Why are people angry about the reassurance change?

It could be used to hold the game hostage and now it can still be used to completely counter facecamping, any of u survivor mains out there, get to high mmr killer and try facecamping at 5gens, it doesnt really work that well. (last part was for people saying facecamping is to op). the perk is still strong against facecamping.
Because no one will want to run it in solo queue anymore thus the camping issue persists
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the perk is still strong, the nerf basically doesnt change #########, u guys being to scared to touch it in solo queue just because u heard that someone called it ######### isnt something bhvr should have to worry about
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Unfortunatly many people do, and yes it is a waste of time if it is at 4-5 gens maybe even 3 but if there is a 3gen and a hook in the middle then ofc the killer isnt going to move, same as if there are 2 99d gates and 1 person on a hook.
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Only being able to use it once per hook instance means that you will have to leave your task, run through the map, take the risk of being hit near the hook, run back to where you were, only to stop the timer for 30 seconds. Doing it means you're not on a gen and you will likely lose more time than you gain.
If the rest of your team is not running it, it can't counter facecamping anymore.
The solution would have been either to make it so that the hooked person can reject the reassurance, and with the 40s cooldown, or to make it once per hook state with a longer duration like 60 seconds.
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Because it was a lazy way of changing it that made it nigh-awful in solo queue, horrible against campers, and is yet another perk that only SWF on comms will be able to get good value out of
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oh no it cant be i can only pause the hook timer for 40 seconds??? oh no what could i possibly do me and 1 teamate can only pause it for 90 seconds, ooooohhhh noooooo
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How tho, it is legit 40 seconds wasted of the killers time, how is that not useable on solo q, find hooked survivor, press 1 button boom! 40sec wasted if the killer is facecamping
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And if you cant coordinate with your team and 2 jump off at the same time to apply it? Thats 2 survivors wasting time. Also the risk of getting close to the hook. And it only being once per hook INSTANCE making it only 30 seconds.
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40* also once again 40 seconds is alot of time, thats half a gen. almost a full gen if u bring toolboxes and there are 2 people on the gen
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30 seconds of the killer's time, to start with.
And this is solo queue, you have no coordination. 2 people get off a gen simultaniously to use the perk? One person has just wasted all that travel time that could be on a gen. You heading over? Still travel time with no guarantee someone's on a gen. You're heading over and someone saves? Wasted time. You use the perk but someone saves anyway? Wasted time.
SWF efficiency will make the perk strong. Solo queue will struggle to use it.
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I do agree that it is strong in swf, and that solo queue is ######### rn, but the perk is still strong as long as ur not playing bad, run kindred then boom 2-4 problems solved, u will know if someone is going for the resque, u will know if anyone is going to stop the hook timer, u will know if u should do any of those two
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They should inscrease the duration to 60sec if we can only use it one time per hook
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FYI It’s a 30 second delay, not 40.
I agree with your main point, though, I think some people might be underestimating its usefulness in solo queue. Just because it’s possible for someone else to do a rescue the same time you do a Reassurance doesn’t mean it will happen or even that it’s necessarily likely to happen. And even a 30 second extension of a hook stage against a killer who refuses to leave the hook can be the difference between all the gens getting done and not getting done before the hooked survivor needs to be pulled off before dying.
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Yea no, they should decrease gens to 10seconds instead of 90, feels like something u would say
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And u do understand that u do not need to use 4 full meta perks at all times?
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Because now the perk is useless, just like how they made other good survivor perks be. It's pointless in solo queue and only really useful with SWF.
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They should speedup killers to 20m/s feels like something you would say....
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Solo queue shouldn't have to use perks, items, add-ons or offerings to get the same information SWF do at base and to think they should perpetuates the balance issues in the game
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You can use it as solo when you want
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Some people are just upset they no longer get a perk they can easily abused. I remember when ds got the conspicuous action condition and every was calling the perk dead because they could no longer do gens in front of the killer's face with no consequence.
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It’s a 30 second time stop which only works one time if somebody is hooked. So if bubba is camping at 5 gens in basement and 1 person bring reassurance then this perk is essentially as good the perk “kinship” and look how many people use that perk. This nerf makes it so that you have to literally have multiple people running it to get actual value out of it, so a lot of people will not bring it in solo q because there’s a big possibility that nobody else brought it in that match. If 1 person could use it like 2 or 3 times on the same hooked survivor it would be good
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Some people can't comprehend the difference between a perk countering camping / tunneling / slugging / excessive hooking / whatever tf the survivor wants to whine about on any given day and a perk completely eliminating said tactic. Some won't be satisfied unless they're handed the latter.
As it is right now, if survivors don't dick around the hook after they recognize that someone is being facecamped and instead burn through gens, the killer will almost always lose unless the other 3 survivors play horrifically bad.
With 1 Reassurance, you get an extra 30 second leeway after realizing someone is being facecamped, making facecamping even weaker. 30 Seconds is a lot time in DBD and most definitely a loss for the killer. If survivors just do the gens.
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It's awful because it's yet another survivor perk that got nerfed because of SWFs with voice communication, but BHVR still won't do anything to balance all the extra game advantages SWFs get when they use voice communication.
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It went from being a good counter to camping in both soloQ and SWF. To being a good counter to camping in SWF and pretty much useless in SoloQ.
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I don't see it being much weaker in solo-queue vs SWF, at least not relative to how everything is weaker as solo-queue vs SWF.
Kindred and/or Bond never leave my loadout as a solo q survivor. With Kindred/Bond I can see that someone is closer to the hook and running towards it; So I can hop on a gen instead of going for the Reassurance. Minimal time wasted, no issue.
Again, I don't think the issue is with the perk itself. The issue is that some form of Kindred or Bond isn't part of basekit. That is what people should be advocating for, not some revert of a single perk that was nerfed for a reason.
PS: PBE Reassurance is definitely more abusable as SWF and would only widen the gap between Solo Q vs SWF, not decrease it.
Post edited by HP150 on1 -
I wouldnt say that I think generators should be harder to do
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The reason for the nerf does not match the nerf, is the problem.
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Ah the ol have my cake and eat it too argument.
”I hate camping and tunnelling but I don’t want to run any of the perks that help me avoid it because there are better perks for other things, so please give me anti-camping and tunnelling for free thanks”
I run lightborn a lot, not because I need it but basically I’m pretty lazy and like not having to worry about flashlights, flashbangs, locker blind squads, positioning when I pick up survivors.
One could argue it’s a relatively useless perk and not needed but it makes something I’m not a fan of, getting repeatedly blinded easier to avoid so I run it a lot.
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The only people that were calling Reassurance OP were people that make the game boring af for survivors.
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Because it was nerfed when the only thing it needed was for the devs to add a way for the hooked surv to cancel reassurance if they see their team trolling
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Or maybe people are upset because perk is useless now? At least for solo survivors.
You can use it if you really loved it but stop villainizing people. All i am seeing people wants to make this perk useful for solo survivors too.
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I'm beginning to wonder if a lot of killers think survivors can just teleport across the map to use a perk and then teleport right back to their task and in doing so not waste anytime traveling to use a perk that does very little to make up that time. Also be able to get dangerously close enough to use it without being downed yourself.
If you are going to go to within 6 meters of a hook in the first place just to buy a measly 30 seconds and still have a guy stuck on a hook, might as well attempt an unhook anyway and save the perk slot for something like BT. Even if you trade hooks you now bought 60 more seconds of time - way more valuable that what this perk provides now.
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Every time I see you on here you make the most absurd accusations about survivors. Just stop already dude. if you even read any of the comments from people yet alone just any of the comments on this thread alone you can obviously see people are not upset about not being able to “abuse” the perk lmfao
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I run lightborn a lot, not because I need it but basically I’m pretty lazy
That's a very far cry from why people wanted Reassurance to actually be a good perk.
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It has its uses. But it’s a far cry from the solution to camping people keep screaming about.
Personally I don’t think camping needs a solution because it already has one called team work.
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I wish they just made it deactivate during endgame. Would ensure that a hostage situation could not occur
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during endgame it's better to just slug survivors. including those who come for a heal, force them to open the gate or you do it, and they are running out of time from endgame colapse, unless they escape or risk saving downed people. You are hooking after you cleared them out. Either some escaped or you downed them. if the slugged people are up they have no BT or nothing on them so you can slap them again.
It doesn't happen much but when a swf team manages to do like a perfect game and they are still standing, with gates powered up, I usually down one, and run for a gate and open it myself to force the timer to start. by the time I return they will be buzzing around the downed guy like flies and I Slap them here and there, another falls... so on, and time keeps running out so they have a choice to run or stay and risk it.
But this is for the occasions when the gates are powered up and for some reason 4 of them are still standing or something
So reassurance wouldn't do much here either.
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Instead of fixing abuse case scenarios, they nerfed it against abuse and realistic use cases. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater so to speak. If someone wants out of Reassurance, give them an option. Don't just nerf it for everyone else. This is using a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel to fix problems.
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Reassurance was never "nerfed" it's not in the live game, it's a work in progress that may change. People probably should stop considering PTB as a main game
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Exactly! This nerf was the nuclear option for something that could've been fixed with a very small adjustment. The path chosen just has the most collateral damage possible.
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Why wouldn't people run it in solo queue? It's effect is still strong. It never should have gotten nerfed, but I for sure will still use it, even in solo queue.
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In that scenario the other two people are glued to gens. One person leaving a gen to use reassurance is still a net gain for survivors by a wide margin.
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If I propose a new perk, then increase or decrease the numbers, it is buffed or nerfed from the previous proposal, despite never existing in the first place.
That was an extreme example, but in this case Wiretap was untouched from PTB, AA nerfed from PTB, Reassurance nerfed from PTB, Low Profile buffed from PTB, etc. By using the reference point of the PTB, a change can be a direct buff, nerf, or in the case of Better than New it could be pivoted into a different or similar direction.
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yesyes, that is what i say to, 10/10 swf can communicate "hay surv 1 go to unhook and give him time he get camped and surv 2, 3 can do gens" and solo que :/ 3 survivor run in to the killer arms only time waist xD for real noice bhvr good job, a perk that make swf more stronger and not helping solo a little bit xDD wowww great great job clap clap
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I mean, isn't that kind of a solo queue issue in general? I guess if the killer doesn't camp, and two survivors go for the unhook, the survivor unhooked can at least be healed fast. But still not always that ideal.
I still think Reassurance will be decent, even for solo queue. I mean, if two survivors run to a survivor that is being camped, having Reassurance will still be very valuable, compared to not having Reassurance. And maybe, even though I am not very optimistic about it, when a survivor uses Reassurance on a survivor that already had Reassurance used on them, the second Reassurance time will just get added on top of the already existing Reassurance time, instead of reverting it back to 30 seconds.
I would still love if they reverted the Reassurance nerf, but if not, I hope they at least make it so mutliple Reassurances can stack. Also, to be fair, I would be even more happy if they just nerfed camping at base, in an upcoming patch. Maybe the next midchapter update, it would be so awesome.
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That's assuming they are glued to the gens and not moving in for the unhook. That's the problem, this nerf disproportionately affects solos over swiffers. The way they handled this perk goes against everything it needed.
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Good luck working in a team where no one can communicate with one another.
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Yep, that's the thing. Some people think either everyone is in swf with comms or all survivors have some mystical ability to coordinate without comms. You only get some of that after long experience as survivor. It only takes one to not be on the same page and snowball a win for the killer.
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Some people can, some people can’t.
It’s a mixed bag in a pug no matter the game. That’s to be expected.
Getting angry at a pug for not performing at the level of a swf is what’s truely nuts.
Some of the best plays I’ve been part of in DBD have involved strangers I never spoke to but just knew what they were doing.
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I don't know why people had the idea that Reassurance was going to totally stop camping. Even with a suicide option coded in bubbas are still gonna camp on the hook and there would be nothing anyone could do about it. People would just end up killing themselves on the hook or waiting out 10+ minutes against a bubba who very most likely wants you to be on that hook for as long as possible. It still adds an extra 90 seconds which is a hell of a lot and still has it's uses like as insurance when you can rescue the hooked survivor and need to run away from the killer, but everyone's acting like Reassurance would drop an airstrike on top of a bubba or something. The killers that can effectively camp can still do it, that won't ever change.