Can BHVR pretty please give HUNK a unique voice actor and/or chase theme?

It's super jarring to hear a teenager's voice emit from HUNK, same with his chase theme. That is all.
Alternate chase theme would be awesome, but it would probably make things complicated given how legion mixtapes' work.
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Kinda disappointed that HUNK doesn't have unique...basically anything. I love playing the 4th Surv. in the RE2 remake and love HUNK as a character. This prob. should've been a purple rarity skin at best (of course I'd buy this over the Felix skin...I did not like that Felix skin and usually I like skins for Felix)
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They even got the name wrong on that skin lmao
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Please?!? No one can say no to a Clarence fan...
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lol, seriously?!?!
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Yeah they call it "STARS Uniform" when it's Chris's default BSAA uniform from RE5 lol
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is this not a new running animation? it looks really janky and you can barely tell between normal and frenzy.
mabye its just a gltich with his outfit
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No, it's definitely a new animation (it was shown off in the cosmetic trailer) but I'm pretty certain it's just bugged rn and plays slowed down because it looks normal in the trailer.
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that's cool, i hope they make it so frenzy is a little bit more noticeable because right now it looks the same as normal as hunk so i can only tell of of the breaths
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It should be purple at best. Give it some unique voice lines or better yet chase music and you have legendary.
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Got actually so annoyed about it I did it myself lol
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I'll voice him lmao
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What about giving him a Frenzy animation? Or am I the only one that can't see it?
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i think its a little different, but not different enough that you can tell immediately
itd be nice if they gave him the default legion frenzy animation while they fix his unique one
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Yea, it looks so weird when he just randomly speeds up. Because I can't tell the difference lmao
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A part of me wishes he was his own killer entirely even though I know how much of a hellfire a Double Killers chapter would be, but he has so many cool ideas for a power and perks, he's my favorite RE Character and it sucks to see him get lowkey shafted like this. They also missed out on giving other killers skins of the USS from Operation Raccoon City, although an unpopular game, it's one of my favorites
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This would fit 100%.
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Part of me wishes he was on another killer since I'm already sick to death playing as robbie rabbit legion to enjoy him (deathslinger m1 is knife, m2 just uses a grapple hook or something), Part of me wishes he was a Survivor too lol.
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Plus, it's not like Hunk to just stab something then immediately run away. If he's gonna kill he's gonna finish it right there. He would've fit as Spirit when you think about Hunk's gear. He could possibly just use Hologram technology to project himself during Phase, then his invisibility could be excused with his Cloaking Tech that he's had in a couple games
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The 4 main thing that's missing from this skin being worth using.
- Unique Menu & Chase music
- Giving him a voice of his own
- Having his default running animation match the pace he's running.
- Having his Feral Frenzy running animation stand out more from that of his default running animation.
All of these changes combined would make Hunk probably the best Legendary skin in the game.
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omg yeah that's an awesome idea, or wraith even.
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Would be cool, maybe they could give a new voice to Susie and Joey aswell.
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I agree, theyre losing sales on him for that reason alone
Granted people are stikl buying him like crazy but they still lose some sales for that reason