Outbreak Breakout

Who in their right mind thought this achievement was a good idea? Open the gate and escape RCPD 20 times? Is this early DBD all over again? I finally got the Left for Dead achievement after 3 years and 1500 hours just because a Huntress saw I was trying like hell to power the last gen after she took out the 3rd survivor. With how many maps and how specific that condition is on the achievement this seems like it's gonna take me another 3 years to finish, fml man.
Have you seen the Wesker achievement yet?
The one that requires you slamming a survivor into another one 10 times?
Sheesh, who thought that was a good idea for an achievement
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At least you can farm that one. I'm at 7/10 - 1/10 naturally, 6/10 with one group I memed with and who constantly wanted me to yeet them around. You can also camp hooks to get it easily; throw the unhooker into the unhooked player, you can't miss.
Outbreak Breakout is just absurd. Not just 20 escapes on RPD, but 20 escapes where you personally opened the gates. I don't even want to play on RPD 20 times period. Ughhhhhh.
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You need to open the gates as well????
BHVR please, I know you want people to play RPD and like it but this is not how you do it
Well if I see people burning RPD, I'm just gonna assume they want the achievement.
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If it was farmable it wouldn't be so bad, like the three blink nurse gen grab (meme around until survivors decide to farm anf meme with you) or Huntress down 20 survivors from 24+ meters away (I used MYC and just farmed unhooks for a few games)
Totally agree, I don't want to play on that map much, even after the rework it feels less awful but it's still awful cause of the size.
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Yeah, I can confirm that escaping without being the one to pop a gate doesn't tick up the counter. (It also seems to take a while to update either way, but no credit for just escaping.) It's a very weird and obnoxious achievement.
I'm just going to play my ass off while RPD's in high circulation (and killers simultaneously play Wesker and don't know how to play Wesker) and pray. Because before this chapter, getting RPD naturally was like rolling five die and having them all turn up 1s. Which I appreciated, because screw RPD, but still, this achievement is going to take a long time.
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Yep, and the crappy part is you don't know which one burned it so you can't really make sure the person going for it is the one actually making progress unless you completely throw the game.
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Since Library of Pain is now a thing of the past I won't get mad if I'm sent to RPD tbh
I might just make an annoyed sound and play the match. I'd rather play RPD than Cowshed honestly. At least RPD is cool
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It sounds like fun, actually. Maybe 69 yeets would have been more reasonable, but I do not know, I am single and ready to mingle. So you know, getting other survivors involved sounds like great fun. 👍
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I don't think I've ever seen a single post from you that was anything but pure comical.
Keep it up, you lighten these forums up. We need more humour and less salt yk?
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I'm already 11/20 for Breakout, hasn't really been much of an issue not sure why people are complaining.
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Congrats but some of us have lives outside of a videogame that take up our time. Just think about it this way, if it was even halved you'd already have it done by now and every other map specific achievement requires the completion of the "main building" gen and in most cases escaping. If they had made it "Escape RCPD 20 times" it'd still be hella annoying to accomplish but much much easier for anybody that plays the game casually to finish in a reasonable time.
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Wow! I know it was worded as “open the gate” but I didn’t actually think you had to do that. There’s gonna be achievement hunters fighting to open the gate in this map, and everyone has to do it 20 times… wow, just wow
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Eh RPD of Pain still exists so Ill pass.
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I will copypasta my complaint from the feedback section here, as its about this same issue:
"For real, as the titel says, "Outbreak Breakout" is one of the worst designed achievments in the whole game, and thats something when you got contenders like "From the Void she kills".
Lets look at it "Open the exit gates and escape from Racoon City Police Department 20 times in public matches."
So for you to get some progress on this achievment you need to play on one of the two RPD maps; 2 maps out of 39 is a bit better then 19/20, so roughly 5%. In only 5% of your matches you actually get a shot at this ... that is unless you are burning an RPD offering, which has probably the highest rate of killers mysteriously experiencing connection problems during loadup.
Then you have to be one of the survivors who make it to the end of the match. My own survival rate is 43% now. I know that many soloQ survivors have some rates in the 30%s, while some SWF have it better. Lets be generous here and say the survival rate is 50%. So, in only 2.5% of the matches you make it to the end.
Then you need to be the one opening the exit gates! You can't have your buddy open the gates and then slip through the killers fingers, no, you must be the one pushing down the lever. You could manage to split up and be at the other gate, you could be lucky and always bully your way through, so lets be even more generous and say that you get to open the gates in 2/3s of the instances you make it to this point, and lets ignore any blood wardens and other shennanigans.
66% of 2.5% equals 1.65% So each time you queue up you have 1.65% chance to grind out one of twenty pips needed to get this achievment ... if we are generous. The numbers could easily go down as low as 1% or even below that. So at best you would need to play over 1200 matches to get this done if no offerings are used. I thought "The man behind the bush" was grindy af, but here you can at least expect to get 2-4 pips per match.
This is really rediculous. I know that we have an increased chance to be send to RPD, but that can't be the solution for people who don't play right now. I know that its very hard to change achievments once they are out there, as the playstation network only allows changes when you can't physically get them anymore due to gameplay mechanic changes, but oof. I know that grind means content, but this is definitely a step in the wrong direction."
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First off, that implies you were playing a lot today. More than most people can.
Second, there's a few factors that make it way easier to stack progress on this achievement than usual. RPD is currently boosted to show up constantly, where previously it was the rarest map to roll. Killers are also playing a non-meta killer on a map that is not good for that killer, without knowing how to play the killer very well.
I'm already at 5/20 in one day, but getting progress under standard DBD conditions is going to be a crawl.
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Love to have to burn one of my few map offerings to even get it, have people "mysteriously" fail to connect or disconnect from the match as soon as they see the offering 50% of the time, and get camped and tunneled even when I make it into a match on that map most of the time as well.
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Posted my own post in feedback about this - I absolutely agree. It's abysmal design and as someone who's done my hardest to get and keep 100% it's absolutely absurd. I wouldn't want to escape 20 times by personally holding down the lever on ANY map for an achieve, let alone the map I still have no internal memory of because I haven't played Resident Evil. Absolutely absurd.
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Please change this achievement BHVR, this is just way too nuts of a requirement.
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Bugged for me.
Got my first open gate and escape.... no progress...
Reported in Bug section. :(
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Am i the only who thinks it's not that bad?
It's just doing what you were going to do anyway. Like okay specific map and it has to be you specifically who opens the gate but it seems very much like a set, forget and get it eventually
Nothing like Left for Dead were you have to so something that doesn't make sense in the way the game is today
You can speed it up with map offerings even. Sure it's time consuming but it really doesn't scream like impossible to do to me at all
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The thing is in 40 matches I have gotten the map twice without offerings. This is sickening. Please comment and upvote in my bug report topic if you agree: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/343783/playstation-4-raccoon-city-map-spawns-are-too-low-after-patch#latest
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I’m copying my post from the other just to reach here too.
It is absolutely horrific.
The only thing rarer than the map appearing in rotation is the offering itself appearing in the blood web.
I have went through THREE prestige and got the offering ONCE! I wouldn’t care so much if I had infinite RPD offerings or if it appeared more but for people trying to get this achievement I have seen the following happen:
survivors disconnecting on maps that are not RPD
Survivors killing self on map that is not RPD
Survivors playing selfishly on RPD so THEY get the progress.
this achievement is literally ruining every other game that is played in DBD.
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It's very situational, but it mostly depends on how good your team is. I got 8/20 and was in many games where there was no chance because of how bad we played. There also were sitiations when we did all gens but unfortunately I got chased at the end and ended up on the hook. Sometimes my teamates 99ed getes and saved me so I could open it but sometimes I died on the hook. The most common thing was when all my teamates died so I waited for a killer to close the hatch. Having perks like Sole Survivor and Wake Up! was very beneficial. I'm not sure but one of the RPD maps is better for opening gates. I think it's east wing. Killer has better view on gates compered to the second variation. I think it's worth to mention that I burnt many RPD offerings. Without those I rarely played RPD.
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2 of 40 is basically exactly the predicted 5% chance when queuing up. Well, then you got quite some games ahead of you. Good luck :V
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Just slam unhooking survivors into the unhooked survivor. I got it first day. I know watching a survivor unhook is illegal but rules are meant to broken.
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I'm at 18/20 after 9 random spawns of RPD and burning 49 RPD offerings to try to complete this. I want to die.
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I'm currently burning all of my RPD offerings to get this done. My team mates and the killer do not appreciate it
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It's just achievements, you don't get anything for finishing them, and they're there indefinitely. If you're trying to be an achievement hunter, maybe not be so busy? And if you are so busy, maybe don't try to be an achievement hunter? That's like trying to reach level 100 in some newly released RPG super quickly while having a full time job. That's impossible, you're always going to have to sacrifice one thing.
I much prefer these achievements hard. It feels rewarding for achievement hunters when they actually get them. If they made achievements super easy to do, what's the point? It's called achievements for a reason. And it's not impossible like a lot of people exaggerate it to be. Just open the exit gates on RPD, you're not constantly losing 100 matches in a row. If you really really want to speedrun the hell out of getting it, bring a bunch of RPD offerings, use sole survivor and wake up, and let your team die, then let the killer find and close hatch, all while you're sitting near the exit gate. Then sure, you're going to get it soon enough. Or you could just do it normally, and be patient. I mean, the choice is yours.
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lets keep gatekeeping as an emblem, ok? no need to be so hostile and rude to someone who enjoys collecting achievements but actually has a life.
Post edited by SilentSpectre on0