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I despise you Feng Min

Member Posts: 1,454

I've been running the killer for 2 minutes. I approach exit gates, the baby Feng Min who did nothing but ruin our game, instead of tanking a hit for me (alongside the other part of the team who was at the gate!) Body blocks me. The killer gets me, and I die on my first hook after all of them get out instead of helping me near the gate.

I really regret not recording. That was such a big sandbag.


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  • Member Posts: 1,454

    Nah she didn't. If she would've, she wouldn't have crawled out untill I got hooked. At least that way I could've tried to kobe. But she made sure to crawl out a millisecond before I got hooked, so I just died.

  • Member Posts: 545

    This happened to me a few games ago except it was a Dwight, right at the exit gates he blocked me (probably by accident but who knows) and everyone left at the same time...

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Ah yes, Feng Min and Meg, the undisputed villains of this story.

  • Member Posts: 77

    There is nothing and I mean NOTHING worse than Mikaela players. I'd much rather have three Fengs on my team than three Mikaelas. Any day of the millennium.

    Only time I'll ever lobby dodge as survivor is if I see more than one Mikaela.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    So strange, almost all my Feng Min experiences (pre-bunny) were Feng Min's running to me with a toolbox or medkit they found from a box and gifting it to me.

    Donning the suit changes her...

  • Member Posts: 226

    Whats wrong with her? (I don't main her anymore, but I'm still curious).

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    Meanwhile me being a Mikaela player that carries the baby survs💀😈

  • Member Posts: 77

    They're the new Megheads. Like I am convinced that all of the Meg players that were bad at the game just moved over to the newer redhead.

    They love to spend so much valuable time wandering around the map looking for a totem to boon even if they end up spending more time doing that than repairing gens. And they last 10 seconds in chase only to go down 15 feet away from a hooked teammate. I've lost count how many times a Mikaela has brought the killer over a hooked survivor and go down near them, causing me or one of my teammates to go into 2nd stage and/or die.

    I have yet to see a Mikaela who was what someone would call a "juicer" at the game, at least not one that actually mains her.

    The only positive thing I can say about Mikaelas, or at least her perks, is that IF someone is able to bless a totem with CoH early on in an area where there's no active gens (aka an area where the killer has zero reason to go over to) it can often carry the entire team to victory even in matches where the survivors would normally be f***ed. But literally any character can bring CoH, sooooooooo yeah.

  • Member Posts: 226

    Soooooo, your point is boons. Well yeah, everybody brings them. At least in my expiriences. Me included.

  • Member Posts: 646

    This reminds me of that time I made it to the exit gate with a Bubba breathing down my neck and I got stuck on the christmas lights and died. Because apparently those lights had collision.

    I despise you, christmas lights.

  • Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2022

    There's also the part where I mention how Mikaelas never last long in chase and seem to have a habit of going down next to the hook. But sure, ignore all that and only pick out the part tidbit that you wanna see/hear.

    EDIT: I should also point out and make it clear that I don't actually hate Boons as a mechanic or anything. My problem is that most Mikaelas literally do nothing all game but go around Booning everything while also being dogwater at the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    Haha I have nothing with Feng players. It's just that one person who decided to body block me for no reason.

  • Member Posts: 226

    Well, as going down in chase early is a skill that needs time to learn and going down near ahook is probably a unlucky coincidence (thinking diferently would be a bit petty), which means they are not intentional, where as not doing gens and instead searching boons all game long is an active descision, I ignored those points, yes.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Feng, Nea, Yun-Jin, Meg, Kate, and Dwight are the ones that people like to pick to be useless in a match. I wish I knew why, but in 5 years of playing that's what it seems like.

  • Member Posts: 77

    How is going down near a hook a coincidence? Unless the killer is running Third Seal you pretty much can see the hooked survivor's aura at all times. So there's no reason to run directly towards the hook while being chased unless you're in a proper position to at least trade.

    Whenever the killer hooks my teammate and I happen to be close by and I get found, my instinct is to always run the complete opposite direction as far as possible so that someone else can get the save, even if I'm injured and end up running into a complete deadzone. That's what everyone SHOULD do in a situation like that.

    I thought trying not to go down near a hooked teammate was just common sense 101, but apparently not.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    I love some Feng hate, she deserves it

  • Member Posts: 439

    I do play with Feng and Yun-Jin most of the time, but that's because of the bias I have towards asian people in general.. I dunno, just the shape of their eyes alone is really attractive to me for some reason.

    I do never try to sabotage my team, unless the situation is calling for it - Like the current Rift challenge to cleanse ten totems; To make sure that I get it all in one match, I use Counterfource and run around the map like crazy to cleanse them all in time. Yup, I haven't even bothered to heal team mates or repair generators. By the time I have found and cleansed them all, two survivors were already sacrificed, so.. 😅 You could say that it was mostly my fault alone.

    Most of the players playing with Yun-Jin are average players, who do literally never grief (at least from my experiences, Europe), but don't know how every single perk in this game works in practice and its descriptions (whereas I do know that after all those years). They tend to repair generators numerous times more efficiently than Feng players, who do seem to engage more frequently in chases - And because the chase has to last for a really long time to leave an impression on me or to make me memorize such a moment, I'm having an opinion that most of them do know the map layouts better than Yun-Jin players, but can loop more efficiently overall once they get to a tile to stall the killer for a while.

    If I were to give the last survivor a hatch, it's gonna be Feng or Yun-Jin; The catch is, I don't like wasting their time, so if I get to down and injure Yun-Jin or Feng before somebody else, it's on them and they're going to get hooked.

    I'm a bit hurt by the fact that Yun-Jin isn't gonna get the Christmas outfit, and that she doesn't really have a lot of outfits that are different from each other. You know, most of them aren't like her Seoul Socialite and Fire Moon Mourner. Yes, she has recently received a pretty cool outfit, but I can't say that I like how has been her hairstyle done, the type of trousers she wears, her boots, as well as the beret - I do prefer long hairstyles in general.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Feng Min moment.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    I normally play Nea & Kate...but I'll randomly play other characters here and there.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    She's trying her best <3

  • Member Posts: 707

    Unfortunately Feng does seem to draw a certain crowd but that's true of most characters in most games, their aesthetic, look, lore, abilties whatever will draw certain personality types and player styles and for better or worse you can sum up a lot of things just by the character someone chooses to use. In Feng's case, yeah... it's stuff like this. The fact she's also free on console and has Technician, a solid beginner perk doesn't help matters.

    Having said that it doesn't always hold true so I hold an innocent until proven guilty belief and obviously they might be playing a certain character for another reason. Some Feng's I've played with have been the nicest souls I've met. Meg gets a bad rep too and she too has people who are nice. Unfortunately though stereotypes in this case do tend to be true rather than false.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    I take that as a personal insult :( I'm a meg mainer ( when playing a survivor ) and i help people. Fengs though...oh boy i dont like them, nor Claudettes.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    Does this accurate illustration I made with my phone's photo edit tool show why she wasn't actually trying ?

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Not every feng min is like that I would taken the hit for you.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited August 2022

    Finally, someone else who sees that misfortune bringing witch for what she truly is.

    We need a fire related killer so we can start purging that Heathen from the fog.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Wasn't implying that ALL Megs were bad, just that all the bad/dumb ones that gave her the notorious 'Meghead' nickname have since started playing Witch Lady instead.

    If you're a Meg main in 2022 it anything you should take that as a compliment since I feel like most Megs i run into these days are actually pretty decent at the game (sans for the immersed Sprint Burst Meg i had on my team last night that loved to walk literally everywhere she went and refused to take aggro when two of us were on death hook and she never got hooked once)

  • Member Posts: 361

    Being a highly popular survivor means that on average, you will see more bad fengs and megs than any other

  • Member Posts: 207

    I love the Feng hate here. It is funny how people's experiences shape their view. Personally, it is Claudette and Nea mains I can't stand.

    Claudette mains hide in every corner and play for hatch.

    Every Nea main thinks they are N00b3, except they can't run the killer for more than 30 seconds. They don't do gens, they run out to find the killer. Click their flashlight, drop a pallet. Teabag and start to self-care, get mind-gamed and DC. Every time!!!!! I almost want to leave lobby when I see a Nea with a cocktail cosmetic with bright colors and a flashlight.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    So you had a great game with a really good chase and decided to focus on the negative at games end rather than the positives throughout, because some random screwed up.

    That's a recipe for ruining your own game time.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Welcome to flashed by Fenglight

  • Member Posts: 918

    My number one sandbaggers are Nancys. I remember one game before the hatch changes when I died at 1 gen taking aggro for a Nancy on death hook. I watched the rest of the game as a spectator. Near the end of the game Nancy sandbagged a Tapp (stood in front of a pallet so he couldn't pull it down), let him him die on second hook (stood in front of him tbagging), took his key and left through hatch with the third player in chase. The killer of course caught the third guy, killed him and closed hatch. I regretted that I saved the heffa off death hook.

    Fengs have become equally useless in the last year, but I think its because she's gained in popularity with all her cutesy outfits so more chances of bad Fengs making appearances.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Join the Fengussy superiority and be as cute as possible

  • Member Posts: 1,454
    edited August 2022

    I can't say it was a really good chase. I was just holding w. I managed to do it for 2 minutes, but hey, I'm sure you wouldn't mind getting body blocked instead of having a hit tanked for you.

  • Member Posts: 4,531
  • Member Posts: 828

    I will not stand for the Feng slander,, but I do agree Scoops Ahoy Steves are based

  • Member Posts: 1,667
  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Feng mains when Behavior doesn't give them a new cosmetic every 0.3 nanoseconds.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Lets face it,, Nea and Feng are the ahri and lux of dbd,, skins every other week 🤣

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I wouldn't be upset about it because its only a game and you can queue up again.

    Also was it really a purposeful sandbag or just a screw up by a rookie player?

    People are so quick to judge anything they don't like in this game as some kind of attack on their fun they rarely think clearly about it.

    They are also quick to assume the response of others, especially if it helps their point, so I'll say it again I wouldn't really care, it might be a 5 sec aww bummer moment but that would be it.

    So hey sorry to disappoint there but I'm one of the people who wouldn't mind. Especially if it came from someone whom appeared to be a relatively inexperienced player.

    But by all means feel free to record every perceived slight and report it if that's your schtick, to each their own.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    Standing still for 3-4 seconds seconds untill I get downed like this:

    Isn't really just an accident.

    My issue is that I'm currently in MMR hell, and every loss puts me with even bigger babies. Losing like this is SUPER annoying.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Wow… I mean that one’s going on the fridge I guess.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Feng min is just a survivor skin. Any player can pick Feng. Even you can. You should try it.

    There is no Feng hivemind. Don't be silly. Don't think. Look at the cute cosmetics.

    Become Feng

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