What's the point of DC penalty if...

...people are giving up on the hook in the first 30 seconds anyway? I'm seeing this trend of survivors giving up in the first minute of the match because they don't like a killer or they get simply outplayed.
If a killer disconnects, survivors can just move on to next match. If a survivor disconnects, the other survivors and the killer need to waste their time knowing how the match will end
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What do you clearly suggest ?
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A survivor disconnecting in the first few minutes should end the match the same way killer DCs do.
As for giving up on hook, maybe there shouldn't be skillchecks in struggle phase, at least while this DC/unalive oneself trend is going on. That would make the survivor have to wait for an unhook, the difference with first phase being that they couldn't take a chance to escape.
Of course, they could find other ways to leave the match (stay under hook to be downed again), but at least that would buy time for the team rather than dying in 10 seconds.
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Literally nothing, it is stupid.
Remove kobe punishment or remove penalty, choose one.
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This is when you use reassurance and block them from giving up
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I love getting depip and ######### BP because of actions of other players. Survivors and killer as well. My favourite part of playing solo queue.
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I totally agree, on ending the game if anyone DCs early, but I don't think there's anything to be done on people just killing themselves...
I don't even know if there would be anyway to penalize that either... I mean, if people are having a terrible time you can't make them stay in the game. The penalty in the end is just earning less blood points in general, but I don't think people hardly care about that.
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Always been a problem, still is a problem.
Get downed first? DC.
Make a misplay? DC.
Someone else gets downed too early? DC.
See a killer you don't like? DC.
Killer has addons? DC.
DC penalties take longer to decay, and require multiple matches played where you don't DC to decay.
Make it reportable. If someone garners a lot of 'giving up' reports, audit their account and if they're suiciding a ridiculous amount early in games, give them a warning, and if it continues, a ban.
The issue is that it traps 4 other people in a pointless game where it's harder to earn BP or pip.
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Oh trust me I know if someone is not having a great time they should be allowed to leave. I think we've all had this kind of game where it's beyong repair and you just want to leave the match.
And killing oneself on hook is sometimes the only way to give your last teammate a chance at hatch, so I don't genuinely want that to not be an option anymore as well.
It's just such a weird situation we're in, I don't actually know what can be done about it. And I don't think anyone truly does if they're considering all aspects.
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I wish the developers acknowledged being on the hook is a crucial part of the game. Survivors should gain bloodpoints while being hooked, that way it wouldn't be so miserable. 1 full hook stage should give 1000 bloodpoints imo, if you are hooked from start to end (60 seconds). Same with hook face 2, and giv extra for skillchecks.
I know this doesn't fix any problems, but it might should be a bandaid for survivors being stuck on hook for far too long.
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I think this is actually brilliant. Actually, a skillcheck minigame during the first phase that gives you little blips of bp would also prevent me from simply alt tabbing. (Though I still have an eye on the game while alt tabbed)
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The difference is there’s a chance for someone to cool off and decide to keep playing if it takes them an extra minute to leave a match versus just instantly disconnecting. Once a person disconnects that’s it, they can’t change their mind. If they’re on hook and they see they’re getting rescued they might decide to keep playing.
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I like the idea of having a dedicated report button just for that, but I'm still not sure how effective reporting stuff to the developers actually is in this game. I mean, people report actual hackers and nothing gets done most of the time...
I would love if there was a way for the game to track the "giving up" ratio of a player and maybe just match make them together. I mean, if someone is ruining the experience to everyone else, only fair they play together.
But of course, the match making in DBD is already complex enough to add another layer on top...
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"DC penalties take longer to decay, and require multiple matches played where you don't DC to decay."
So if you perfectly understand your logic, if you are big player & you play many trials by day, you can DC more often or almost you can 'manage' your penalty times ? Actually whatever how much matches you do, if you DC two times in the same day (for the 1st. time) you are penalize for these DCing (5min. then more).
I honestly don't think BVHR really wants this kind of penalties system yet (as you was suggested in your reply).
"Make it reportable. If someone garners a lot of 'giving up' reports, audit their account and if they're suiciding a ridiculous amount early in games, give them a warning, and if it continues, a ban."
Actually only DCing can be bannable. I frankly don't think BVHR wants more reports to check, they probably already are overhelmed by the cheats reports & others.
If players have to give up whatever the reason, why are you so upset by that ? 1st. it is a free sacrifice for the killer (his main objective), 2nd. the issue of your game (as killer) will be more easy.
I understand that you/killers don't really appreciate to start a trial as a 1vs3 instead of 1vs4 but I don't think you can blame someone that he/she wants to leave the trial.
Remember too many things are randomily generated as a soloQ survivor. You (as survivor) have no idea about the gameplay of your teammates, no clue about their perks & skills, you can't even know what 'kind' of killer you will face off...
If you try but you fail too fastly, it seems a good thing that you still can give up without penalty... I mean if you feel you don't have enough skills to face someone OR if you feel the trial goes too sweaty for you, WHY should you to stay ? I have seen so many times the killer slugs the AFK or killer didn't want to kill someone 'because he has given up' ('he hasn't a threat & he will not do gen anymore'), letting him to bleed on the ground...
I just don't get this "in a pointless game where it's harder to earn BP or pip."
Who is still playing this game for the BP in 2k23 ?
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I just did this to a Jeff. We were against a Starstruck Nurse on Gideon. I decided to risk the insta-down just to keep Jeff on the hook that much longer hahah
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Okay, think of it like this.
Let's say that every DC'd game takes playing 3 games to get rid of the penalty +1 for every tier of 'DC penalty' you've accrued. This is sort of how other games handle it.
A big player won't find it easier to decrease the penalty unless they are DCing less proportionally to a 'small' player. They might even find it harder if they DC proportionally more.
The idea is to make the occasional DC forgiven, for instance on crashes or hostaged games, but eventually ban chain DCers.
Another option would be a LeaverBuster type system that detects chain DCers and warns, then penalizes them pretty heavily.
But...I'm not sure if you understand why a DC/suicide is a big deal.
- As a killer, I get less BP and less grade points. A big part of your score comes from individual hook events.
- It also puts me in a situation where I either need to dial back, or just rush down everyone and end the game ASAP. Either way, I get complained at in postgame.
- As a survivor, I now have a literally unwinnable game that I'd be lucky to not depip off.
- Plus, there is an annoying tendency for people to either hide and stall the game out to BM (I guess it's my fault for enjoying Trickster?) or suicide/DC themselves, meaning that now I'm wasting even more of my time, for less BP and grade points.
DCs ruin games. Suicides ruin games. Either way, I don't get a proper game and I have to waste my time hunting down and killing 2 Blendettes who have decided to go AFK in the bushes and a Nancy in a locker. Because it's no fun for them to play an inevitable slow defeat game either.
Here's the thing though. You 'have to stay', otherwise people literally DC every game (as we've seen when the penalty is turned off) and it's almost impossible to find a real game.
Just because you want to be able to quit games with impunity doesn't mean that it's a good idea. If you don't want to play against specific killers, just do custom games or something. Otherwise you're wasting the time of 4 other people.
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Some good ideas, I understand perfectly "why a DC/suicide is a big deal". I have played as killer sometimes...
Just that: BVHR has put a DC penalty system to reduce the amount of DC. Is is working as expected ?
If they will introduce something to reduce or to limit the amount of 'suicides', I'm convinced some other problems will appear.
Anyway if BVHR could show up more stats about DCing/Suicides, it will probably help to found some good solutions about this 'big deal'.