Killer Queue

Is it so long just because there are so many people playing killer right now? Survivor queue almost instant.
that's normally how this works. the game needs a ratio of 1:4 killers:survivors. if the ratio is closer to 1:2 then naturally queue times for the killer side will be massively out of whack since there's more than double the necessary killer players.
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Usually gets worse when a new killer is released too.
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Every survivor playing killer is 5 more survs needed. But bhvr doesn’t care, they chose to buff killers with every new patch
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Mine has been less than a minute most of the night. Had a couple close to 2 minutes.
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if you're playing in prime time, it's close to instant. Any other time and you're in for a long wait.
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my queues have stayed the same. survivor fast day, survivor slow night. killer slow day, killer fast night.
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Killers have now the same queues survivors had before the patch that buffed killers. Aren´t you happy that survivor finally has some instant lobbies instead of queues?
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Sadly i am not following everyone on forums. My answer is based on comments on this thread.
And i don't know who is Dictep. If that's so, then you are right. If i had known about them, i wouldn't have bothered you.
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I wonder the same thing. I see posts/memes on here, Twitter, and Youtube saying killer que times are very long- but I don’t have that problem at any time of the time. Sure some times of day are longer than others, but we’re talking 2 or 3 mins. I don’t consider that long since we used to wait up to 10 mins to get into games before crossplay. I think ppl forget how bad that was, and it actually felt NORMAL on a nightly basis.
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After 6.1.0 killer games turned out to be ez 4k's (unless you are playing against SWFs, that is), so everyone wants that piece of ez4k cake, therefore the killer queue is overpopulated any time of the day.
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I don't mind it at all. During the day I do my survivor challenges and during the evening/night I have often sub 1min killer queues and enjoy my killing, as usual.
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So the now 2 minute killer queue means that everyone switched from the 2 minute survivor queue to killer?
That... doesn´t make sense.
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Same. Nothing really changed apart from the bigger amout of teammates that give up early. I wonder when that will stop.
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*insert pointless shot at survivors being bad and malding*
Nah. Things already got better over time. Lets hope that things just keep improving, as more and more players get the hang of the new situation. With all this campers abound maybe all it takes is Rebeccas perk to shake things up a bit and that basekit BT buff? I mean, I never face camped in the traditional sense save that one time were I wanted to know what insidious basement Bubba felt like ("bored disgust" is what I would describe that flavor), so I am all for giving legit campers the finger.
Though I am also a bit torn about how powerful the basekit BT could be now and why its not just a perk tax for those who don't want to deal with it? People ran BT all the time in the past and now most of them save that perk slot for something juicier, I think BT in itself is losing more and more of its appeal with the basekit changes. On the other hand the killers got basically smol Brutal Strength and STBFL as basekit, so I guess its sorta even.
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Don't bother Tsulan they are like that in every other post I see them in. It's like they are a Sluzzy alt or something. I have learned to just say hehe good one and just move on.
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What does make sense is all these complaints about Camping and Tunneling getting worse after Patch but I also have seen MANY say Survivors have switched over to Killer now. So this may be a gut feeling but I believe that the increase of Camping and Tunneling is caused by these Survivors turned Killer
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Yep, Survivors evil, Killers good. So the camping and tunneling Killers are only those evil Survivors.
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Oh i think the basekit BT will cause 2 things:
- people dropping BT, because well, its basekit now.
- people complaining about how the 10 seconds isn´t enough on this forum.
You think it got better? A couple of days a go, i played 20 something solo matches and only had like 2 normal ones where no one disconnected/suicided. That was depressing af. Especially since most complaints have been solved by the devs and yet, people are not happy. I fear they´ll never attempt to buff killers again.
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Oh i also suspect that some people do exactly that. But in the end, we can´t force anyone to play nice. Some people will try to ruin the game for others, no matter the role they play.
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LMAO, yeah that sounds about right: everybody dropping BT and then complaining that they always just need that extra bit to make it to the next gym.
I honestly thing that everything got slightly better. This is all anecdotally as I didn't take any notes, but my games feel mostly better now with not that many DCs. But yeah, you still get the "suiciding on hook" thing fairly regular, if that survivor somehow blundered and got downed within the first minute or so.
On an unrelated sidenote, I faced several Pigs today who were all not interested in Snout Boops at all and one even played for a sweaty tunnel 4k at 5 gens.
The thought that BHVR might never buff killer again is pretty depressing. Lets hope that they will just refrain from nerfing killers again, so that we can live with the current state of killers for a very, very, VERY long time.
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Maybe they´re new Pigs? Whenever i encounter someone who doesn´t respect Snout the Boop, i´ll always try to explain it to them. Some are understanding... others not. But its worth a try.
Back to topic, i don´t think killer queues are a problem right now. Its like 1-2 minutes right now, which is acceptable and far from the nightmarish killer queues we had during that one event, where at the start, everyone had to play both sides to get the even currency. Causing killer queues of 20-30 minutes. Since even hardcore survivor mains that never play killer, just had to play killer.
The upcoming bonus bloodpoints for underused roles will solve the queues for both sides. Or at least thats what it looks like from what i´ve seen of the day it was first released.
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Now did I say all the Campers and Tunnelers are Survivors? No I didn't I just gave a observation on what I have seen in my games and what has been said on the forums
Pre Patch on average I face about 5 Campers/Tunnelers out of 20 games but Post Patch with Killer Times increased I face about 10-11 out of 20 games. That combined with so many claiming that they switched to Killer or the new Que times for Killers are because of switchers is why I have that theory.
Mind you that's just that a theory. I have no evidence to prove or disprove it, I assume BHVR might have that information.
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No we can't sadly but it is what it is. At least the Killer games I have are full of nice and fun Survivors.
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Survivors always had instant lobby during morning and early afternoon. Why are you lying ?
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Very inaccurate. Pre 6.1 survivor que times were upwards of 15 minutes. My wife and I would wait 20 minutes for a match as a 2 man SWF. The absolute worse que times I see as a killer now is approximately 5 minutes around noon, which is always slow. After 4pm it is less than a 2 minute wait time.
I think your region has more to do with any changes than anything else. I never run into the same group of survivors in a night. I rarely run into the same killer in a night. Pre 6.1 we'd get the same 3-4 killers all night.
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Yea but after that Survivors had 10+ min Que times also I can confirm my Survivor Que times are and have been instant
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After 6 PM killers queue time are instant on EU. It’s been years.
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Yeah, killer queues are long as a lot of survivors have either stopped playing or moved to killer since the most recent patch that had a bunch of killer buffs and meta changes. Which makes sense because solo queue survivor is kinda unbearable right now.
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It depends on the daytime. In the evening, the queue is very fast, in the afternoon or earlier, it takes some time. This was before last patches and now, nothing changed here for me.
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That and it’s time dependent. There are relatively fewer swfs online during the day when a lot of people are at work or in school which means fewer survivors at that time so longer killer queues than at night when he swf players can get together. (And since about half of all matches have a 2-4 person swf that’s a big chunk of the survivor queue at night.)
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A lot of people have been switching to killer after the 40 perk rework update. Maybe it’ll go back to normal somewhat with the buff to BT basekit.
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Not sure why instant queues should be considered good if the games are crap.
A few years ago on WoW you could instantly queue for a battleground as Alliance but you had a 20% chance of winning, or you could queue as Horde wait 10 minutes and win 80% of your games. The only way to increase your winrate as Alliance was to find 4 other (good) players and premade.
The current situation for survivor during the day is you get matched with whoever is queuing and put up against a Killer who is willing to wait a long time for a queue pop. The only way to really increase your wins is again to premade. The current MMR system is terrible when one side has to wait and just throws MMR balance out of the window.
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After patch 6.1, many survivors left or switch to killer, so as you need 4 for each killer, queues are getting longer.
The problem is mainly soloQ players leaving, as the game is being far oppresive than before. It's easy to get a 4k with one or two mistakes so you need to get an almost perfect start if you hope to survive. If you combine this with killers now camping and tunneling more than ever(even at 5gens) and the Matchmaking being so broken that you can lose 20 games in a row and still be matched against 5k nurses,blights ready to stomp you. You get a situation where is not fun to play unless you are with friends
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Why is everyone instantly accusing me of lying? Ffs I never get this mindset.
Survivor queues before the patch were instant during the morning/middle of the day. Thats correct. But during prime time survivor queues usually suffered heavily. Thats what i meant with my statement. After work, when people wanted to play with their friends, they had long queues.
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I haven't had a less than 5 minute killer queue since patch week.
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Exact queue times vary apparently by region/time/day/mmr rating (at least thats what i understood from a dev statement). But as a rule of thump, prime time = long survivor queues. At least before the patch.
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The issue with the mmr not working properly was probably caused by the huge amount of survivors that gave up/suicided since the patch was released. It dragged everyones mmr down (because lets face it, even when 3 survivors are extremely good, there is little hope to turn the match around against a equally skilled killer, when 1 survivor suicided at 5 gens).
Now, if short queues are a good thing. Depends... for killers not so much, because they are "trapped" in the match until everyone escaped or died. For survivors a short queue is a blessing, even when they have a crappy match. They can just queue up for another.
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Agreed. I don't think the patch caused that much of a swing in population of survivors. I do think it brought back a lot of killers who either quit or switched to survivor.
If anything, it seems more balan ed than it has been in a long time.
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Yes. Even more, the overall amount of players increased after the patch. Which is a good sign that more people came back. From both sides.
That everyone switched to killer is simply unrealistic as killer queues would be 10 times longer.