Wesker (The Mastermind) is a disappointment

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Power feels awfully clunky with way too long cooldowns and animations (Especially after you vault a pallet, no point of having a 3 sec animation).

Hitboxes are jank asf, worse then huntress even.

And his general feeling is not as Wesker is supposed to be or feel like, similar like Nemesis they completely missed the point of WHAT makes him wesker. I cant help but feel that he feels like a Legion + Demogorgon with some buffs. He doesnt really feel special or different, his power is way too generic imo.

Also RPD "rework" isnt really an rework, the map still feels the same and has the same issues as before, also the map size hasnt been reduced at all, the areas that has been closed off are extended by the extra open area so in the end we have the same amount of size or atleast close to it.

Imo the worst chapter in a long time.


  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 333

    All it really needs is a few QOL tweaks. Hopefully they'll hotfix him in a week or so. In the meantime I'm going to try to work his perks into my other killer builds.

  • Reign225
    Reign225 Member Posts: 31

    Believe me it is awful I was playing albert wesker 4 times n none of them were great. All gen rushes, quad escapes n one game w only kill. Due to buffed survivor perks: prove tyself, lythe, balance landing, resilience, boon totems, ressurance and hyper focus. Thats what causing them to win easily n the game ending sooner. His uruboros is not fast when u try to hit twice, specially when u they do the loops or pallet attacks. https://youtu.be/ygvHLUhKIXY

    i was chasing and chasing, nothing was succesful. Till got me point why bother. Just quit.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125