Spending bloodpoints feel like a chore

This has been an issue for a while, but especially now with the newly raised cap, the lower cost of items in the bloodweb, the smaller bloodwebs and the animation after each prestige, I feel like this should be addressed.
We need an option to buy a whole bloodweb even if it means picking up random stuff, or a setting that lets you disable all the various animations, or at least the option to select a node further in the bloodweb to buy the whole shortest path to get there.
I just spent 20 minutes spending bloodpoints on Tapp while I wanted to play killer
Oh my goodness. such a heavy, time consuming task.... alright
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Do you enjoy playing bloodweb simulator?
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That's why I spend as I go, so it doesn't take up as much time.
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yes I do.
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Good for you, not everyone does.
Yeah, when you want to spend bloodpoints on the character you're playing that works, but if I want to play killer and level up a survivor spending as you go takes even more time because you need to switch back and forth constantly
Post edited by Rizzo on6 -
Give us an instant blood web button. Show the price for the full Bloodweb and let us cliiiiiick.
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I don't think they'll ever institute a "buy all" button (though it would be nice), but a good compromise might be if you pick a node you want at the edge of the web, it will automatically but all the nodes in between, along the clearest path. So at least let you buy chunks at a time and still leave some of the current you vs. the entity chess game.
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20 minute's? Oh no....anyways
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It wouldn't be so bad if they just had an option to not have to hold the button and that made the animation not play. That way you can just click a few times and finish the bloodweb much faster.
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I don't know why this isn't a thing a long time ago especially since you have to hold the button for a second it makes accidentally buying a bunch of stuff you didn't want a bit harder to do.
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With new kliller + 2 survivors you try to at least get all on P1 + get all new perks on your main survivor and that's a lot of clicking and wasted time.
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And since they reduced the cost of things, that time spending BP on things is gonna take just a little longer so it's a blessing and a curse.
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Y'all really will complain about anything on here... The new prices are one of the best changes made to dbd on a long time.
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My finger hurt. Pls send help. It's gonna break if I am gonna hold 1 sec for each node.
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That's why you spend your BP's in queues
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what the hell is so fun about holding left click a bunch of times?
whatever, I guess people have their own ways of "fun"
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so we should just never complain about something that is clearly an issue? got it. Stop saying "haha guys don't complain you guys are a bunch of whiny babies", then reaping the rewards from what the complaining will give us.
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I don’t see a downside to having an auto-buy option. On the other hand it’s not THAT big a deal, after how often do you spend hundreds of thousands or millions of bloodwebs at once? Once every three or four months when a new character comes out? It’s not a frequent thing.
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I seriously cannot fathom why people are on the opposition of a faster way of spending blood points. You're kidding me right? What the hell is the downsides of something like this going through?
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that's right. You answered your own question.
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Noone said "New prices are a bad change and should be reverted".
It simply exacerbated an already present issue, I think everyone would benefit if they added an optional way of clearing bloodwebs faster, don't you think?
True if you want to level up a survivor while playing survivor, but if you want to level up a different character than the killer you're playing you can't.
It happens every time you reach the cap. Which doesn't take that much honestly (around every 80 matches or so if you say you gain an average of 25k per match)
Not a huge issue like you say, but ehy, the more we can remove the tedious parts of the game from it, the better
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I reach the cap pretty frequently (or at least I did before they raised it to 2 million and just spent a million on Wesker) and when that happens I spend about 100k or so to have a buffer. That’s just me though. 🤷♂️
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this is a great idea, another thing i think would be nice is if they removed the hold part and just let you click once to buy.
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Especially when someone only has limited time to play per day it would be nice to keep the bloodweb-level-up time to a minimum.
20 minutes might not seem a lot to some people but for others it's a big chunk of their game time.
For the people who enjoy the bloodweb levelling, adding an optional auto-buy feature would not hamper your boundless fun.
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Not gonna lie, I kind of do. The feel of stacking add-ons feels great.
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And you wouldn't lose that if they were to add an optional way to skip it for those who don't like it
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Just talking from personal experience. I definetely wouldn't mind such an option.
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Devs- “we reduced the grind effectively and you are still complaining…”
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i do that all the time to increase my prestige and many others do too so no not everyone does it once every three or four months since it really isn't that hard to get bloodpoints.
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I like the game...
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Every 13th. 2 Million off the rip.
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Unfortunately it can't really change. If you introduced something like an auto-spend button, it would buy a bunch of stuff you don't want, as the entity devours the rest.
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That's true, I forgot about the big bonuses each month. 👍
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It really can, just have the bloodwebs auto fill, it's not impossible to simulate someone buying the bloodweb, the entity eating up parts of it, people that auto buy likely aren't looking for anything specific, but if they are they can load the blood web, aim for the things they want, once they get the addons / items they want they can then press auto buy to simulate the bloodweb completing in the background and loading up the new one.
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We either need to be able to spend them while were queue for the other role / killer etc. OR give us a bloodpoint store, where we can directly buy whatever we want. So I dont have junk stuff, let me buy whatever I want.
Post edited by Fred_krueger on0 -
and I like it too, that's why I want it to improve for the better.
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I'd be fine with that, I don't see why it would be a problem
If I knew that I was running low on a specific addon/item, I wouldn't use the auto-buy option for that reason, but in all other cases I' be more than fine with buying random stuff from the bloodweb
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I'd like a buy all button.
Or even better, scrap the blood Web and bring over the blood market from the mobile version... which seems to have some really good ideas.