Breaking news from survivor mains.

Per the survivor rulebook, killers are no longer allowed to, and i quote, "camp the gens" and if you do you are, and i quote "trash killer"
Thank you for good information.
Good bye and see you later.
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NP, just spreading the message, wouldn't want anyone to become a trash killer.
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But I am a trash killer :(
That's just unrelated to camping anything
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I do, if survivors calls me trash killer this means i played pretty well. So they were sad about it.
I will take it.
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Breaking news from killer mains, if you "genrush" you're "toxic" - even if the killer is camping and tunneling, to which genrushing is the only solution.
Both sides have people with irrational takes so I'm unsure what the point of your thread is.
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That's not the definition of gen rushing, and only actual trash killers think that.
Gen rushing is when you bring a bunch of sick toolboxes, BNP, prove thyself, and forgoe anything and everything, healing, even saving teammates on hook, to slam gens as fast as possible.
It's also extremely boring for both sides. I'm not really sure why survivors want to hold m1 on a gen constantly but to each their own i guess.
But please, stop with your whataboutism. This thread is mainly just pointing out a funny interaction i had.
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Lol, I had a survivor complain a few years back that I was “camping the gens”. Even the other survivors thought that guy was an idiot.
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Breaking news, more us vs them.
The Forums are shocked.
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Had one Survivor say that to me as well when they had 1 gen left and I was defending the 3 cause it's a 3 gen and they said nice camping and I was like so what do you want me to do just let you go? That's not how this is gonna work here buddy.
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Yeah. I never really get these type of posts. It's no different than if some crazy person says something really dumb and then a ton of "news" articles come out that make it seem like a large group share some dumbass belief. It just creates division when in reality, it was just one idiot that has dumb ideas.
Like, yeah. This guy is obviously an idiot or just trying to provoke a reaction. And clearly it worked. No need to act like it's something many survivors think. It's just one dude. Who cares? Just go along with your day CAMPING GENS LIKE A NOOB BABY KILLER!
Just joshing ya. Have a good one and good luck in future games!
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I'm just going to start posting this on us vs them posts from now on.
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Yes... good song
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Lot of the music to my life's soundtrack comes from PF.
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Breaking news from killer mains.. pallet stunning and looping the killer for more than 30 secs is toxic and makes you a trash survivor
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Lol amazing post. Keep the PSAs coming
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All I am saying is that a killer has NEVER reached out and called me anything. Survivors do it on the regular. This is not even an "us versus them" as I play both sides. It is more of an observation, one that I happen to share with a lot of the community because I watch a lot of toxic videos and you can imagine how the ratio must be skewed. Those delusional killers are probably just survivors mains on killer given how unicorn rare they are. It would not surprise me in the slightest.
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Literally, lol 🙄
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Make love, not hate
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Never heard this song before.
I like it.
Thanks for linking it.
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While I don't play that many PC players often I do see a lot more toxicity from survivor side than killer, or at least survivors seem way more willing to start the conversation with accusations of camping, tunneling, whatever, regardless of how the game actually played out.
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Yeah yeah - all said something should be done about the "3-gen" strat.
My most horrid memories of DBD come from 3-gen strat and how long it can just draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag on a match.
Which if that is the killer's plan from the beginning - becomes all the more worse.
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You cant give hatch because that's teaming, according to one guy
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To most killer mains, gen rushing refers to doing the objective in their eyes.
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Right. OP narrowly defined “Gen rushing” as a sequence of particular actions but that certainly isn’t how I’ve seen killer mains use the term…
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Well it's only understandable if killer camps at start of match 3 gen area and does not move away. Had once clown doing that and match took like 40 minutes we won but was not good experience.
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Yui buff as hell. Nice pic.
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It's not a strat the killer can force. Survivors let it happen by doing the wrong gens.
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2022 and people still come up with the Nonsense of a "Survivor Rulebook"...
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If you don’t want whataboutism, don’t generalize to begin with.
The entire point of my reply WAS the irrational takes people have on a daily basis on BOTH sides. I don’t think genrushing even exists.
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They can and I've seen it. They see all the gen auras and can pick the closest three, then just chase people off them until they have no choice but to try and do them. Eventually one of the survivors makes a mistake and gets downed rather than chased off, so off they go to the hook in the center of this three gen. Then just like that - you only deal with three survivors and slugging gets more useful.
Thanks to CoH this gets harder - but before I'll have to disagree, it is something a killer can force.
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This ^
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Turn. Off. End. Game. Chat.
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Stop killing survivors while you're at it. What the hell kind of generator repair simulator do you think this is?
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One day I hope BHVR makes a hedorah style pollution/toxic garbage monster just so when I get called a trash killer I can reply "I mean I am literally made up of garbage yes" and just get malding as a response.
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Whatever you (as a player) do you are trash so might as well embrace it and play however you want as you should have done from the start.
I am not talking about you because I think you do that already. Just some people who want to be validated and people pleasers so they don't get "attacked".
Not knowing that they will never be able to please anyone.
Players want their way and use words to manipulate others. But even doing what they want will not be enough.
Not to mention, why would anyone stoop so low. Respect yourself, your worth should not be tied to what others think of you.
I kinda went on but I encountered some nice people being affected by this as well and it shouldn't be a thing really. Sorry if I derailed your topic.
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This is a rule from the old age.
I've been sent to the clown map before the updates as scratch mirror Myers.
All 4 survivors came to a gen that was almost done (2 gems left) i chased them of and kicked it, but all 4 just kept getting back immediately before i was even gone there.
Eventually the gen was almost back to nothing just by kicking it after they tabbed it.
For some reason i managed to get a 4k and i was called a gen camper 🤣
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Must not play a lot of survivor then
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This couldn't be more "us versus them". In saying this, you are assuming that it's different types of humans that play either role. Think about it, if both roles are played by humans (duh), and you say "survivors do it more often", you are saying the people playing survivor usually are a different type of human. But why would we assume that there's some actual split in the "types of humans" that play killer or survivor? Not least given the fact that plenty people play both?
Isn't it a much, much more sensible notion to consider that if people playing survivor actually more often lash out in post-game chat or whatever, it might be because the playing experience and the psychological dynamics of the gameplay and the game format are more consistently frustrating or at least more conducive to feeling the need and want to vent those frustrations for humans on the survivor side? Players on the survivor side get hit, injured, downed, hooked and killed by the player on the killer side, they get temporarily incapacitated and even taken out of the game entirely. And they have no recourse to this since their agency is stripped away from them, they don't get any of the emotional relief that even just hitting someone could bring. Hence, they might wait to verbally lash out at the other player, using the chat as an outlet. That's just one reason why it could be understandable that humans react more strongly or vocally to bad experiences on the survivor side, they regularly have no other outlet to "get back" at the killer player. Another reason could be the sociopsychological dynamics the game format creates, where you have a group of 4 survivor players and only 1 killer player, which means there is regularly more blame assigned to the 1 player if people thought the match was bad, and being in a group, they are also expected to feel more comfortable to level such blame openly since they feel more supported by others. Not least because as only 1 player in a group of 4, they feel less responsible for how badly a round might have went, or even feel like they've had no agency in it whatsoever (obviously not true, but psychologically it can be) - this means that levelling blame as a survivor player is attached to less of a feeling of admitting that you played badly and such, to yourself and others, whereas a killer player blaming and complaining in this way despite having had all the agency possible is indirectly admitting that they tried and cared, but simply couldn't manage to deal with whatever happened. Additionally, as one player in a group of four, it can be that a person feels like they were singled out and treated disproportionally "unfairly", and even though that most of the time of course has nothing to do with the killer player having something personally against that survivor player (they usually don't know them whatsoever), this is an emotional disposition that can exist for survivor players, but not the killer player, because they are just the one player, they can't feel treated unfairly relative to someone else in a match because they are the only one there.
Those just as some suggestions as to why players playing as survivor might lash out more in chat. Although I do have to say it's not really my experience that this happens regularly, it's really rather rare for me to see insults, and then it's not like survivors do it 4 times more often either, which would be the expected ratio given that there's 4 people playing survivor for any 1 playing killer in a given match. What I do however see is much more complaining and accusing on Steam profiles regarding camping and tunnelling and such, which is explainable to me by what I suggested above, in combination with the fact that survivors getting camped or tunnelled out often might not want to stick around watching the round play out, so they don't have the chat as an outlet, and instead head to the profile's comment section, again, mostly just because they are frustrated humans seeking relief, as anyone might, not because they are a "toxic, survivor-playing type of human".
What's delusional is the idea that "survivor mains playing killer" are somehow still "survivors". You again showcase that in your mind, they are somehow branded "survivors" in a way that is disconnected from just being people happening to play one role or another in the game, like a type of human belonging to some group. The reality is that in any match where a person plays killer, they are simply a killer player. They are just as much a human playing killer as anyone else would be in that spot. In general I see this sentiment here a lot, trying to group people into sides and camps rather than see that we're all just humans playing a game.
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You could do this with killers too. "pEr kiLLeR RuLeBoOk survivors aren't allowed to work on generators while the killer continues to chase the same person because that's gen rushing"
Get over yourself, jabroni.
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Thanks for the update brother/sister.
Praise be the Sainte Rule Book.