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Random packet loss that crashes the game and forces people to DC

Has anyone experienced a problem regarding packet loss(tiny red diamond icon on the screen) that caused the game to freeze for a moment, crashing and sending you to the lobby with a massive penalty?

I experienced it twice in a row with Wesker. I sent myself to midwich, with 2 good add-ons and his perks to finally get his adept done. First game went very well, I applied tons of pressure, I didn't tunnel or camp since I wanted as many M1 hits as I could(M2 hits are useless since you don't get progress to chaser emblem) so I always went for different people. Out of a sudden the red diamond icon regarding the packet loss appears, and a few seconds after, the game freezes and crashes with no explanation. It is infuriating since I use an Ethernet cable, my add-ons and my map offering were consumed and I ate a 5 minute DC penalty.

I have the idea to try again, after I restart my PC. Everything went well, I went into another game, same strategy, same amounts of pressure. But the exact same problem occured. Red diamond packet loss icon intro freeze and crash once again, forcing me to eat a 15 minutes penalty this time. The internet connection was the same, through an Ethernet cable. But this time I quit, I ran out of add-ons or map offerings, why should I play the game LMAO?

What causes this problem? A problem so severe that it forcefully aborts the game TWICE in a row. I have 1672 hours into this game but I have NEVER experienced it before(maybe 1 freeze and crash but never 2 in a row, never 2 consecutive penalties). I wonder if players can force me to disconnect somehow, or is it something entirely different. I am geniunely afraid to play again since the penalties get higher and higher and I don't want a random unjustified crash to ruin my entire game experience.


  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited August 2022

    Random packet loss might be tied to RAM also, so eliminate possibilities one by one. If you are overclocking, tune back a bit. test the game with one RAM stick. check your temperatures when playing the game, so on.

    if it's a hardware related issue that is.

    Or check your ethernet drivers, so on so forth

    I didn't see this bug ever, so some testing might be required for you to see what does it.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    oh and also sometimes routers have some aggressive firewall and preventing flood attacks, so maybe just check your firewall, and create an exception for this game

    HALOGEN Member Posts: 9

    Thanks for the answers! I'll look into it

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,014

    Last time I had this, the driver of my GPU was outdated. Maybe check this as well. (Only happened once and updating the driver solved the problem)