have), Iron Will (still helps, survivors are ungodly loud), and exhaustion perk, and Distortion (or Kindred)

  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331

    Botany Knowledge, Desperate Measures, Empathic Connection, Built To Last + medkit.

    Why bring Circle of Healing when I can BECOME the circle of healing?

  • BreadSilence
    BreadSilence Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2022

    While sometimes I like to use at least one unique perk on most of my characters (Desperate Measures on Felix, Inner Strength on Nancy, etc) here's what's kinda been my main build these last few weeks:

    Balanced Landing, Kindred, Empathic Connection, and last perk is usually a toss-up between Open Handed (for Kindred and Empathic) and Borrowed Time (though when basekit BT gets buffed to 10 seconds I'll probably find myself running BT the perk a lot less)

    Kindred is the only perk that I feel is 100% essential in solo Q. I tried using OTR the first week or so after the endurance buff but I hardly got any real value out of it. I've just come to accept the fact that if some a-hole Nurse wants to straight up hard tunnel me out of a match at 3-4 gens then there's nothing I can really do about it other than simply move onto the next round and try not to get too worked up over it. I know that makes me sound like some sort of conformist but I'd rather have 3 perks slots where I feel like I can bring anything i want to have fun with instead of only 2 perk slots.

    Post edited by BreadSilence on
  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,438

    I played around with Kindred, Bite the Bullet (with medkit), Overcome, and Lucky Break after the killer chase buffs were introduced, but it got boring. Currently using Kindred, Overcome, Resurgence (saves medkit usage), and Bond.

    Equipped Bond for the 'finish 10 gens' tome challenge to take advantage of the hardwork of others and just never unequipped it. I like that before I start repairing a new gen, I can see if others are already working on one. Saves time in solo if there's 1-2 gens to go.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Parental Guidance, Head On, Quick & Quiet, Iron Will, and a decent flashlight.

    This build really extends the value of a single pallet

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Boon:CoH, Lithe, Bond, and Clairvoyance.

    I need something to heal reliably, lithe gives you a boost in a chase and depending on map lets you lose the killer, bond over kindred because i am aware of my surroundings and can find my teammates, and Clairvoyance becaue i just go for the hatch if someone dc´s or hook suicides yet again.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Deadlock/Lethal Pursuer/No Way Out/Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance is what I'm currently running on Demogorgon

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    desperate measures, bt, guardian, NOLB

    Botany, WGLF, OTR, Bond

    DH, Windows, WGLF, Bond

    Mad Grit, Agitation, Shadowborn, Lightborn

  • Brix
    Brix Member Posts: 129

    For Survivor : Bond,Empathy,Off the record and BT.

    For Killer : Corrupt or lethal (depends on Killer),Eruption,Call of brine and No way out

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    My build on survivor never changed when the meta shift happened. It's still Bond, BT, Prove Thyself, and We'll make it. I am a team Dweet. I like to use perks that help my fellow team mates rather than myself.

    However with the ten seconds BT coming and giving survivors a much better chance than the miserable five seconds we have currently I might swap BT out for something else.

    On killer I main Mikey and have all kinds of builds on him for all his different play styles. My main build now is Corrupt, Call of brine, Overcharge, and Bamboozle. I dropped Pop and Scourge pain resonance.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281
    edited August 2022

    Dead hard, Borrowed time, Aftercare and off the record. After the BT buff i might replace borrowed time with the reassurrenge

    For killer. BBQ, slobby, brine and jolt. ( this is for my spirit) Other killers i replace slobby with lethal. Depending on the killer my builds change but yeah lethal is mostly used with BBQ

  • Meghead56
    Meghead56 Member Posts: 19

    Main build: Adrenaline, Alert, Built to Last, Wake Up

    Secondary build: Deception, Head On, Inner Healing, Quick & Quiet

    Third spot goes to what ever tome challenge there is going on, like healing challenges my main is: Autodidact, Empathy, Were Gonna Live Forever, We'll Make It.

    Killers: I prefer chasing builds and rarely use more than one gen slowdown perks.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    It depends on my crew, or if I'm playing solo.

    CoH + Botany + Detective's Hunch + Flashbang is my go to in SWF.

    In solo, I'm either running Aftercare + Botany + Desperate Measures + Empathic Connection, or Prove + Fixated + Sprint Burst + Visionary. Depends on how my games are going and what I feel like my solo teams have been lacking.

    As killer, again, highly dependent. I really like stealth perks like Trail of Torment and Hex: Plaything, and I'm a STBFL addict. I also hate any slowdown perk that isn't 100% passive. Something like Deadlock + Hex: Plaything + Hex: Pentimento + STBFL would be my go to on everyone that can use those perks effectively. Not something I would run on Legion or Huntress, for example.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    My survivor build is not particularly efficient but I get some nice plays with it sometimes :

    We'll Make It, Windows of Opportunity, Lithe, Dance With me

    Killer build :

    Discordance, Jolt, Sloppy Butcher, Spies from the Shadows

    Not very fancy, but it works !

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Woo, DH, IW and Resilience

    Altho sometimes I switch IW and Resilience with Self-Care and Botany

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252


    wglf, for the people, bt, guardian/babysitter


    forced penance, monitor and abuse, shadowborn, lethal pursuer

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217

    My current favorite build for survivor: Adrenaline, Balanced Landing, We'll Make It, Windows of Opportunity (sometimes I run Boon: Circle of Healing instead of We'll Make It).

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I do this too and I thinks it keeps the different survivors interesting. If I have to a daily with Yui I make sure I have Any Means Necessary, if I have a killer blind rift mission I choose Claire and bring Blast Mine etc.

    I have also replaced BBQ on most killers with something from their own teachables since it feels like a free slot now the bonus bloodpoints has gone.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    coh, dead hard, better together, otr (idk why but ive been loving better together, its just so nice sometimes)

    surge, pain res, surveillance, shadowborn (for m1s)

    call of brine, eruption, no way out, shadowborn (for anti loopers)

    lethal, gearhead, bitter murmur, shadowborn (for nurse)

  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 571

    Dead Hard, Dark Sense, We'll Make it, Botany Knowledge most games.

    Lately I've been trying to get value out of all 4 boons and the one that keeps eluding me is Exponential.

    Killer is whatever I feel would be funniest. I like Rancor roulette on Pinhead because I like his mori and larping as a demon escorting a lucky guest to Hell.

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    It changes, depending on my mood and tome challanges, but the last one I had for a longer time was Spine Chill, Circle of Healing, Lightweight and Blastmine (the last one for giggles, the rest to stay as far away from the killer as long as possible).

    On killer it's NOED, Corrupt Intervention, Unrelenting and Infectious Fright.

  • ramon46
    ramon46 Member Posts: 11

    For tryharding I'd go CoH, Prove, DH + adrenaline.

    But I prefer to change up my build a lot and go for fun builds.

    -Blast mine + flashbangs

    -Head on, deception, quick & quiet and parental guidance

    -Blood pact, for the people + soul guard with a duo

    -Standard power struggle buuld.

    Playing with these builds idc if I escape or not. They make me happy if I get even a bit of value out of them.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,438

    I've been thinking of trying Lightweight. Do you find it helps confuse the killer? I don't play killer often and am yet to see it personally in play

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    Your Meme Build is my go-to build that I use in the vast majority of my games, save for the Flashbang, which I switch out for a flexible perk. Most often I use WIndows of Opportunity, but depending on my tome challenge I might use anythign that helps me or that I feel like. I got some pretty cool plays with Red Herring, ie luring the killer back to my blast mined gen.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Off the record, bond, blast mine and lithe.

    After they remove OTR bp glitch next update I will probably replace OTR and Bond with Reassurance and Kindred

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    Blastmine to let teammates know what gen I am/was working on and because I get amusement if killer blinds/stuns themself kicking my gen.

    Borrowed Time because the 5 second basekit is useless with killers that decide to hang out by the hook and count to 5.

    Kindred so I know if I should commit to my gen or go for save.

    Prove Thy Self because random players see green icon pop on their screen and it makes them want to hop on a gen.

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    I swear it works like magic. The amount of times the killer lost me is unreal, when I use that perk, where as without it they always find me. I defintetly recommend it.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Sweat build - Dead hard, OTR, windows, hope /or resilience.

    Fun build /friends - dead hard, flash bang, head on, OTR,

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Mine that works wonders but not with DCing and suicide teammates is......

    CoH, Shadow Step, Bot Knowledge, Lithe

    Once I unlock OTR that will replace Bot Knowledge

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    Currently running a pretty basic but effective build on Sadako, I am unlocking everything again so I have only prestiged myers and her.

    Jolt + STBFL + Dying Light + Deerstalker, add-ons: Ring Drawing and Cabin Sign. Absolutely devastating against most teams, the amount of times I have seen them completely collapse from the extra stacks ring drawing gives me is precious.

  • MadKiefer
    MadKiefer Member Posts: 5

    For me, it really depends on what challenge I have running or daily. Since it also strongly depends on the map (if no offering) + SoloQ

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The killer loadouts I’ve been playing with recently are

    The Anti-Popular Perk loadout

    • Discordance (to counter Prove Thyself)
    • Fearmonger (to counter various Exhaustion perks)
    • Hex Third Seal (to counter Windows of Opportunity)
    • (After Wesker comes out) Terminus (to counter Adrenaline). Until then, either NOED to counter Adrenaline or fill in the blank of my choice depending on what I’m in the mood for

    Basically the top picked survivor perks at the moment on the stat site I follow are currently Windows of Opportunity, Lithe or Sprint Burst or Dead Hard, Prove Thyself and Adrenaline. So I picked perks that specifically counter their individual effects. It’s actually working pretty well too. 🙂 (It’s funny how when people talk about popular survivor perks Windows doesn’t get mentioned too often but it’s always been popular and a solid perk. And ironically Blindness, an effect that isn’t typically considered that good or popular on the killer side, totally shuts it down as a side effect. If Third Seal wasn’t a Hex that ran the risk of being destroyed quickly I’d use it even more often!)

    Backpack Build

    • Agitation (carry survivors at 108% survivor speed)
    • Mad Grit (free attacks while carrying)
    • (after Wesker comes out) Awakened Awareness - see auras within 20 meters while carying
    • and either Starstruck (Expose survivors while carrying), Forced Penance (Broken on hit while carrying), or Iron Grasp (carrying longer distances with improved steering

    It’s a gimmick but it usually pays off since they don’t know you have it until it’s too late. By the time they realize you are running this they already came in for a bodyblock or flashlight save or whatever and you get a couple of free hits or downs.

    The build is especially funny on Scratched Mirror Meyers because he remains Undetectable while carrying someone and also he moves faster with Agitation while carrying than he does normally. So you can actually relatively zip around corners while carrying someone and get the drop on people doing gens with that build on him, it’s kind of hilarious! 😄

    Bad Medicine

    • Coulrophobia (healing in your terror radius takes much longer and has faster skill check dials)
    • Unnerving Presence (skill checks are half the size and happen more often in your terror radius)
    • Septic Touch (survivors are Exhausted and Blind during and for 10 seconds after healing in your terror radius)
    • Distressing (larger terror radius)

    Basically you cover a wide chunk of the map with your terror radius and make healing difficult in it. You can also swap in Sloppy Butcher for Septic or Unnerving or Distressing here as a variant, I like the theme of all aura-based effects though. 🙂


    • Enduring (faster pallet stun recovery)
    • Brutal Strength (faster pallet, wall, and gen breaks)
    • Bamboozle (faster vaults and block windows)
    • Fire Up (faster everything and stacks with the above)

    This is a fun build, you just force pallet drops early in the match and by the midgame when they’ve got a few gens done Fire Up kicks in and even if they stun you with a pallet and you immediately kick it they get hardly any distance. The map becomes a big dead zone by the end, you just have to be mindful to keep juggling gens early on so they don’t get too far ahead so you can catch up once the momentum swings.

    Scourge Hooks

    • All four Scourge Hook perks

    Simple enough, use all four Scourge Hook perks and get big value every hook.

    Block Em All

    • Dead Man’s Switch (blocks gens survivors leave after you hook someone)
    • Deadlock (blocks gen with most progress after a gen is completed)
    • Thrilling Tremors (blocks gens during carries that nobody is working on)
    • No Way Out (blocks the Gate switches for up to 60 seconds)

    Just block everything all the time. There are some variants on this with some other perks but this one seems pretty good. 🙂

    I don’t play survivor much, but when I do it’s always Plunderer Ace

    • Plunderer’s Instinct (see auras of chests and get rarer items from them)
    • Open Handed (significantly increases all aura distances for all survivors, including Plunderer’s Instinct)
    • Ace in the Hole (items from chest include rare add-ons)
    • Appraisal (can Rummage an already opened chest for a second item)

    So with this build I go in with a simple toolkit, head to a gen near a chest, use the tools up right away on it, open the chest to get a new item, and unless it’s a flashlight or key just use that item up as applicable, repeating as needed if I want a third or even fourth item. Ideally I actually keep getting tool kits or get med kits I can use right away to very quickly heal someone, but maps are passable since the auras they show are kind of handy. Flashlights and keys are the only things I don’t like getting since they’re just not as useful. (I wish I found Flashlights to be as good as tools and medkits but sadly running around hoping for a save rather than doing gens or healing is just bad strategy in my opinion. As a killer I’m always much less worried about flashlight players than the ones that just stick to gens and heal each other.)

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Mine is Distortion flashbang blast mine and deadhead.

    But I might try the new perks coming in

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    It's weird playing against it mostly because it's uncommon ti see but sometimes scratch marks just stop and you think they are walking not for long they only dissappear for like 1s