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Is wesker that bad?

Member Posts: 4,167

Every match I've had today against him and the killers dc. I've noticed some miss the power when it looks spot on, does he feel clunky or something?

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  • Member Posts: 322

    Its a bummer, but at the same time i think the power sometimes laggs behind and i get catched where i was 1 second ago.

    Why they didnt tested that? They just made a dev update 1 week before release and then new issues are there. Why having a PTB for so long in the first place?

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Yes, Blight's intitial Lethal Rush hitbox is large, but after about half a second it narrows to a very small cone.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    They have a coding conundrum. If it's large, hits that look like hits, hit. But it also detects walls and objects and stops the rush. If it's too small, it gets past more of the objects he was bouncing off of in the PTB, but now when he misses, it's so much worse. Because not only do you not get the hit, but you probably traveled 10+ meters away from the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Not actually true, if you read the patch notes they are detected differently.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Yeah, i have had this happen a few times, where i grab them, slam them into something and they just don't take damage. My guess is that it detects that they "dropped" off something, but it's like super small.

  • Member Posts: 192

    I've only run into OP Weskers none have dc'd

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Wish I could try. Every game my ping is in the red. Did a test through my provider and all good, so I'm guessing I'm being put into far away servers?

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    His first dash seems to be the most important as it needs to be super tight and precise, with the second dash allowing you to massively over-correct.

    I think people are still a little used to Nurse and Blight where your first use of your power can be corrected/adjusted with a subsequent use of your power but that is absolutely not true for Wesker it feels like. I feel like people are going for suboptimal first Bounds, and then either commit to sunk cost fallacy and lose both Bound tokens, or get stuck in the long Cooldown and they should have just M1d instead.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    I've noticed his collision hitbox is way bigger then his survivor hitbox. Also I have pass through quite a few survivors I've hit dead on. He also has a bug where after his first dash he won't put his tentacle away tell the window is over causing some really bad slowdown.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    His collision is absolutely janky I've when through a few survivors and not that I think about even ran into a couple and it didn't hit them it acted like I ran into the environment.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Why is he bad because of that? His hitbox is smaller than that of Demo, yes that's true. But I don't see that as much of a problem. It simply takes more skill to hit a survivor with the ability. And sure, survivors also have more counterplay by dodging his ability, but that's a good thing.

    His hit box and collision box now seem to be in a good state if you ask me.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Any chance it's intentional and he's just supposed to be difficult to master? I played 3 games against him, and he still did okay despite the people playing him still learning

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Well I have been playing him a lot this evening. So yeah, I think they are. And I don't see why BHVR would change the hit box and collision box sizes any further to be honest.

    You can definitely still hit survivors, you just need to be more precise, that's all.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    glad that i didn't invested my money on him... the sadako experience suggested me to avoid to gave them money... i wonder if they can release a killer without bugs/issues at this point (as far as i know the last killer that respected those criteria was oni).

  • Member Posts: 12

    I disagree with the notion that wesker is bad. After my first game was kind of rocky, I have yet to lose with him. There are some troubling bugs like dropping survivors when you collide with short objects like chests, or instances where you go through them because of hitbox problems.

    But outside that I have no doubt in my mind wesker is a strong killer, as my 10 or so game win streak can testify.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    otherwise they wouldn't have selled well the DLC... you should know them at this point... it wasn't the 1st time and it won't be the last...

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    My biggest problem is when these bug shoe up. Like there's time where I go through a survivor and I'm able to still down them 5 seconds later then there's times when I co through a survivor and they make it to a loop adding 30 seconds to a chase and losing me huge pressure.

    I've also been getting a bug where if I use my first dash but decide not to use the second he won't put the tentacle away causing me to walk slowed down for the remainder of the bound window.

  • Member Posts: 12

    I literally have no way of proving to you that this isn't the case, I have a lot of hours in the game and have been around since trapper was the only killer, I'm not a newbie by any stretch of the imagination. I'm familiar with killers and how they play, and I have a decent feel for their overall power level.

    Wesker isn't made or broken on just his bound hitting a survivor, in fact most of my games that's not how i've been getting the majority of my downs. Two bounds can get you halfway across even large maps, the mobility is extremely useful especially if you run an info perk or two (I've been using discordance)

    Combine this with the knowledge you get from the first aid sprays and you can be where you need to be at all times to apply pressure, which is what Wesker is ALL about. Likewise the first aid sprays are a vital part of your kit, survivors must swap out their usually strong medkits and toolboxes in order to grab one, and they still have to use it. In my experience the green add-on that adds 2 second to the spray time is a hidden gem, the amount of survivor time you're able to waste just from having them cleanse frequently is insane.

    Likewise, you'll likely never get max level infection and that's completely fine, it's more there to punish survivors for not spraying than it is to reward you for getting hits. Play to your strengths, own the macro game not the micro game. Apply pressure and be everywhere on the map at once with the amazing mobility his power offers.

    Also don't forget, "god" pallets mean little to wesker. Yes a survivor can keep running while you vault, but many windows and pallets in the game are only strong because you're forced to go around them, even if they get a small head start using your power just to vault a normally unbeatable defense is great.

    Wesker doesn't suck, people are being reactive to a new character that takes some learning that the average player doesn't have. Just wait until [famous streamer] says he's good and showcases him with a couple strong games and suddenly everyone will change their tune.

    Yes, he definitely has bugs but those will obviously get worked out, and I'm sure one will eventually cost me a game in my streak, but they're not the reason to get in a tizzy.

  • Member Posts: 1,035


    and that. My yesterday's experience with Wiensker.

    On top of that his dash attack is useless on most loops. Survivors can often hide behind an obstacle to avoid ur second dash. Vaulting windows and pallets isnt that strong, too. At least they should revert his power hitbox and breaking pallets after vaulting should be basekit. Just like they did with Demo and Blight after release.

  • Member Posts: 12

    I wouldn't disagree that a bit larger of a hitbox for survivors would be nice, I think that's a decent to prevent things like this, there's definitely a lot of times you think you're square on someone and you end up sailing past them (even worse on the 2nd bound because it's so much more distance)

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    It's impossible to get refunds for the DLC. The playtime is attached to your game hours and not the DLC hours. Back last year i bought the clown dlc when the RE update launched and i wanted a refund because clown was pretty much useless because the hindered status effect didn't do anything. They denied my refund request.

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