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Wesker's rate

Match 13 against Wesker. 11 4Ks. This is a problem. Most games only have 2 gens done by the time we're all dead.


  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    I am sorry but that is probably almost entirely on you. The collision is fairly better than in the PTB, you can actually go through doorways and the like. The hitbox sure is tiny but you should be able to get survivors most of the time regardless if you can accurately read their movements.

  • Interesting. I don't play solo, so my view of things is a bit different. But me and my party have met 17 Wesker players since release. We've had six DCs, eight 4-man escapes, and three 3-man escapes. From time to time he has actually managed to grab us for some reason. Although we have mastered the insanely difficult technique of side stepping. I really hope they continue to monitor his collision. His current state is certainly unacceptable.  

  • PalletOrWhat
    PalletOrWhat Member Posts: 265
    edited September 2022
  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,851
    edited September 2022

    A sample size of 13 games from a single person is most definitely enough to come to the conclusion that wesker is indubitably "a problem".

  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    All I'm seeing is he's already plenty strong, he just needs the teensiest little bit of skill. If he's already 4King every game then I fear what will happen when the developers cave to the whining and fatten his hitbox to make it a guaranteed hit every time.


  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005
    edited September 2022

    This killer is OP and basically P2W. It's like Nurse, but weaker and doesn't require skill. I stopped playing survivor completely after his release, I'll play killer until they do something about this nonsense.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    M1 killer who ignores the concept of distance with his long dashes, which don't require as much skill to use as Nurse's teleports.

    Demogorgon can't dash as far and quick as Wesker.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005
    edited September 2022

    Well, calling someone "bad" at the game just because they disagree with you is surely a constructive argument, you definitely changed my mind and proved your point.

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    wesker isnt much better than demo atm

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I'm just pointing out the obvious answer to your problem. If you don't want to accept it, your fault

  • Pyrosorc
    Pyrosorc Member Posts: 202

    Simple: Most matches are on RPD, on which any 4.6 killer can easily 4k without using their power a single time. This made me create a thread saying how OP Wesker was too, until I realised the real cause by playing killer myself.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited September 2022

    Every killer is at a great disadvantage when facing SWF and wesker is not an exception sadly. I got a few 4k too and i got the adept Wesker achievement yesterday but againts full squads.. the gens fly, and the 3/4 escapes are around the corner.

    I don't understand either how someone can say hes op, his power is not great but not bad is somewhat in the middle but mostly because of the bugs and the "ability" from some survivors to "parry" his attack and deny the wound state like someone said before lol.. The devs should release the chapters more polished, Wesker state is barely acceptable.

    It really depends on the survivors more than the map, i got some 4k and even dc from survivors in RPD but also full escapes. Playing with friends makes a huge difference. But yeah despite the new RPD variations improved for survivors, Windows of opportunity from Kate helps a lot in interior maps like this and feels like a must have.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,886

    Yeah, tons of Weskers. The upshot is that most of them are learning and/or bad, so lots of escapes. It's been tedious, but good for my MMR.

    The fact that Wesker's bound hitbox is the size of pinhead helps too.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Idk about you but I'm on a 8 game solo queue escape streak atm especially if I get RPD since the map is so strong for survivors. Funny watching weskers get their power cancelled on almost every part of the map.

  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178

    Who cares about his buggy m2? 90% of them use it to close the distance or just ping pong between hooks and there's no penalty at all if he doesn't hit anything with his second charge.

    And the m2 bugs are really not as bad as ppl make it out to be. I'd rather someone explain to me how can you get pinned against a tumbleweed or an open exit...

  • Kirahie
    Kirahie Member Posts: 354

    The bounds literally phase through survivors and randomly release them. On the off chance they actually grab them, approximately half the objects in the game just make them float for a second before not being injured and running off

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 306

    Man, you are dying to a bugged killer whose power is, perhaps, the most inconsistent in the whole game right now. The hitbox is messed up and hitting survivors with it is extremely difficult. Wel, not hitting them but making it connect. In every match I played as Wesker there has been times in which I hit a survivors and Wesker just slips by ( the fact that my trajectory is modified proves it). And the collision with ghost walls does not help.

    He does not need a nerf, he needs fixing so we can see how Wesker should be in the game. Then we can talk about posible buffs or nerfs.

  • Renfear
    Renfear Member Posts: 137

    I'm just putting my experiences out there for people.

    It's now been several days and still haven't seen any new weskers not 4k. It's almost every time. One guy wanted to camp in the basement and the other was very new. Most of the dialogue here is about the hitbox. The hitbox is irrelevent. Good killers aren't using his m2 for damage but for map distance. He's got so much map pressure because there's no slowdown for using his dash. Nurse and Blight have to stop after they use there power so you can run them, spirit can kind of be worked around if you're aware of your scratch marks. It doesn't matter if Wesker misses, he just gets in close and M1s. Better chase potential than almost anyone.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    There's a little secret to beating weskers power. Just make a turn any corner.

  • Noel_Vermillion
    Noel_Vermillion Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2022

    Idk dude.

    Survivors bodies never felt so hollow and empty till I started going through them with wesker 🤣

    I guess it's a skill issue when I hit them and he lets them go

    I guess it's a skill issue when my dash get stuck on air next to a straight wall or bumps into a survivor like they are a wall..

    I guess it's a skill issue when I throw a survivor into a wall and they are falling back in place in the air next to it and take no damage

    At the same time people complain about DS not working against his power, intended or unintended still another thing to look at

    Bet that will be fixed before his power is lol if it's not intended.

    Lets not mention how many bugs can get you stuck in place as him ruining your game

    No one is asking for a PTB 40CM hit box that sucks you from around corners everyone can agree that was ridiculous.

    They should try something like 30 cm and see how that goes, half the nerf to it. As it stands now you slide off of survivors more than you do the environment

    There is many documented cases and video evidence of his power flatout not working as intended 100% of the time.

    Killers are not making this stuff up with no evidence to back it up.....

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I've never seen a Wesker lose either.

    There's a valid reason nobody wants to play survivor.

  • Kirahie
    Kirahie Member Posts: 354

    30 is probably perfect. He isn't in a good state right now and his very narrow Collison doesn't help things imo.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Yeah I agree, I kind of like how aim is really important. I will say though that maybe the hitbox should get a bit bigger the closer you are to his full length.

    For example for near shots it should be as it is now, but if you've used 2 charges and you're at the full length maybe it should be a bit bigger, because those are the hits that are super easy for survivors to side step.

    What I've done in my own games is to use the Unicorn Medallion and then only use the second dash for mobility or blocking a window and not for attacking with.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    The thing about this data is that you're always a constant in it, so you might just be bringing your team down THAT bad. How about this, play 50 Soloq games and grab the average kills, only counting DCs if they happened after first hook. Get someone who you know is better than you at survivor to do 25 Soloq games and grab average kills the same way. Then get a brand new player that is utterly average at video games in general and have them do 25 games against Wesker. Now we have data. You can even take an average of the averages which should give you (from an admittedly small data set) a decent idea of how many kills Wesker is doing a game, across 3 different skill levels. There's no easy way to tell if these skill levels are equally spaced apart but this data would be way more useful than "I faced Wesker 13 times and I keep dying to him, please nerf".

    Not precise math because I haven't been keeping track like a salt lord (I actually find Wesker really fun to face, they should just remove nurse and give him to any nurse main for free (I kid)) but I personally escape about 1 out of every 3 games against Wesker. Not an amazing ratio but I'm not amazing at the game. In any given match against any killer I probably only escape about half the time on a good day. Wesker 4ks don't seem to be any more or less rare than 4ks for any other killer. So the way I see it is you're either bad at the game (I know "mad because bad" isn't helpful in the conversation so I will assume you're not), haven't gotten used to countering Wesker's power, or you play at a VERY different MMR than I do where games are decided from how good either side does in the early moments of the match.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yeah I do not think that has anything to do with his balance.

    It seems like his hit box will actually be improved, and made a bit bigger. And besides that, he seems like a perfectly fair and balanced killer. They might tweak a few other aspects of him in the future as well, but in general, his design and balance is great and fair for both sides.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    You must be trash. Wesker is literally a meme right now. He has the easiest power to spin and it’s so punishing to him.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    I actually had this idea but I figured it'd be too complex implement so it'd be better to go for 30cm. You could sort of think of it like as the bound progresses he slightly corrects towards the survivor (even tho he doesn't, he'd just get a more generous hitbox as he goes along). I think in first bound across the distance it would go from 20cm to 30cm. Then when the 2nd bound starts it starts AT 30 and goes to 40 at the end (it's a longer dash without add-ons so it's a "slower" increase per distance traveled)

    40 was kind of broken but I think it could need to be the max if they did this idea. You'd have to think of it as like if you used the max range then it was a more skillful use of his power so the extra leeway is fair.

    All that said if they make it 30-35 it'll probably be fine.