The Matchmaking Incentives Are Not Working The Way BHVR Said They Do

kizuati Member Posts: 1,386
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

So remember when BHVR said that the incentives are based on the amount of players in the role,region and your MMR bracket?

Matchmaking incentives are unique to you and dependent on your matchmaking ratings and region. Developer Update | June 2022

So.. I just plain do not believe that this is the case and I'm calling on the devs to explain how this could happen. I'm a very low MMR survivor - I die a lot as I usually goof around and run meme builds and play primarily solo,a notoriously bad idea if you want to live. As killer,I should be in a decently high MMR bracket,I get lots of kills and all the survivors I face have lots and lots of hours and really high prestige levels are common.

Did everyone quit or something? How could solo queue be unfun? /s

Despite the disparity in my MMR,I only ever see an incentive on one of the roles,which makes little sense,how is there never a deficit of low MMR survivors at the same time as high MMR killers or vice versa?

That is highly unlikely.

You know what's also weird? Every Killer you play has different MMR,but BHVR just applies it to the role,period. Either they're ignoring MMR or per-killer MMR is completely useless and abritrarily limited us to switch Killers in the lobby.

I have a clear preference of some killers over others and have a much higher MMR bracket on some of them.

This particular lady faces the highest caliber survivors that there is.

The TL;DR of this thread is that it looks like BHVR couldnt make a MMR based incentive system and instead based on it on the plain ratio of survivor : killers in a region.

I would like a dev to comment on this,because this makes no sense. If MMR is truly taken into account,there should be incentives on both sides for people with vastly different ratings and different incentives per killer*.

*If someone is going to tell me that they just average the MMR and go off that,how about we do that for Killer in general and just stop locking people out of switching characters?

By the way - bring back the incentives being multiplicative.

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