Urgrent: Immpossible to report Hackers now.

With the new Streamer mode, hackers are able to hide both their names and their steam profiles, making it immpossible to report them besides in the in game report (which doesn't even really work half the time)
You guys need to find a soultion to fix this, as hacking is already a problem and now its even worse. Just had a match with a duo hacker squad and there was nothing i could do about it.
Yeah i was trying to figure out how we would be able to access their steamid64 for when you submit a ticket but it seems impossible now
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Excalty! Its a huge problem. Can't report them to steam or whatever.
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I mean lets be honest, hackers were never dealt with anyway.
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When you wish to report cheaters the procedure has not changed...you still need to make the in-game report as usual.
Then, if you have additional evidence, such as video, you can send that to our Support team. The section for name is now not compulsory on the Support form - we use your ID to tie up the report with the in-game report.
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Well as long as it works. Cheating is already a big problem and being unable to see the cheaters names is quite dishearting.
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Their in-game reporting system doesn't do anything. They probably just have it there so that it makes it easier to find the match you were talking about if you submit a ticket on their website. Which means most people who "report" people actually haven't gotten that person banned at all for cheating.