Does Hex: Retribution have to stay up for you to get the perks benefits?

Seems kinda pointless if it does have to stay up for it to work. Might as well not be a Hex.

I feel like it once worked even though it was cleansed before, I could be wrong though.


  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Correct if it gets cleansed first without undying protecting it, you will only get the effects once. The problem with retribution is that once you are notified that it is retribution, you just don't cleanse. Because the chances of the killer having haunted ground is almost 100%.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    While retribution is up, whenever survivors cleanse (and I think on bless as well) survivors are oblivious. This is an applied status effect of a duration so it should still be active until the duration is up after retribution is removed.

    Retribution also shows the auras of all survivors when any hex (including itself) is cleaned.

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 954

    No wonder nobody uses it. I tried to make a Plaything + Retribution build (to get multiple aura readings throughout the game) but it didn’t work out.

    I never use the perk. So, I just have to pray a survivor doesn’t cleanse Retribution?

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Yeah the problem with that build, is they will likely find the totem before you hook someone. A good build for Retribution is ones that use haunted grounds or Devour. One to make people kill themselves, and one to make someone think they are going to kill themselves. For example one setup would be Undying, Retribution, Haunted Ground, Pentimento. Another setup would be Undying, Retribution, Devour, Pentimento.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223
    edited September 2022

    So the way Retribution works and is shown to survivors is the following:

    While Retribution’s hex totem is active, any survivor cleansing or blessing any totem (hex or dull) gets Oblivious for 45s. This persists for the entire duration even if Retribution gets cleansed before that time is up. After it’s cleansed, no more survivors will be newly affected by this.

    If Retribution is cleansed first, it will show auras for 15s and survivors are NOT notified through the cursed status effect. Afterwards it turns off.

    If any other hex totem is removed before Retribution, it will show auras for 15s and all survivors get warned that it’s active.

    Yes basically. I have done this before and you can make it work, but you need ret to last until you actually get your playthings up; you run the risk of it getting cleansed early and then you only get it once.