What was the rationale behind the RPD rework?

I've had RPD2.0 East Wing twice so far today and I'm struggling to understand why it was changed..
I'm a fan of RE so playing RPD was fine for me cause I knew the layout. I actually liked some additions BHVR made over the official one. However I appreciate for survivors is was confusing to navigate and for killers it was unpleasant as it was too large.
When they announced the wings I thought the doors to that wing would be sealed off from the main hall (as they are in the actual RE games at times). But a big chunk of the West Wing is Still available on the East Wing map... add into it they're now adding more outside space and it doesn't actually feel like the map is any smaller more.more manageable. I don't really understand the rational behind the current design at all.
If it were me I would have kept the outside space as it was. Locked the respective doors for each Wing in the main hall and blocked off the part of the landing immediately next to the stairs that leads to the disued Wing which would still allow both staircases and the immediate landing to be used for looping value.
I've played it from both sides and while it does feel smaller it still feels huge.
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Will never play on it as killer. Cool map aesthetically, gameplay is major poopoo
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They made the worst map even worse.
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map was too big for dbd, so they reduced its size by ~10%
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You mean -10%
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~10% refers to the inaccuracy of the value the negative was already implied by the text I wouldn't want to cram it all on the number and go ~-10% because that would look weird