Unpopular opinions

what build, killer, playstyle or counterplay do you guys hate? regardless of logic or others opinions?
I hate multitudes of killers in certain scenarios so i wont say that
I hate bamboozle, I like looping and not every map has back to back windows you can just keep using
I hate hit and run builds, i like chase and they never commit
I also hate boring counterplay like dropping a crap ton of pallets or just guess, like some counterplay in this game is just really counter intuitive
Also running perks to combat metas is VERY annoying
DBD is a game.
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My unpopular opinion
I hate Nurse complaint threads and also when people don't understand how MMR works.
MMR, when it works, should place you against other people at your MMR. If, and I'll use Nurse since she's the complaint d'joure, you are up against a Nurse that beats you there are a few possibilities:
(1) The Nurse is in your MMR but, for some reason that may or may not be your fault, you lost. If the Nurse is in your MMR then that Nurse is being beaten by other survivors at your MMR but, for whatever reason you lost. Maybe you're just not that good at versing Nurse but you're good enough at versing Huntress, as an example, you're at that MMR.
(2) MMR is not working that day and you got placed against a much better Killer than you are a Survivor. In that case, if you don't lose, something is broken in Survivor design.
(3) You met a Nurse that MMR is still placing accurately. Maybe they look like a level one Nurse but this is their second account and they played for thousands of hours on their first account. They'll be out of your MMR soon enough; or
(4) The Nurse is smurfing.
If you're complaining on the forums about Nurse and you say you met a god tier Nurse that's very unlikely unless you are a god tier survivor. Unless, of course, MMR is not working or the Nurse is smurfing.
We don't know the kill stats. Nurse might be balanced at high level. Or she might not be. I don't know and neither do the nerf Nurse thread authors. I do well against the Nurses I face but I'm not a god tier survivor and I'm not facing god tier Nurses. And, as BHVR has stated there is only a very small number of people at high MMR, most people reading this won't be god tier either.
Nurse doesn't stomp at low level, is a toss-up at mid level and is one of two Killers that seem to stand a chance at high level. Most of her supposed invincibility comes from survivors who have bought into that myth sabotaging their team and either DCing or dying on hook. I die more to Blight than to Nurse but that's probably because I understand Nurse's mechanics better than Blight's mechanics.
Can people get back to complaining about NOED please? At least those threads were more entertaining. Or, at least, when posting about Nurse post about something that makes sense such as the extra speed from distance add ons that fortunately gets removed tomorrow or even interaction with Exposed effects, instead of just the 'There's no counterplay!!!' threads ad nauseam.
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My goodness. Your entire response was the equivalent of washing your hands dry after sticking them in the mud. There was absolutely no nuance here. You did not take into the account the type of map, the type of perks being used, the skill level of the killer and the survivors. All of these factors are incredibly influential on how the match will play out. 9 times out of 10, a competent Nurse will dominate regardless of any of these. She needs to be nerfed, either in the form of making blinks special attacks or her range add-ons. Period.
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My unpopular opinion is that Resilience needs a buff, perhaps to 10-15%. This perk would be PERFECT for SoloQ more than I'd argue it already is. Especially with Superior Anatomy coming, Resilience would clutch entire matches. Being in an injured state assures that there is always some risk to having such a huge increase.
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I've got a ton, but this is my simplest:
Camping tunneling and slugging aren't toxic or crutches
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Billy > Oni and Cannibal against good survivors
Billy's overheat mechanic is fine and his rework was, other than his roar and lopro chains, one of the best things that has happened to him.
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^I'm with you. Billy is still in a good spot, but because he now takes skill people do the obvious which is complain and move onto more easier killers to use: Oni.
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Ironically enough, you seem to not understand MMR nor did you read the third paragraph nor the last paragraph.
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Ironically enough, I read your lengthy speech and I do understand MMR.
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Not really. If you did you'd understand what happens when you dominate 9 out of 10 games (which doesn't happen with most players anyway). Also, all the RNG and other factors are mentioned although lumped in as generic reasons in the third paragraph and I specifically called out range extensions and blink attacks interacting with Exposed effects in the last paragraph.
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Using any killer that can cover distance quickly while using bbq isn't skillful at all. It doesn't matter how long it took to master them, knowing exactly where to go next requires nothing from the player.
I can't stand Wraith's add ons. He gets a lot of extra aura reading and stealth when he doesn't need it. Same with Huntress iridescent hatchets and tombstone Myers. That's ridiculous.
I think current survivors are over reliant on healing boons. I honestly can't believe more killers haven't started using noed more because I've played survivor and cleansed a totem only to have another goof run over, see it, then make noise to draw the killer over.
Survivors getting in a locker or running away when someone on their death hook is in a chase is sandbagging. If you're also on your death hook, no problem. Otherwise, get in the fight, dunce.
Survivors who can't anticipate the killer coming back to a previously hooked or downed person and do it in front of them then whine in the post chat.
Bring back the original Mettle of Man, cowards.
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The big meta shift patch wasn't that bad.
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Hawkins is the best map in DBD history. It was fun to play on and looked the best.
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If you understood DBD's MMR, then you'd know it isn't perfect and often matches people with different rates with each other. It is entirely possible to win 9 out of 10 games and still matchmake with low-skilled or mid survivors. Your last paragraph was nonsensical. You call out people for complaining about the lack of counterplay against Nurse, when those very same complaints are directed towards the unfair range add-ons and Exposed effect perks she possesses. Then in the same sentence, you say it is fortunate that they are being removed tomorrow. So let's get this straight. You recognize the validity of these complaints, but also want players to stop complaining about said obvious problem.
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I don't know how unpopular it is, but I definitely think that perks that just make stuff take longer are the worst addition to the game and they always lead to objectively boring matches. Thana should just be reworked entirely, they completely misunderstood why it has been complained about recently. Pentimento is the same way. I even feel this way with the 10 extra seconds on gens. I wish they made basekit regression via kicking more, making things take longer just lead to more boring matches where the actual outcome might not change. I'd rather get beaten by a killer that was showing off their skill by spreading pressure and regressing gens compared to a killer that had an extra 5 minutes of time to tunnel or facecamp.
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Unpopular opinions, you say?
My my, here we go:
1- EGC is a terrible mechanic and should be completely removed.
2- Killer has been fully playable and winnable for years.
3- Any act of toxicity that is done without reason should be punished.
4- Not a single version of Freddy was weak enough to be considered low tier.
5- Most of the stuff that was deemed "unbalanced" in the Old DBD was actually easy to counter.
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There is counterplay to nurse, it's just hard to think about and people don't want to adjust.
The counterplaty is: to do things that no sane survivor would do against other killers. Take horrible pathing at random, and then normal pathing next time she finds you. Be the most unpredictable player in the server
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Or it could be I want less 'There's no counterplay!!!' and more actual points even if I disagree with said points.
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People who they themselves don't read any of the lore in dbd and instead just resorts to base their every opinion on the lore off of only what other people or what lore content creators on youtube thinks and says about the lore, should not have any say in any matters related to how good any of the lore is and isn't since you're just repeating something someone else told you to think, instead of having read it yourself and formed your own opinion on it.
People who want old freddy back are way too blinded by nostalgia.
Nemesis neither needs nor should have things like a rocket launcher or a sprint and I'm convinced the people who's asking for such don't know the slightest about game balance and how broken/oppressive it would even be to have both be part of a Killer's power kit in the first place or what a balancing nightmare it would be, especially on indoor maps. Also a rocket launcher doesn't fit the game thematically no matter what.
Post edited by Smoe on1 -
I can tell you've been playing since at least 2018, if not earlier with that list. I actually agree with it from top to bottom. I never thought about the EGC until you mentioned it. It's terrible and worthless. Hatch "standoff" was never an issue for me. When I was the killer I'd just hit them and let them escape. When I was survivor I'd just start running and let them kill me. Do you know why? Because it's a f*cking video game and none of it matters. A killer standing there with their d*ck in their hand over the hatch said more about them than the survivor. You have no tactical advantage. Just eat it and move on.
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Windows of Opportunity is busted. It turns potato survivors into serviceable loopers that never run into dead zones
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Grape is the best jolly rancher flavor.
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I'd rather face 5 straight Nurse games than 1 GF match
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whats wrong with lopro? and yea i agree his roar is very annoying
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Nurse does not first stomp on low level as they're still learning but I do believe they stomp once they get their feel on blinks. Low level survivors just hold W so even not so good nurse should beat them. But could be nurse stomps more on middle mmr. I have had games my team losing in seconds to nurse with lethal pursuer and startruck. One match there was kate with no mither nurse downed her 2s to match then I took protection hit and ofcourse she had startruck that is like basekit for nurse anyway I was so surpriced that fast down. Then she downed rest of team with startruck once she hooked kate. I don't have idea why spawning all survivors together is survivor offering that is killers dream. I do have faced good nurses they slug usually it's not fun but they probably want just quick wins. Usually I have only bad teammates when facing nurse surpricingly you would think agains't best killer you would get good teammates. They go down in 10-20s always. Then I loop the nurse 2 minutes and get facecamped...
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Hatch is not a perfect endgame mechanic.
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- I think "tunneling" is an ambiguous buzzword at this point that's used in too many different types of situations (e.g. redowning someone off a hook, chasing someone too long without switching targets, going after someone who's injured instead of a healthy survivor nearby, etc). And while I understand how incentivizing killers spreading damage around is good for the game in the sense that it keeps more players active more of the time, a lot of those tunneling scenarios are perfectly fine. That's why I try and stick to talking about things a little more specifically, saying "redowning someone right after an unhook" for instance.
- "Camping" is really just a synonym for "zone defense" and for the most part there's nothing wrong with playing a zone defense in a game like this. The only type of camping that is worth disincentivizing is actual face camping where a killer feels inclined to just stand basically in place near a hooked survivor and not do anything but wait for others to come. It's kind of boring for the killer, definitely boring for the hooked survivor, and the best strategy against it is push the gens until the last possible second before trying a rescue so it's not all that exciting for the people on gens either. I'm sure that's why the devs are experimenting with Reassurance, for example, and why they've talked in the past about trying things out internally to entice killers to be more proactive in seeking other survivors out after they hook someone. So called "proxy camping", though, where a killer is defending a third of the map or so which contains a hooked survivor and some gens is perfectly fine.
- Sadako isn't the worst killer in the game. I put her on par with Wraith, both of them at about 2 out of 5 stars. Her map mobility and Stealth alone keeps her out of the bottom tier. I'm not saying I'd turn down a buff like removing her Lullaby but I think some people underestimate her.
- I think people are overreacting to the Reassurance change from the PTB version. If a killer is actually face camping someone and they have to stand in place an additional 30 seconds that's a pretty good chunk of time, enough to mean the difference between gens being done and not.
- I think the game is better overall now than it was 3-4 years ago when I started playing and I definitely wouldn't want a return to "the old game" with its dumb emblem system for matchmaking, infinite loops, worse graphics and broken things like the old versions of keys and moris. The game will never be perfect, it's too large a project with too wide a variety of characters and maps, but this year so far is a great example to me of how the game continues to improve. The perk rework is overall better than the prepatch versions of the perks, there are no perks being used by literally 40% or more of players now (the most popular perks seem to be about 20-24%), the bloodweb changes are great, and my two favorite killers to date happen to be two of the most recent ones, Dredge and Sadako. Plus Wesker is looking very promising as well, not to mention they shrunk RPD and opened up the rooms that used to be annoying dead ends in it. 🙂 There's a lot of complaining that goes on, which isn't surprising since it's the internet, but honestly the few things I complain about are mostly minor and if I didn't think DbD was a really solid game I would have stopped playing a while ago.
- Not specific to DbD per se, but when I see someone start off a negative review by saying something like "I played this game for 400 hours and it's garbage" I immediately think they're crazy. If a game is garbage why did you play it for 400 hours? If I don't like I game I stop playing it, I don't continue playing it for months on end and then grouse about how awful it was on forums. I could maybe see an exception if something really, really major changed with a game, like it just stopped working with a new edition of Windows or something, but otherwise I just think people who play games that long and they circle back afterward to same the game is terrible are kind of dumb.
- And on a related note, DbD is the only game I can think of where players unironically call other players with a few hundred hours of play time "n00bs". You're not a newbie if you've played a game for hundreds of hours no matter what anybody else calls you. You might not be as good as people who play for thousands of hours but you're definitely WAY better than actual new players who've played less than 50 hours.
- The so called "soft cap" for MMR isn't a factor in matchmaking. The devs confirmed a little while back that very, very few people in the player pool are at the soft cap, as in 1% or less. If you think you're hitting the cap you're probably wrong.
- Boons are mostly fine, including Circle of Healing. The only problematic part of them is how certain specific totem locations in multistory buildings take a really long time for a killer to reach to snuff them but can still cover a fairly good area of the map. But I think if they tweak those handful of locations to put them on ground level the Boon system in general is ok.
- I think by and large killers are mostly relatively balanced. Even the "worst" killers (e.g. Trapper is usually on the list) really aren't that far off in kill rates from "good" killers outside of maybe tournament level play or something. Really player skill is the largest determining factor in getting wins or losses, if a killer player is actually outplaying the survivors they'll win no matter who they play. Specific killer abilities and loadouts only really come into play when both sides are playing well, if neither side is making mistakes then things like what the loadouts are will be a more important deciding factor.
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Not sure how unpopular this is, but Pyramid Head is a laughably unhealthy gameplay design and nobody's really complaining about it, which I suspect is however mostly because he isn't a particularly popular killer and because not a lot of people go out of their way to actually abuse him.
Cages ignore just about everything of the already much too limited means survivors have to combat camping and tunnelling. Exhaustion doesn't reset when caged. You get no unhook invincibility nor Endurance when uncaged. Borrowed Time, Off The Record and Decisive Strike do not activate when uncaged. Deliverance doesn't activate when uncaging someone, and you also cannot use Deliverance if caged. Kindred, Kinship and Reassurance do not work on cages. Tormented does not clear when hooked on a normal hook, meaning it still gets around DS.
And the measures BHVR put in place to combat Pyramid's ability to camp and tunnel are utterly inadequate. Yeah the survivor gets teleported across the map into a cage and the killer does not get an aura for them, but since there are only a limited number of possible spawn points for cages and since they will spawn far away from the killer, it is possible for the player to narrow it down to about two or at most three areas where the cage could possibly be. Not only that, but uncaging someone still gives the killer the global notification, so they will know exactly where that happened and can go for the tunnel.
The relocation mechanic in place for cages is even more ineffective. The range for triggering this relocation is 5 meters and 3.5 seconds, which already means it is entirely possible for Pyramid to proxi-camp cages until death and temporarily facecamp as well, but what's worse is that Pyramid just so happens to have a ranged attack that can injure and down over a distance of 8 meters (and up to 10.5m with add-ons), which he can also hold indefinitely. You can just stand there aiming at the cage, and if anyone uncages, instantly down the uncaged survivor again while also injuring/downing the uncager. Amazing.
And even in the rare instances where the relocation mechanic does come into play, that most of the time means survivors were contesting the cage at its former location and the timer was most likely already nearing its end - now the cage will be teleported to another end of the map, where survivors in all likeliness won't even make it in time even if they were to instantly run there (which of course allows Pyramid to just follow them, if not down them beforehand). The cage progression is paused for 10 seconds upon relocating, but that's not nearly enough to run across the entire map.
Pyramid already has a great chase power, and saves a lot of time with cages, which also play around stuff like pallet, flashlight and sabo saves. There is no reason other than "f*** you" that he also needs cages to be instruments to camp and tunnel with impunity. In my opinion, they should buff the Tormented effect to do more than allow Pyramid to cage/kill survivors, but nerf cages such that they do not circumvent the - again, already too limited - means of combatting camping and tunnelling. At the very least, the range for the cage relocation has to be 10.5m such that Pyramid can't just effectively still facecamp by holding his ability. There should be no notification for uncaging interactions. Cages can still circumvent perks that directly involve hooks (BT, OTR, DS, Deliverance, Kindred, Kinship, Reassurance, etc.), but it should not also get rid of basic hook mechanics, meaning unhook invincibility and Endurance, Exhaustion reset. Hooking a survivor on a normal hook should clear Tormented. I also don't think Pyramid should be able to hold his ability indefinitely - the power bar should keep depleting at the same rate it does when moving and leaving trails. This would also limit his ability to constantly spam punishments.
Buffs for Pyramid could be stuff like: Trails do not disappear on their own any longer, the oldest trails only disappear once your maximum amount of trails is reached and you put down new trails, the new replacing the old. Survivors cannot crouch through trails any longer. This would already make trails a much more effective ability in terms of map control/awareness. On top of this, Tormented survivors could suffer from various ill affects, such as Mangled, Hemorrhage, Hindered, Blindness, and so on, which add-ons could also modify. Survivors running through a trail could also suffer from extra Hindered for as long as they do.
Post edited by zarr on3 -
A lot of it is teammate dependent as you said. I can evade Nurses in my MMR more than I can most Killers. What does make it more difficult is when my teammates have no idea what they're doing.
I don't really view that as an issue though. If my teammates don't know what to do we should lose. I'm lucky enough to get decent enough teammates that escaping against Nurse is a common occurrence (defined as 50% or close to thereof) but there are definitely games where my teammates drop like flies since they treat Nurse like any other Killer. I wish I could ask some of them why they would ever think pallet camping a Nurse is a good thing. I definitely hear you about the teammate thing.
That's a teammate issue, though, not a Killer issue. I like Killers with different mechanics; it makes things more interesting.
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Nurse, Blight, and Pinhead are annoying because they’re made to play against SWF. The average solo team can’t keep up with the pressure they generate. It is not uncommon for solos to “give up” against these 3.
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To me the add on is too strong cause it creates lose-lose scenarios. I do think he needs add ons buffed alongside...but I feel like his strongest one being nerfed was more important than his weakest being buffed.
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Wel i basically share this opinion so it’s not that unpopular.
I’m not high mmr by a long shot, i suck. However, when i get nurses at my skill level, i can give them a run for their money. The games I lose to accurate mmr level nurses are either my teammates throwing in the towel cuz they get downed once, or them just being completely clueless. Wouldn’t matter if it was nurse or not they’d still be clueless.
My other unpopular opinions. I hate tombstone myers as well as perma tier three myers. I hate them combined and individually, i think they are toxic game design that are only really countered by total stealth on the survivor side as its not like getting tier 3 is impossible before 5 gens get done. I also hate ghostface, i hate how he can 99% survivors and pop them whenever he wishes. I hate his whacky reveal mechanic that works sometimes but doesn’t work other times. you can see his shoulder and reveal him or you can stare him in the eyes and nothing will happen. I really just hate stealth killers in general because i have to constantly move my camera while i do gens and it makes me dizzy. I think stealth killers should be noticeable or louder when they are stealthing, I think Michael only gets louder when he gets out of stealth. I also think both sides need to stop complaining about the other trying to win. No dip all killers are playing nurse and blight because it’s reliable to get kills. no dip all survivors are running PTS, BNP, COH, with medkits galore, its the reliable to get escapes.
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Pinhead sucks ass to play against.
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i HATE with a burning passion toxicity left unpunished and 2nd chances perks, even the ones that are here by default (looking at you BT basekit)
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Watch a good Billy player vs good survivor player. Spoiler: Billy player will cant down survivor and most likely he will forced to M1.
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The hate towards Bamboozle, slugging, tunneling, and camping doesn't sound too unpopular to me.
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- Most hex perks are terribly designed and usually a pain in the ass to balance
- Licensed killers should focus on fun and accuracy to source material as opposed to strength
- Pinky finger needs a complete overhaul
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I don't like playing against Demogorgon. And I'll leave it at that
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I like the process of buying in the bloodweb
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That's what do I do aswell; I have encountered a few such players, who've lost the entire match just because they were trying to chainsaw everybody.
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I think that killer adept achievements are perfectly fine and don't need to be made easier by removing the Merciless Killer requirement in favor of a simple 3k or 4k.
Instead, I think survivor adept achievements should be more difficult. Something similar to the Ace's Journey Tome Challenge where you have to finish 2 gens, cleanse 2 totems, and get 2 safe unhooks before escaping the trial.
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swfs should be shown in the post game screen and the killer should receive 50% bonus bp for each swf member
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You're right about that, but that's just because they don't know or can't properly deal with the gathered informations, which makes Solo Queue so weak in comparison.
Even a silly information like the killer's position, where is each survivor at the current moment, or how much is each generator repaired for can change the outcome of the entire match, if you react accordingly and in-time.
I am having a feeling, that the more people play, the more they do learn.. Which does eventually lead to encountering literally every single SWF premade with „god looping skills“, until there'll be next to nobody newbie survivors, making the game even more stale and somewhat losing its charm.
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And people won't vs a Oni or Bubba? People play even more cautious against those two than they do a Billy. Also no need to watch a good one, Billy is one of the few killers I feel like I'm great at. Obviously Im not amazing in every single sense, but I'd definitely say I'm well above average.
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You are saying yourself that survivors plays against Billy less cautious because of he is so weak compared to Oni and Bubba. Once survivors are play with their best, Billy player will cant use his chainsaw. Also his addons are laughably bad compared to other killers probably they are worst addons in the game along with the Freddy's addons.
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I'll agree that he has extremely bad add ons except four (those being lopro chains, engravings and tuned carburettor which I find heavily underrated).
The fact that survivors play less cautious against Billy means he has more opportunities to catch them out. But we can agree to disagree. I said this on an unpopular opinions thread for a reason :p
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Unpopular opinion:
Basement is the most outdated mechanic in the game and needs a rework. Just about every killer is guaranteed a kill just for camping it, so why not.
Breakable walls were some of the worse inclusions in the game.
Survivors names and profiles should not be able to be clicked on until the end of the match-by other survivors too. Names should not be shown to the killer other than character names until the match starts.
This game will never be balanced because balance is subjective. All the attempts at balance are making it less fun.
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I like the red ones.
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This one speaks the truth.