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General Discussions

Endgame is a crutch for killers

Member Posts: 35
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Endgame Pretty much guarantees a kill with camping, tunneling, hatch changes and endgame builds it basically gives killers free kills they never should have earned.

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  • Member Posts: 2,657

    End game is almost completely in the survivors favor except for certain perks then your running less to no regression.

    There's no gens to protect and if the killer leave the hook its a guarantee safe unhook so what's the killer supposed to do.

  • Member Posts: 35

    it is a crutch because players who get no hooks or any pressure come out with kills because people either A) are bored from ######### killer play and finally have something to do in the endgame, or B) get instadowns, gate blocks, insane pressure all in 1 moment because they cant do much else.

    and on top of that the amount of throws i see from soloQ games because people try to help others escape in the endgame is because its either throw the match or secure a kill you never earned by camping and tunneling.

    If you played ######### in the match as killer, you dont deserve a single ######### kill, the fact that that is controversial is straight up #########.

  • Member Posts: 331

    What the actual hell are you talking about

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    The only thing that an endgame build guarantees is that all 5 gens will be done unless the Killer can kill you perkless.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    If the survivors are all alive and healthy yes, the end game is in their favor (their being the entire team). If you are however the last survivor being chased, the end game is almost entirely a death sentence if the killer has a brain.

  • Member Posts: 901

    Tell me you're joking because I have to wonder how is endgame a crouch when killers don't control it? You'd rather have the endless games return like they did back in the old days so Survivors could just sit and hide and never have the game until like 2 hrs later that seems very reasonable.

  • Member Posts: 157

    Maybe the gates should just open automatically and all survivors become invulnerable during endgame. 🙄


    Opening the gates is also an objective of the survivor (you even get bloodpoints for it). There is also strategy around it - survivors can 99 gates, they can all pool around one gate and take hits for each other or they can open both gates so that the killer has to make a choice which one they commit to. This gives them a certain level of control.

    That aside I honestly find endgame fun on both sides. As survivor I've lived all game, probably got some chases and ideally also progress towards a time challenge. As killer I can try to force a final slip up, really test their coordination. To try and control the endgame, the killer has to being certain perks though so that is a commitment that they already need to make before the match. Let's not forget that these perks promote a healthier game (No Way Out) or are counterable (NOED and Blood Warden).

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Sometimes it does feel like that. I guess people like to have a secured win when they have been dominating (either survivor or killer) but then what's the point playing after a certain point.

    I think the problem is that the game has come back mechanics for killers but not so much for survivors. Like if there are 2 survivors left in the games it's a death sentence for the most part. One gets slugged and the other gets denied hatch. If that gets addressed I think it'd feel more fair, doesn't help that you can't communicate with your teammate. If killers can turn around around the game at end game I think 2 survivors should also get something.

    I am talking from a solo q perspective, I dunno how that would affect SWF.

  • Member Posts: 419

    I hate this community

  • Member Posts: 828
    edited September 2022

    Well guess what what,,,Endgame builds are supposed to shine after gens are done,,,let's see,,,,Noed you can play around and you can see the totem for free now as survivor,Blood warden works so rarely but when it does it's actually good,No way is out is the actually skilled noed in the sense that it encourages spreading hooks between survivors ,,,Also in endgame you have no business complainng about tunneling or camping like what on earth is the killer supposed to do when gens are done ? go check the completed gens ? Sheeesh

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Weird. I say the exact opposite for survivors 🤔

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Just get rekt before the endgame, ez

  • Member Posts: 157

    Exactly the only good endgame perk is... Fire Up. 😂 (Just kidding).

    I completely agree and the killer also sacrifices something by not bringing slowdown perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    The endgame isn't meant to be Survivor sided

    I agree with @SuzuKR

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    End game is just a way to force the trial to end.

  • Member Posts: 337

    If I had to guesstimate I'd say 1/3 of the total forum posts are gamers who lost their last match and come here to ragepost about how whatever made them lose should immediately be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Remember Me, Rancor, No Way Out and Blood Warden is always a screamingly good time even(especially?) on Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Fire up is a huge middle finger to beamer saves though ^^

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Were you not here before end game existed? And do you not realize that end game was a nerf to killers? Especially pig and freddy mains?

  • Member Posts: 157

    I know, I actually love it for that. Especially as most people second guess themselves before suspecting Fire Up... 😂 I know I poked fun at it but I actually have a bit of a soft spot for itbecause they never expect this perk. I've occasionally been using it since the recent QoL changes where some other perks aren't so essential anymore. ☺️

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Well if the gates have't been still opened you can quard them and try to get another down but it's good to have noed in that situation. But ideally you have at least 1 kill before endgame. So if you get down and one on hook then you can try to find last and if he unhooks the guy on hooks you should be able to get other one down. If the exit is ready force the last one out. Taking bit of risk at endgame can get you 3-4K instead just camping the hook and securing 2K. If it's 4 survivors alive you're screwed unless the noed is under the hook.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Don't forget also that survivor perks actually disable at the end of the game as if killers need additional help.

  • Member Posts: 228

    Think of it like a football game it’s not over at 59 minutes and 59 seconds.if a team scores with 1 second left and wins by 1 point,they still win.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    "Well if the gates have't been still opened you can quard them and try to get another down but it's good to have noed in that situation"

    NOED stopped being a good perk years ago. Once upon a time it lasted forever and was not a hex so there was no way to remove it. The survivor who had the advantage during the entire game suddenly had to fear a killer who was 9% faster and could down them with a single hit unless they manage to make it out the doors.

    NOED was nerfed into what will probably be its final form with this last patch as it shows survivors where it is now. If you think NOED is worth using then that tells me a lot about your level of understanding regarding this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,192

    Eh? Has someone been licking pustule petals?

    The game is not over for me until that wagon Jane is Draggin' gets over the threshold. Until then, I'm still possible fodder for the hook. However I also have every opportunity to pull back a bad game if I'm sneaky / clever / altruistic enough. Killers have a chance to utilize their map mobilization or end game builds.

    Being altruistic does not have to end in a death either. They literally made it easier to locate NOED, and getting someone off hook who's been camped is almost second nature to most teams smart enough to work in tandem to save someone that last time.

    Doing five gens doesn't equal the right to an escape, and you're still in danger until you step out of the map, so just act accordingly.

    Honestly if you dislike the endgame so much, look no further than to the survivors who thought it was funny to hide on the map to cause the killer to dc, or the boring, stubborn hatch standoffs that were never satisfying.

  • Member Posts: 974
    edited September 2022

    and the hatch is a pity mechanic

    time for endgame base cosmetic trapper who keeps getting confused. Have a feeling I'm only going to set two traps.

  • Member Posts: 3,148

    The fundamentals of the game don't suddenly change in the endgame, or when NOED procs. The killer still has to catch and hit you, and if they had trouble with that prior to the last gen being completed, they'll probably still struggle. The killer will not suddenly get better just because they have endgame perks.

    There is no such thing as a "free" endgame kill, unless you get cocky, careless, and complacent as a surv.

    Assume NOED, assume Bloodwarden, and know what the possibilities are.

    The endgame isn't supposed to be a victory lap for the surv team.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Or it gives the last survivor chances for free escape even if not deserved with the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    its literally suppose to pressure the survivors to leave, that's the whole aspect of it, this is a bait post right?

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    If you struggle to get value from noed that's on you it's still good perk. Sometimes it gets cleansed immdieatelly but other times you can secure the win with it. Just an example if there is 3 survivors alive you have one hooked now one goes for save other opens exit. So you down the one coming for save with noed and you you know the other survivor is opening exit so you can push him out. Game which most likely would resulted in 1K now turned to 3K with noed.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    The only EGC-related deaths are those when the survivor dies once the timer expires. Other than that, once the gens are done the next objective is escape through the doors. Should you fail that, you haven't played well enough to have earnt an escape. If you escape, the killer hasn't played well enough to beat you. Simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    "If you struggle to get value from noed that's on you it's still good perk"

    I'm sure it is *for you* at low MMR.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I vaguely agree, but in the opposite direction. Survivor's lack of competence end game is a blessing for killers. They just do not seem to comprehend how to play end game. No idea what the problem seems to be, but yeah, generally speaking, that is where most of my kills on "good" survivors come from. Those clowns just give them for free.

    I wouldn't call it my crutch though. I do not need a crutch if survivors offer themselves to me and refuse to leave. Like, how the heck is it my fault they misplay religiously? I do not ask them to do it. If I did, they might play properly just to spite me.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    Noe of the biggest name streamers I watch ever seem to use it - except when paid to use it in a build request.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    You know there are more than Streamers that play DbD right.....and I could care less about what streamers do or say about anything tbh, and that's thanks to this community on the forums that seem to take what some random person says on a stream and takes it as law and belittle anyone who disagrees with the said streamer.

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