RE5 Chris for a Legendary Skin

So we have Chris's RE5 Skin in the game but for Felix (and for some reason it's labelled as STARS outfit when it's not STARS)

But I've always wanted to see that Skin for Chris, i don't know if BHVR has to keep the Legendary skin count between Jill and Leon the same or something, or don't feel like adding 2 Legendary skins of the same character. But I really want to see Chris in his RE5 uniform. I don't care if i have to pay extra for it. I love his current outfit don't get me wrong but I always loved his RE5 look. And with Project W and Wesker it would have been a perfect skin. If there's some kind of petition to get Chris's RE5 skin for Chris i would totally sign it. Because his RE5 skin is probably his appearance that's features in most crossover's. It was his look in the Marvel VS Capcom games and Fortnite. I don't see why he can't have this look in DbD as well. If

Please BHVR can you add Felix's RE skin to Chris and rename it to BSAA? And have 2 Chris's

Chris Redfield (STARS)

Chris Redfield (BSAA)

That would literally be a dream come true aside from a Dead Space Chapter.


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    I wish there was a small section for legendary skins to get items, i want that tight sweater of re8 chris. we dont talk about re7 chris

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    RE8 Chris definitely looks cool i have to admit, having all Black is quite helpful when hiding. But no never RE7 Chris unless we have like RE5/6 or 8 Chris's head on that look. But it would be cool to see different Legendary selections because if the Legendary skin is only going to be set to 1 set per character that would really suck. i think in a marketing perspective we should treat Legendary skins like entirely new survivors and have Skins linked to that legendary. But have it where you don't need to Buy Chris's STARS outfit to get his BSAA. And his Icon and stuff can still be his STARS one he currently has, it's just his outfit is BSAA instead. If there's some kind of petition to get RE5 Chris into DbD i will sign it immediately. I doubt BHVR will actually see these requests but if they do add Chris's RE5 skin i will be very thankful.

    But his RE8 Skin would be his Wolf Hound Squad. That would still be a cool skin to have alongside STARS and BSAA. We need alts for Legendary. Maybe this post should have been Legendary Alts. I might make another post down the line to further bug BHVR into letting them know the cool skins we'd love to see and what they could do.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited August 2022

    Something tells me that they don't want a repeat of what happened last time with Jill's outfit, until they give Chris his correct face that was seen in the trailer, you would be paying twice for the same head cosmetic since his current one is his face from RE5.

    Also it would be the first time we're paying for two legendary outfits for the same character which i'm not so sure alot of people would be down with either.

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    I don't really think that's much of a bad thing since it's entirely up to the person if they want to buy it. Personally i don't mind his face since i like his RE5 face the most. But i think if they do make him look more like his RE1 look and without the facial hair and then have his BSAA look with the facial hair i think that would be fine. But in the end i just hope they can do something to add his RE5 set.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    I really think that they should have added a 2nd legendary skin for Chris with this patch - him wearing this RE 5 outfit. That, plus they should have fixed his face along with Jill's and Claire's. I really don't get why they are so stubborn about this. His face is off, give him some love please! And also, why couldn't a character have 2 or more legendary cosmetics? Just give Chris another one, people will buy it!

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    I've never really seen what the issue is with his face. Some said something about his cheekbones or something. Or maybe it's because it's his RE5 look on his RE1 outfit which i always just thought they treated it like the RE5 Bonus outfit. I have noticed his face looks strange when on a hook if that's what people are talking about. Carlos has that problem where he looks like he's got a bigger mouth and nose when he screams on hook. But yes we need more legendary skins i don't see why BHVR won't do it. If it's a license thing then i understand.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    If you put the DBD chris face and the RE 5 chris face side by side, you'll see how off it looks. Like it was squished from sides inwards. Reminds me a bit of a cow's face. Maybe you've never paid much attention to his face, but I definitely notice the difference and how off it looks. The eyes are a bit too close.

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    Yea come to think of it the centre part of his cheeks do look to be a bit inwards. Maybe extend them more outwards and polish it a bit. Because at first i wasn't sure if people we're saying his face looked off because it was his RE5 face (Which i love a lot) but looking at it now i do see a bit a difference now that you mention it.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    These would be sick legendaries too can’t believe they completely Ignored the Redfields with this chapter

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    Yes Exactly what i was thinking, i was gonna make a follow up post detailing how we can include many other Claire skins as well, i really love her OG RE2 look and Code Veronica look. I think if they want to keep a Legendary Balance between Leon and Jill they can add Chris's RE5 skin and another Claire skin. But I'm Torn between RE2 Classic or Veronica skin. But honestly probably her Code Veronica X skin because Claire and Chris are in that and so was Wesker so it fits the theme of Project W as a chapter. Seriously BHVR you can profit a lot from adding more Redfield skins. But we're gonna have to make our voices heard if BHVR are to add RE5 Chris and one of the 2 Claire skins.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030
  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    Yes that would be amazing as well, probably gonna make a post in a bit for people to throw down suggestions for Claire skins or something. Because i realized if we're to have RE5 Chris we should have another Claire skin because i think having 2 Legendary skins of the same character would be interesting. But i have to give credit to ElleGreen for giving me the idea on how to add to the marketing.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    They are two of the most popular RE characters it’s wild we didn’t get more content for them :(

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    BHVR could easily make more legendaries for characters who already have legendaries. Easy money, fans happy and pleased. Chris in his BSAA outfit would be a jackpot.

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243

    They essentially just need to make Chris actually look like he's from the earlier games if they want him to have a STARS outfit. It looks off to have what is supposed to be RE5 Chris wearing this outfit.

    So I suggest they either make Chris look like in RE5 (including having him wearing BSAA outfit), or committing to the 1998 STARS outfit but with his younger self.

    It's that simple but I find it sad people don't ask for that more often.