What Are Some Of Your Favorite Perks?

They dont necessarily have to be the best perks, or the worst, just stuff that you might really like. Like for example, Self-Preservation isnt an insane top tier perk, but someone might enjoy it, and they would respond with it regardless of how good/bad it is.

For me, my favorite perks for killer are Dissolution, Dark Devotion, Mad Grit, Zanshin Tactics, Grim Embrace, BBQ, Forced Penance, Self-Care, Gearhead, and Enduring.

My favorite perks for survivor are Smash Hit, Botany Knowledge, Diversion, Deception, Self-Aware, Red Herring (for some tomfoolery), Lightweight, Kinship, and No Mither.


  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 938

    Rancor. Because it has a unique effect and I find it to be very fun to use when you manage to get value, plus it's a Spirit perk!

  • CheesyBabyBoi
    CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 234

    I've been really enjoying the buff to Jolt lately, its been really fun to be able to focus on survivors and have gen management be kind of an afterthought

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    My four favorite for my M1 killers and base setup for them are Jolt, STBFL, Lethal, and Bitter Mumur. Devour is another that I really like, but won't run right now because of the bugs.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866
  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Shadowborn so I don't feel bad playing killer and Lightborn for funny moments with beemers and avoid being frustraited.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Lethal Pursuer is really fun after the buff

  • BreadSilence
    BreadSilence Member Posts: 77

    Balanced Landing, Head On, Empathic Connection, Kindred, Open Handed, Autodidact (when you can ACTUALLY GET VALUE OFF IT), Diversion, Babysitter, Aftercare, Blast Mine, and Residual Manifest.

    I'll admit I don't play much killer these days (I'll try to get more back into it sometime in the near future) but back when I played it a lot more, even more so than survivlr, I'm my favorite perks to use were Enduring, Brutal Strength, BBQ (back when it gave those sweet extra BP), Shadowborn, Remember Me (before it got nerfed), Agitation, Monitor & Abuse, Surveillance, and Iron Maiden (for Doc and Huntress)

    As you can probably tell, I always preferred chase-themed perks along with the occasional info perk when playing as killer as opposed to your typical slowdown/regression perks as I always found those to be boring even while playing as the killer.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530


    There's just so much stuff u can do with them. Not even a wall can protect you from the blind

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I am a Head On enthusiast. That perk brings me great joy. It has also been helping me get better at chases because killers get REALLY mad at it.

    Lightborn is our lord and savior on the killer side. Never do it without protection.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Survivor: Blood Pact, Dead Hard, Balanced Landing, Head On, Autodidact, Self-Care(with botany), Iron Will, Mettle of Man(the old one that's coming back), and Hope.

    Killer: Shadowborn, Floods of Rage, Brutal Strength, Lethal, Surge, and STBFL.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Well not Mettle of Man anymore soon ;_;

  • HommeBizarre
    HommeBizarre Member Posts: 409
  • Zen_but_not_Zen
    Zen_but_not_Zen Member Posts: 230

    Windows and Bond (although it's bad for your mental health in solo-q, i still like to know where the other survivors are so i don't bring a chase to them).

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    My favorite build for getting better at a killer is Remember me, No Way Out, Blood warden and either Rancor or Noed. You play the whole match with no perks so it's all about using the killers power efficiently, and you still stand a good chance in endgame.

    Blood Warden, when it goes right is the most hilarious perk in the game. It's so satisfying seeing a survivor teabag in front of the gate before they realize they're not going anywhere but on a hook.

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    For killer it's easily Lethal Pursuer, the perk itself lets your early game get going right away and lets some other perks and add-ons get some very big buffs that can let you claim a critical opportunity, I've gotten plenty of value from Lethal + Compound 21, it's such a good perk

    For survivor it's Object of Obession, it sells me out sometimes, it may work against me sometimes, but I just love it so much no matter how little it may do for me in a match. It lets me have intel, and knowing what's going on outside your space is so comforting to have. Along with the fact that it counters Lethal, Floods, Add-Ons, anything aura related, you use it too as long as they're detectable. Adds a tactical element I didn't know DBD could have.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    I also have a lot of map offerings for The Game(because what killer doesn't?) and yesterday for ####'s and giggles threw on Distressing, Coulrophobia, Thana and Sloppy Butcher with a game map offering. It went pretty much how you'd expect.

    One survivor even complimented the build, said it took her and her friend a minute and a half to heal.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    Lethal Pursuer, Darkness Revealed and Iron Maiden on Huntress is always a good time😄

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited August 2022

    Survivor : We'll Make It, Dance With Me, probably others that I haven't used in a while

    Killer : Spies From The Shadows, Mad Grit, Hex : Devour Hope, Hex : Third Seal

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,209

    Survivor: Wake Up. I don't know why exactly I like this perk so much. I probably run it more than anyone. It's nice to see the gates and open them a bit quicker. Plus it saves me a lot when I'm the last one alive.

    Killer: Shattered Hope. People sleep on it. It has single handedly snowballed games for me because I've hooked>snuffed>saw someone near the hook with the aura reading.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    Autodidact and Devour Hope

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    For killer I really enjoy using Enduring and Brutal Strength or another perk that helps speed up animations. Before Freddy got reworked I did get a lot of value from Enduring, Brutal, Fire Up, and Blood Warden. I've also replaced Fire Up with Spirit Fury on m1 killers.

    For survivor my favorite build used to be Bond, Kindred, Open Handed, and an exhaustion perk. With the MMR change I don't get to have fun with that as much with the tunneling. I've also used Breakdown, Decisive Strike, Flip Flop and Kindred. The logic here is if I'm on the hook and the killer is camping and/or tunneling, it won't be a hook exchange. If they're intimidated and scared of DS then Flip Flop kicks in since it's 3 minutes for the hook to respawn.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I have some favorite perk loadouts


    • Brutal Strength (break things faster)
    • Enduring (faster pallet stun recovery)
    • Bamboozle (faster vaults)
    • Fire Up (makes most everything faster and stacks with above)

    This is really fun on killers who do melee chases. Force the pallet drops early, break them, and switch targets to keep people off gens as much as possible early game and then by the time they have two or three gens finished you have created these dead zones where either there’s no pallets or the handful of pallets they can still reach just get shattered extremely quickly and you can often get a followup hit when they try and reach a new one. It does mean you have to be good at juggling survivors initially though.


    • Agitiation (move 108% survivor speed while carrying)
    • Mad Grit (attacking while carrying doesn’t affect wiggle progress)
    • (after next patch) Awakened Awareness (see auras within 20 meters while carrying)
    • Either Starstruck, Forced Penance or Iron Grasp

    Backpack is pretty hilarious, and surprisingly effective since until they realize you have it there’s a good chance someone will try and block you from a hook and you can get a free down. I’ve had matches with this where my first down turned immediately into two or three downs and snowballed into a win from there.

    Bad Medicine

    • Coulrophobia (Longer heal times and faster skill check dials within your terror radius)
    • Unnerving Presence (smaller skill check boxes in your terror radius, including heals)
    • Septic Touch (Blind and Exhausted during and for about 10 seconds after healing in your radius)
    • Distressing (larger terror radius)

    This is a fun build since not only does it make healing a bit of a hassle for survivors but you also periodically hear the noises of survivors failing their healing checks which is kind of funny and also decent information. You can vary this up as well by swapping in Sloppy Butcher for Septic Touch if you want to replace the Blindness and Exhaustion with longer heal times, or can put in Nurse’s Calling for auras of people healing nearby.

    The Anti-Popular Perk Loadout

    • Discordance (see when two people are on a gen to counter Prove Thyself)
    • Hex Third Seal (Blindness to counter Windows of Opportunity and other aura perks)
    • Fearmonger (Exhaustion and Blindness to counter Exhaustion perks and to a lesser extent Windows and other aura perks)
    • (After Wesker) Terminus (to counter Adrenaline fully healing in endgame); or a gen regression perk, or Undying to protect Third Seal

    Basically this loadout specifically targets the most popular survivor perk picks according to the aggregate site I follow. And I’ve had good results with it. 🙂 One interesting aspect of it is I don’t think people know how popular or effective Windows of Opportunity is even with higher MMR survivors, it’s and Blindness totally shuts it off.

    Plunderer Ace

    • Plunderer’s Instinct (See chest auras and get rarer loot from them)
    • Ace in the Hole (get good add-ons with loot from chests)
    • Open Handed (increases all aura ranges for all survivors by 16 meters, including Plunderer’s)
    • Appraisal (can Rummage a chest that’s already been opened for a new item)

    This is the only survivor I play. 🙂 I love the idea of going in with a toolbox, using it up right away on a gen near a chest, then getting a new item and using it up and repeat. The only downside is flashlights and keys are kind of disappointing but when I get to use multiple tools or medkits in a match it’s kind of fun. 😄

    Obviously this isn’t the most effective loadout, it’s really a gimmick. Open Handed though is a really good perk in particular, if I was playing “for real” I’d probably use that plus some other perks that show auras.

    The anti-popular perk load

    • Discordance (see when two people are on a gen to counter Prove Thyself)
    • Hex Third Seal (Blindness to counter Windows of Opportunity and any other aura)
    • Fearmonger (Blindness and Exhaustion while repairing gens to counter Exhaustion perks and auras)
    • (after new chapter) Terminus (to counter Adrenaline fully healing in endgame), or a slowdown perk or Undying to protect Third Seal

    This loadout specifically targets the five most popular survivor perks according to the stat site I follow. An interesting thing here is you don’t see people talk much about Windows of Opportunity but it’s actually currently the most picked survivor perk in the stats since the rework. It’s a really solid perk in a chase to know exactly where you can run for safety at all times, so hard countering it with Blindness is actually taking away perks from probably one or two or more survivors. The only downside to Third Seal is as a Hex it can get destroyed early, but if it lasts it’s like playing against survivors that are short some perks.

  • kesLV
    kesLV Member Posts: 50

    Flashbang as a survivor, like the effects :)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,149

    For survivor: Deja Vu, Empathy, No One Left Behind, We'll Make It, Quick and Quiet, Repressed Alliance, Diversion, and Autodidact

    For killer: Spies from the Shadows, Forced Penance, Agitation, Monstrous Shrine, Floods of Rage, Dark Devotion, Rancor and The Third Seal

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    For survivor, Blast Mine, Residual Manifest, Overcome, Appraisal, and Sole Survivor.

    For killer, Pain Resonance, Deadlock, Eruption, Call Of Brine, Merciless Storm, and STBFL.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    Nemesis and Furtive Chase. I like perks that can switch who the Obsession is and think there should be more.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,842
    edited August 2022

    Surveillance is my favorite killer perk, though it's not viable to run since its white aura is overwritten by a good amount of other perks that are must-have in the current gen rushing meta. It's just a nice clean informational perk without a lot of complicated requirements.

    Lightweight is my favorite survivor perk as it is a fun anti-information perk against the killer. Again, no unnecessary complicated requirements. Just a clean anti-information perk.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,930

    Enduring: So many times I get stunned and get a double tap on Survivors cuz I end up on the same side as them.

    BtB: Extremely fun Perk, allows to vanish mid chase. Combined with a fast Med Kit, really fun.

    Hyperfocus: It makes repairing gens actually challenging and fun (never tried it, but after seeing it I'll definitely use it)

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Surge: Just not having to kick gens is so much more fun and it makes 2 floor indoor maps more bearable.

    STBFL: SOme of the animaitons just get so wonky its hilarious, nemesis and trickster are 2 of the best ones.

    Brutal: I hate predropped pallets so breaking them fast is always fun.

    I used to love Crowd Control purely because it s one of the very very few perks synergises with victor.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451
    edited August 2022

    I'm starting to enjoy Shattered Hope. As it's name implies it's nice to destroy boon totems. Poor sods go back to re-light only to see it crushed to pieces.

  • SluggedSurvivor
    SluggedSurvivor Member Posts: 51

    Kindred, windows of opportunity

  • Chaellooo
    Chaellooo Member Posts: 106

    Shadowborn. Always shadowborn.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    edited August 2022

    Agitation. I can't play without it since hook placements on some maps are so awful like Ironworks of Misery.

    Plus it plays so well with Mad Grit or STBFL and Pain Resonance.

    Edit: Survivor-side I used to really enjoy Any Means Necessary.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,635

    Hex : No One Escapes Death. It's a really underrated perk and i think that's probably because it takes a lot skill to get value out of.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    Nemesis, No Way Out, Remember Me and Rancor. With a green mori. Enjoy the endgame panic!

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Whispers... best guide ever

    Even though it is a bit disheartening... that it stays active around a Hooked Survivor