Legion games boring?

Before any assumptions are made this IS NOT a "Legion is OP!" post, because he isn't; but with that being said:
I find playing against Legion to be veryyy boring in pretty much every game. I see Legion a lot but I don't even think that's the main reason, I think it's just more that every single game against him is the same. I run from him, he hits me, runs away, I mend, I do generator, repeat. There's no potential for a fun chase, playing against him feels like I'm playing "Holding M1 simulator" because I'm always either mending or doing a generator and chases last like 3 seconds. The most fun game I've had against him in recent times I actually ended up dying to him in a chase but it was still twice as fun as the games against him where I escape because there was some actual chase to it and it wasn't just RUN HIT RUN AWAY.
Once again, to clarify, LEGION ISN'T OP IN MY OPINION, but I just find most games against him, even if I escape, to be very boring and repetitive.
Does the awesome chase music help at all?
Does it matter at all if they are wearing a huge bunny outfit?
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Yeah, snoozefest. The amount of times I sicide hook you'd think I'd yeet off.... But nope, thankfully!
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I don't think anyone enjoys facing mending simulator
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I mean I don't enjoy constantly mending. There's just no enjoyment in that mechanic.
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I do. I do not mind Legion at all. I am not the best survivor, so playing against such weak killers allows me to feel like I am good at the game which is a nice sensation.
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idk man, but we can agree that his music is so good
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I can see how it's can be unfun to go against, but doing chains is extremely fun when you play as them.
I personally don't mind going against them, I'd take a hit and run rather than a, let's call it very focused killer any day.
Bonus point if they're messing with mixtapes !
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absolutely insanely digustingly boring,,if i am not SWFing i run to legion get hooked and give up,,there's no power in this world that will make me play a legion game,,,mending simulator sucks
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Apparently legion never has to chase survivors, according to the forums. Really interesting stuff.
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It's not really that great of chase music, particularly since it's attached to Legion. Gives me a Pavlovian response of gritting my teeth and prepping for the hook suicide.
Right?! It's the one occasion when hopping off the hook sucks. With all the Legion trials I've had a few where it's happened, usually just as the Legion is starting to move away. Player comes back, takes a few fake swings at me to try to get me to run. Fuggin nope. You can hook me again so I can leave or I'll AFK and play something else until the Entity gets me in EGC. Either way you're only getting a handful of BPs off of me. Bonus if you hit me to start a frenzy chain and run off so I can wait out the mend timer to bleed out and give you no kill credit.
I have a few Legion tome entries still sitting around because I've not been able to bring myself to play it so others have to deal with super speed aura reading mend simulator. At some point I'll run out of other tomes and have to do them, and I'm not looking forward to it. Will need to shower with sandpaper after to get the terrible killer design off of me.
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Every match feels like a tedious chore. That chase music got old and annoying for me quickly because every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Jane played Legion for weeks.
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I hope I don't Kobe against legion
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That's exactly what happened to me in my last match a minute ago.
Legion Game, 2 teammates gave up on the hook, the third teammate went down and got hooked. And then Legion found me, we had a little chase and then I went down too. They also hooked me and stood in front of the vault next to it looking at my hook. I just wanted to get out of the match faster and then yes, on the second kobe I was free from the hook.
And then Legion stood there, I stood there. We looked at each other.
And then they ran away, I followed, we ran about 2 minutes through the map, doing some silly BS and then they let me go through the hatch.
I guess they just respected my random kobe. Was a funny experience. :D
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For me playing legion is also really boring and not cool, its just whacking people over and over and over and over, outsmarting vaults can be fun sometimes, but just about everyone sees it coming. i kinda see it as the basic starter killer for people getting used to the game or just trying to be as chill as possible
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That's fair. Legion is one of those killers where I enjoy playing them but hate to go against them.
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oh, is it time for legion to become the new spirit/Deathslinger? "Not OP but totally not fun! Please gut them!"
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I've never had a killer respect a kobe, but tbh I don't really expect it. but sounds like an experience where everyone had a lil fun
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nah spirit was actually op, no counter play. but deathslinger nerf was completely unwarranted
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I feel like you took my post in the exact way that I clarified twice that this post wasn't about lol. Legion has to chase survivors to get a 4k sure, but even if I escape the trial I still don't enjoy playing against him because whether it lets them win or lose most people I go against playing him won't continue a chase for more than a couple seconds before running in the other direction.
In fact its the exact same reason I hate playing with farming killers, I enjoy chases and suspense, when I know the killer is gonna hit me and run the other way I lose the fun.
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Don't think he needs a change, not what I intend for this post to influence. I was just sharing my opinion lol.
And you might not have been insinuating I want a change but that's just how I took it. Some people may, I don't.
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Only potato Legions frenzy already injured survivors. Everyone likes to heal against Legions so they really can only blame themselves for the constant mending.
It's likely they just want altruism points...but is it worth it?
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I'm surprised to hear that survivors dislike mending so much. The amount of survivors that shove their BT and OTR directly in my face right after they got unhooked had me thinking otherwise. If anything, I thought mending should be much longer to discourage that
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When I hear the Legion music I just groan. It’s a match to be endured. However, the consolation for me is that Legion matches usually give decent BPs. Is it worth the half hour time investment? Idk but I’m trying to be positive lol
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It’s what a good teammate would do, someone took the risk to unhook you near the killer so you try to protect them in return. Something tells me you like staying near the hook if survivors keep “shoving” their BT and OTR in your face
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I don't like being prevented from going after another survivor by people who probably cry about camping and tunnelling on the forums all day. Anyone body blocks me with BT/OTR gets hard tunneled out of the game immediately
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I think he 's ok.
The problem is, Legion is a BASIC killer. So ultimately, his experience/enjoyment comes down to how that killer plays a basic M1 killer.
If you just stack slowdown/Thana and play as boring as possible, then yeah, Legion sucks. Maybe try running Starstruck or something to spice things up.
The mend isn't a ton of fun on the survivor side, but I feel like people need to temper their expectations a bit. If Legion couldn't Deep Wounds, we'd actually have to buff them somehow lol. I personally try to use minimal amounts of slowdown on Legion, and rely mostly on my Frenzy and sheer badass M1 skills for slowdown.
Sometimes though, when there's not 5+ Legions in a night, it's nice to face a simple chase killer. Legion doesn't have cheap shots or surprises so it's just pure chase and map control.
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wow no way
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Legion popularity has nothing to do with it being boring is historically inaccurate. Everytime a killer gets popular they become op or "boring". Its a fact of games that over saturation of any charater or playstyle bores people. Maybe instead of moaning about an oversaturated killer start adding variety to the game by playing other less popular killers. If none of these killers appeal to you then come up with ideas for killers that would appeal to people.
Legion pives out the fantasy of a killer ramping up in speed and landing multiples hits in quick succession so of course he stands out from the rest of the killer cast.
Ok so you get survivours that want to be chased and yet we still have people moaning about being tunneled. Make up your damn mind. Its like you think every killer should feel obligated to take every chase except the ones that disadvanatges the survivors. This double standard is assinine. Legion plays the way many survivors prefer spreading out damage and never "tunneling" the survivor unless they stand in a dead zone.
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Ok, starting off, I prefer playing killer so don't use that "Oh you're just a salty survivor main" stuff on me because I'm far from it. I've been playing survivor more here recently due to having a friend I've been playing with and also the killer's atrocious queue time during the day where I live. I think that Legion players should play in whatever way that gets them the win, if that requires keeping chase that's fine, if that requires running away that's fine too, it's not the other sides job to make sure someone has fun. I was sharing an opinion to see if anyone else agreed, not calling for an uprising against Legion and demanding people play him a certain way.
I'm almost always on the killers side as I believe since release BHVR has had a lot of trouble properly balancing things and has always leaned towards survivors including with the snarky comment that the devs made years ago about how killers "Should play a different game" if they don't like the balance. I don't care how the killer plays as long as they aren't cheating so don't come at me with "You just want to dictate how I play!" because frankly I don't care how you or anyone else plays and that's how it should be. I was stating I find playing against Legion mostly to be unfun, some may find it fun, I don't, I'm not asking for a change to him.
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YES! If BHVR gave every survivor the option to choose one killer they would never even be stuck in a lobby with I would choose Legion and there wouldn't even be a close second.
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I'm just baffled at the number of people who literally decide to not play and handicap their team because they don't want to face a specific killer. I love Legion, as a foe or as a friend. There's something so brutally simple in a bunch of teenagers turned murderer due to blind rage, something that makes it interesting to me.
Like, getting chased by a mad doctor who shoots lightning at you will probably not happen to you. But a thug with a knife? This is so real.