Wesker = free tunneling

I played 4 times against wesker and 4 times I got tunneled
I played 4 times survivor since he got released 4 times I broke my console . From then I am demolishing survivors as wesker
I've seen a lot of people complaining about weskers tunneling but why
His power it's not even designed to tunnel survivors but why are people like this. AND THEY ALSO DIDN'T HAVE A MORI SO THAT'S ALSO BAD
There's absolutely no correlation between his ability and tunneling. My theory is that people playing newer killers tunnel more, because casual players are more likely to play the new killers, and casual players tend to be the ones tunneling.
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His power isnβt designed to tunnel. People tunnel with every killer.
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I rather see a connection between bad killers and the urge to tunnel with them. Has nothing to do with Wesker. And when I say bad killer, I don't refer to the player behind them.
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M1 Killer builds up pressure.
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I'm going to tell you the same thing I told my friend who always complains about being tunneled, while the rest of us don't as much. It's you.
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Killers usually tunnel someone if they don't think they're very good. Get better at escaping and looping and you won't be tunnelled anymore.
Once you get better at looping, you'll welcome tunnelling. Playing the chase is way more fun than sitting at a generator for 90 seconds.
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Wesker is not the case. Bad players are and whole situation when camping/tunneling is very proficient against casual players. So the right equasion would be "KILLER = FREE TUNNEL"
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While his power does have some above average tunneling potential built into it, it also has safeguards so that you can't be hindered straight off the hook and it'll take some time to build back up. There's way better tunnelers out there than Wesker - see Pyramid Head, Trickster, Blight, Spirit...
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As others said. Tunneling and camping in general are just too strong. Easy way out, especially with camping still not nerfed.
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Killer who literally only has a mobility power right now: hooks survivor
These forums: I'm being tunneled!
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Gonna be that guy.. but if youβre being tunneled successfully, itβs a skill issue. 10 seconds base of bt and 10% haste is a ton of time to get to a loop. You donβt see skilled survivors complaining about being tunneled and thatβs a fact, because the killer often throws the game trying to tunnel a good looper.. hence why they try and tunnel the weak link.. just saying.
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Man, chill and keep the salt for yourself. Give the full contexto in which the killer tunneled and then we shall see. If there is 1 gen left and 4 survs alive, tunnelling is kinda justified. It is not funny, but take in count that the killer may need kills for a ritual. When I am camped and tunneled, I accept the situation and go with it, buying time for my team and making the most out of this situation.
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I am playing this game since 2020 I know what tunnel means
I get tunneled very randomly by all killers but with weaker whenever I played against they were going for me always. And I also seen a lot of people also complaining about it and I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's a new killer and they don't know how to use him.
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5 gens first survivor found. Chased again and again
I also had a 2 rituals which were to sabo 4 hooks and heal 3 times a teammate.
All the potatoes wesker were in my matches!?!?
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Actually there you have it. Sabo is quite annoying for a killer, so you became quite an inconvenience for him.
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While i do think people are a bit quick to call out tunneling and i'm sceptical if OP was actually tunneled 4 times in a row and it wasen't a case of blatent mistakes on their part
I do want to point out that Wesker does have something that aids tunneling in his kit. A fully infected survivor has a quite hefty speed penalty and they can't get rid of it while being tunneled
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I didn't even sabo a hook all these matches. I putted a yellow toolbox with the gloves and 4 time sit went to the trash wihtout even using at a gen either
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Big influx of new player doing what makes sense and is easiest for them.
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Gotta improve your stealth skill then
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So you are blaming the survivor for being tunneled? How is it my fault that as soon as I get off hook, the killer comes straight after me again? As a solo q survivor, its extremely annoying to tunneled.
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What exactly do you mean by being tunneled?
There's a big difference between killer going for you and you only while there are other pressing objectives at hand or simply being the most lucrative target among survivors. Maybe you hang out in close to the killer too much after getting unhooked, or play too aggressive when you already have been hooked once or twice.
By all means, survivor who keeps rubbing killer's cheeks after getting unhooked and gets hooked again doesn't deserve a moral right to complain about tunneling.
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Bad players tunneling, no Wesker
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I would never blame the unhooked, solely, at least. The unhooker is often a huge part of why people get tunneled and of course the killer actively chooses to do it. But there are ways to make yourself a less enticing target and deter tunneling, I assume that was his point. The "git gud" crowd is not exactly known for their communication skills.
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Why are so many people saying his power isn't designed to tunnel?
If you get infected and get tunneled off hook you'll be fully infected pretty soon again without you having a chance to Firstaid yourself. And with -7% Speed you'll be on Hook pretty soon again. So yeah, he's good at tunneling.
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Not sure i agree, cuz in the same breath everyone knows comp ayers tunnel and camp too. Ive experienced this only yesterday in game too (against a nurse ofc).
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No literally my Wesker rounds are always so miserable because either me or a teammate is getting tunnelled out at 5 gens, its honestly made me hate the killer as a whole because I just find his rounds so insufferable because of it. I had a streamer yesterday tunnel out a Kate at 5 gens for playing Kate like... They are so sweaty and toxic for what lmaoo
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I have been accused a couple of times of tunneling when in reality the unhooker just immediately speed off to a very strong tileset or possibly shack, while the unhooked one tried to loop me at an unsafe loop.
As much as I don't wanna tunnel, I much less like to waste all my time and pressure by chasing some survivor futilely around shack.
When you go for a rescue attempt, either gimmy time to move a decent distance away or take off the heat and offer me a moving target that's not totally unattractive (sorry Jeff) ((I am just joking, Jeff is awesome)).
Oh and a word of advice for the unhooked: get the f out and I won't touch you, but if you want to be cute and tank a hit for your comrades that's the sign for me that you're OK to stay in the fight. It's pretty easy, you can get away and take your cake or stay, tank a hit and eat your cake right then and there. You can have your cake and eat it and then accuse me of your buttery fingers and the gnawing feeling of regret.
This could be something that OP maybe didn't realise, but that's just a stab at the dark.
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It doesn't help that he's got the highest pick rate either making him even more painful
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My only argument to this is that if the killer wants to tunnel they will and it doesn't matter if the unhooked runs to the strongest tile in the game or two other survivors tank hits, if they want that survivor they'll keep going after them anyway and most of the time they're hanging around by the hook for the tunnel anyway, I'm not complaining about it because it is what it is but I'm just stating a fact that there is no set list to follow to make it not happen if someone wants it to happen it will and staying up is all you can try to do at that point and hope others are doing gens and not watching you loop for your life
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Your are right. The big yet unnamed factor is, that every player, but especially killer, has their own unwritten codex of rules. I might play chill, but once one of this rules is broken, I shift gears and go full ham on you, ready or not.
Its like playing Blind Man's Buff in a mindfield and the chances to make it through unscathed are slim at best.
Still, I think that my advice is not unreasonable and might be mirrored by a fair share of the "cool killer kids" crowd. Tunnelers will always tunnel, but I guarantee you that tanking a hit and bodyblocking the unhooker will MASSIVELY increase the likelihood that you will get subsequently tunneled.
It's nearly as if sometimes actions have foreseeable consequences ^_-
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If you get infected and chased off hook you now have a fixed chase timer due to the overwhelming amount of hindered being at max infected causes. This with the ability to speed back to hook quickly makes him extremely good at tunneling. I would really like if they made it so infection doesn't progress in chase or just remove the hinder part of max infection.
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Well that unsubstantiated anecdote really convinced me!
Just a point, you make a lot of comments as though your thoughts are facts without evidence.