PLS revert the RPD change

i cant believe u managed to ruin this map how just how its no fun on both sides what is this?
Original was completely busted and awful design.
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low quality bait
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I would prefer if they just delete the map from the roster but that's just me
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its not even bait the map was perfect the way it was
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It was terrible then and it's still bad now.
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I kind of understand your argument. The map doesn't really feel much better at the moment. Maybe once we take time to learn it again it will feel better. Right now it just feels butchered as a map (literally because they put holes everywhere) and it lost its Resident Evil feel of being almost a carbon copy of the game. I kind of rather have a cool looking map that is broken than a still broken map that isn't as nice looking, but that's just me.
Personally, I'm going to give it time before I determine if the new RPD is worse, better, or the same, but I can feel the sentiment. It definitely is different in feel and performance feels awful because I have to learn where the loops are now.
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I thought the original was a great map. I'm not sure why people didn't like it. I guess they just want more of the exact same thing and dislike variety? Or it was too big and that made them feel small? I don't get it. Must be little kids complaining again because it doesn't make sense.
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Karen didn't like RPD so they cut it in half, like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, so that everything would be more fair.
Or was it Karens son/daughter/other who didn't like RPD?
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- Hard as ######### to navigate if you had no previous RE experience
- Pallet ridden as hell, predropping everything could literally win you the game
- Gens could spawn in awkard locations and took ages to find
Basically, unless you were nurse or an stealth killer, this map was (and still is to a big extent) hell to play in.
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The map was way too strict. If you wanted to go somewhere, there was only one way you could do that. And in a game like DBD, that just doesn't work.
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So we only want easy maps? Because we aren't very adaptable?
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no, it’s called maps shouldn’t be god awful horrible design for gameplay
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I didn't notice any of that.
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I didn't think it was a horrible design. I enjoyed it very much. It was becoming one of my favorites.
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I'm not a fan of the new layouts either :(
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Maybe the bigger issue is that everyone tries to play the same way.
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Blood lodge and wreckers yard aren't easy to play on and they are pretty good maps because they have loops that actually allow players to project their skill and outplay other players properly. It's not just "oh ######### we ran out of god pallets I can't do literally anything".
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Wow, it’s almost maybe like an insanely giant map with no short paths anywhere because getting to a point on the other side of the wall requires going into a super long winding maze hallway, is god-awful design.
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Karen, Karen's family, Karen's neighbors, Karen's neighbor's families, etc.
Basically, enough people that it might not just be a matter of unjustified whining. :P
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I didn't notice any of the good parts of RPD.
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All versions of RPD are awful. I think the new versions are worse but all three versions have the same problems. Most maps you can go Point a to point b if you see an aura in the distance. Not so on RPD. You need to find the connection route first and THEN you are allowed to go where you want. Sometimes this can occur two or three times. So it can be point a to point a to point y to point x then to point b and that’s assuming you know where you are going. In a game like dbd that sort of frustration isn’t what the game is about.
Some other indoor maps can have this issue but generally this is because of stairs. Once you learn where the stairs are it’s generally okay and even in the select few scenarios this happens it’s only one spot. On RPD this problem is constant.
On top of navigating issues the pallets on RPD and generator locations are awful too. The fact this was supposed to be a rework to ‘fix’ problems and they just made them worse and then gave us double the chance of coming to this hellish map? Well let’s just say that in future the person or people behind a lot of the stuff that was approved should have their position ‘evaluated’.
I think other then solo queue issues and Nurse, bad map design is probably the most common complaint.
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They're not going to revert it. But old RPD felt nicer to play on as both sides (for me, anyway) as it wasn't as small and confusing.
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I thought that was what was so great about the map. It was huge and you had to choose your path wisely.
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You can use teamwork to avoid that frustration and stay fairly close to one another. 2 groups of 2.
I loved the maze aspect of RPD. I thought of it as a more challenging map where ya had to think outside of the box to succeed.
I thought it provided more variety.
Similar to how the killers have a difficulty rating, I always thought of RPD as having a high difficulty rating as a map. Providing players with a new level of map play.
I'm surprised that so many people disliked it.
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Idk, I've won most of my matches on RPD for both sides and still always though it was dogwater. I've also beat every original and remastered RE except for Operation Raccoon City, I know the precinct by heart and don't really care much for carbon copies being there just for the sake of being there. It doesn't feel like an organic fit for DBD
I think the vast majority of people would agree that giving the Trickster a neon themed urban map in the previous chapter would have been way better than copy-pasting RPD for the RE one. The irony is that they didn't give Trickster a map because they were too busy fluffing up the upcoming RE chapter only for it to flop because RPD was disabled for over a month when it launched anyway
Once it did come back it didn't even matter because the feedback from then to now has been overwhelmingly negative towards it. People can like a turd, they have the right to do that and more power to them. Its still objectively a turd and that's exactly why it was remade
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Id love a Resident evil map of somewhere else.
The start area in RE5 was awesome, the outdoor one.
Or the village in RE4.
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Well said in the last paragraph.
Because in this game only the survivors and the killers bring different levels of difficulty to a game. Maps only play a role if they are especially bad for a select few killers. RPD, however, made the game impossibly difficult and boring for all sides. It didn't fit into the game. Any other map, if you wanted to go somewhere, you would just go there. On RPD, even if you knew the layout, you'd have to walk to the other side of the map in order to get to the place you wanted to. DBD is fast-paced. Such slow travel has nothing to do with it.
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Trickster is a turd. Should we delete him from the game? Or cut him in half?
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Old RPD was the worst ever. Massive size, complex layout that made getting from point A to B long and difficult. I mostly just dodge it completely if a offering is used or afk as killer.
Current RPD is a bit better. Over all size bit smaller, with the holes in the walls traversing around the map is better. The enlarged rooms and hallways don't really feel changed and when one of the 2 wings is closed off it's really like just 20-30% of the wing that's closed instead of 30-40% i was really hoping.
Not a 1 to 1 scale of RE RPD and I really don't care. This is a DBD game not a RE game.
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I disagree, but okay.
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My biggest issue with the new versions of the map is that within ten seconds the Killer is already on one of us and it just keeps making the matches completely one sided. Does not help that Wesker can just cover ground like few others.
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the problem was that since the map size it's way smaller than most maps, the pallet spawn count was still the same, which obviously became a problem because it was basically a pallet gallery. They reduced that which is perfectly normal. Even as it is, it's a difficult place to navigate but the change was needed. The devs are "adaptable" also and they adapted it after testing.
So yes we are all adaptable, that's why the map changed.
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I think they caved in to please the majority. They adapt because of the percieved financial incentive to please the majority. It's more like they got strong armed and now theyre trying to salvage the work they put into it by splitting it into two. Which is way worse than the original map, itself, imo.
The first time I played RPD I hated it so much. Then by the 20th time I thought it was a great addition to the game.
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yeah at least I can play as billy or Myers on this map with whole power.
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These versions are really bad. Killers can just bodyblock 1 way so the hooked person dies and the survivors can’t do anything about it and there are almost no pallets on RPD
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Teamwork? In solo queue. Very funny. Even with coordinated people they'd still get lost if they don't know and it can be blind leading the blind and any sort of coordination goes out the window once the killer gets on you. This problem also applies on killer trying to reach a generator through a wall.
I personally was neutral on it before but still believed it was horrid map design. The changes made it worse and now I hate it especially because it's more common now due to the update. I always stood by the fact that DBD maps should not be mazes. The killer should be the biggest threat, not failing to reach someone on a hook in time because of spending 30-40 seconds more then you should because of the maze. Also I know the map fairly well now and don't get lost in it but guess what? The map is still crap because it's pallet city and insanely survivor sided against most killers.
I mean I get it's very love it or hate it because of this maze aspect but that's exactly what should have been destroyed with this map rework. You are right about variety though but this isn't the way to go about it.
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No, no it wasn't.
Boons, for one, could be set up in places where - even if you had an idea where you were - it was too much of a time commitment to snuff them, and they'd cover 2/3 of the map.
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same old nonsense when people have fantasies that balance changes happen because people mindcontrol the devs. lol
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I experience team work in solo queue.
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Do you, by any chance, collect shoes?
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