if bamboozle becomes meta....
Oh, yeah, I agree with you. Bamboozle is such a strong perk... A nurse with bamboozle, so deadly. Actually, the nerf nurse requires is not allowing her to use bamboozle. We can also remove the window block so tiles are able to be used indefinetly. This perk is so unbalanced, like OMG.
Now seriously. Why are you suggesting that a perk almost every good dbd player does not use is a problem? And now that we got superior anatomy it is even more pointless to run it. Bamboozle only shuts one tile, and most tiles are connected to other tiles. You just need to watch around you and adapt. If you are unable to do so, enjoy your sweet penalties and make the most of your time hanging. ;)
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Correct. Its more to push people away or force a pallet drop near a jungle gym. If there are 2 windows in a building, you're still screwed either way but at least you can legit shorten the run through the building after the second loop. Otherwise, you'd be looping 6 times (both windows 3 times each) and by the time the second blocks, the first window will be back open without it. Its a must for most normal speed killers who don't use traps or loop stompers. Its a godsend on Myers and Clown. You would rarely see someone like Blight or Huntress use it because they have range to attempt at stopping the loop. Ghostface also loves that perk to quickly finish off that 1-shot that you stalked.
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Ik but must buy others for better perks
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no crap? If I have a god setup and use it efficiently I might let the killer kill me, but its MY fun
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The whole purpose of Bamboozle is so you don't loop the same tile over and over. It forces the survivor to adapt and instead of focusing on looping 1 tile (which could prolong the chase way too much), they will most likely have to leave and chain another tile together. Its perfectly fine as it is and only bad survivors make a big deal about it. Its a simple counter and its not like Bamboozle = defeat.
The ironic part is you bring up Bamboozle taking 0 skill but you think vaulting the same window over and over does. Odd.
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Yeah it’s funny how people just get joy out of looping areas that are extremely safe for survivors then cry when the killer adapts to it.
Bamboozle is one of the few ways m1 killers have to combat god awful maps. If map design wasn’t awful I might see the complaint, but it is.
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How are they better perks if this one specifically helps you get better at a thing you clearly hate encountering? Every tools value is dependent on what you can get out of it, what it accomplishes, and how much it improves your odds when it would be applicable. Windows is designed literally to address your frustration and help you learn to adapt, it even came out in the same chapter as bamboozle. You're refusing to take it out of pride, and that is holding you back as a player.
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it dont matter how used it is, if i get it once my match is ruined
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And can't possibly adjust?
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no, i will never become a gen jockey
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"skill" Bro this game is a hide-and-seek-running-in-a-circle-LMB-holding-getting-carried-by-perks simulator. What skill?
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Who ever said that? we're still talking chases dude
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Of all the perks to see complained about, this one surprised me haha if the killer vaults run to another tile
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1v1 in a game about 1v4, don’t you see an issue with that?
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Seriously, it's only good against total noobs.
oh my god... YOUR fun was negated. lol Well enjoy the DC penalties
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well we have fun though. watching noobs like you quit the game and eat a DC penalty. Probably your teammates don't find it that funny though. Sucks to be them. You are just not good at the game, and with that attitude, you will never be. You are just a salty guy who is among the first to die in almost every game. Your fun isn't more important than anyone elses. Probably killers also have enough fun catching you and watching you lose your sht
I never used Bamboozle... but now I really have to. For guys like this
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I really hope this is just an elaborate ploy using reverse psychology in order to get killers to give up a strong perk and replace it with bamboozle so OP can have easier games.
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Bamboozle is a bit niche being only used on chainsaw killers. That said though the killer needs to block at the correct time and you as a surv once u know they have it can pre leave and get distance.
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Honestly, peeps, from what was gathered from the OP's posts, it's clear they don't want to learn to deal with it, nor do they care about their teammates in case of DCing. I doubt anyone here will change their mind.
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Ok, will use Pain Resonance instead.
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Oh I really hope I get you in my lobby when I am doing bamboozle/superior anatomy Mikey 😈
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I hope you throw in Tombstone as well and kill them without hooking.
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Well someone is certainly entitled. You know the whole point of that perk is shut down a window, right? Like that is the idea.
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Am I crazy or does it sound more fun to figure out how to link two tiles together into one larger loop than to run a circle in a single tile as a small loop? Bamboozle only works against the latter, not the former.