What do you consider tunneling?

First of all, here is my definition: Tunneling is the practice of repeatedly targetting one specific survivor in order to fully sacrifice them as quickly as possible, even whenever ignoring that survivor would be more beneficial for overall game pressure.
I've noticed that in my recent killer games, I've gotten more and more after game messages from survivors that complain about me having tunneled. What's interesting about this is that when I point out that I had multiple survivors dead on hook by the time I killed the first one, they often still say that I tunneled.
It would be easy to just disregard this comments as sore losers being salty but I want to explore the possibility that these people might have a different definition of tunneling than I do.
With all that being said, what is your definition of tunneling? Is it possible to tunnel multiple people at the same time?
Thanks in advance for any responses.
There's different kinds, the term is so vague it barely means anything tbh
'Hard tunnelling' to me is: Chase 1 survivor. Hook. Go away. Unhook happens, you go after said survivor again and repeat until they are dead. You might down another survivor before the unhook but the #1 priority is making sure the first survivor you caught dies as quickly as possible.
'Tactical tunnelling' is like, you prioritise the survivors who you've hooked already when the oppertunity arises without necessarily being on them the whole game. I.E let's say I go to a gen and chase 2 survs off it someone who I've hooked once and somebody I haven't. I go for the person who I've hooked already. It's the smart thing to do.
There's also "Tunnelling" aka when a Killer chases a survivor for the whole game and basically throws trying to catch them instead of being smart and breaking chase.
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It’s all born out of them being upset they got caught and died is all.
Personally, legit tunneling is targeting a survivor when you don’t need to, such as off rip at 5 gens or the survivors are already loosing the game. I completely understand tunneling if you’re down to 2 gens and nobody is dead or have multiples on death hook. I will tunnel at that point as killer, and I understand as a survivor.
But some survivors will always be salty about it because they want killers to play by their own rule book. There have been plenty of times the survivor causes their own “tunneling”. If you body block me with your BT, I’m just gonna put you back on hook after I catch you. If I come back to hook and they are self caring or on a gen right by hook, I’m not just gonna “oh man I just hooked them, gotta ignore them”. Or sometimes I just by coincidence run straight into them again, and they end up going down again by no fault of my own.
At the end of the match I’ll still get hate for it, but I really don’t care lol. I love a end game chat filled with salty survivors. 😂
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From my experience tunnelling is when the killer prioritises the survivor with the most hooks.
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To me tunneling is focusing on one survivor to the detriment of your ability to control/win the game, and instead to just grief one survivor unnecessarily.
anything beyond that is part of the game and i stopped caring a long time ago.
If I am as a killer playing around BT and DS as I would do normally then I know im playing as expected and wouldn't expect any different.
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You were on the map, therefore you tunneled and camped. That seems to be the new definition. And if you used any perks, they were op and should be nerfed immediately 🤣
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Pretty much just going for a survivor that was just unhooked. I think if youre presented with the choice between a survivor with 0 or 1 hooks and one on death hook its just dumb to go for the 0/1 hook one since you get a much larger bonus for the other one. Like unless I decide to play nice since its 3 or 4 gens and I have plenty of hooks to win already I will always go for the more hooked surv when given a choice.
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What about if survivor chases you whole game is that forced tunneling? I had this feng following me around who I hooked and then went chasing another one and injured but feng came to blind me at pallet and I lost the other one and she kept clicking to follow her and I did she hit me with ds but I continued going after then. Then hooked her again went to chase another survivor hooked her and then went to down another survivor until feng came again trying flaslight save got her down and hooked. Hard tunneling can be tactical though if done right and some killers are planned for it like executioner who ignores bt, otr and ds. Nurse is good example too because ds or bt is nothing to her but for most killers they slow then down which can make tunneling not the best option.
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If the survivor has no care for their survival then neither should you; it's on them to know what they are doing is a dumb play, not the Killer.
Dead on hook/vunerable survivors going for plays that involve getting in the Killer's face (FL saves, Taking hits etc) are completely their fault if they backfire. The pay off can be devastating for the Killer if it succeeds but they are more likely than not to backfire
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To me, I think Survivors whon used it in chat or dm me personally (toxic messaging of course wise); they used it anything that I do or just me playing Killer. They scream Tunnel, without even giving a proper reasoning as to what I done wrong that warrant genuine Tunneling by definition.
Other times, I do try my best to not Tunnel, especially for adept challenges. But..... Survivors will exploit the fact that they run straight to the killer, protect the Rescuer and body block me so that they can get the speed boost and tank the hit. Other times, the Rescuer decides to hide very effectively and the hook Survivor is the only one I can find. It very hard for me to not Tunnel, when all the other Survivors do not do their hook teammate a favor and make themselves known so I can focus on them and not waste time playing hide n seek when gens are being done by the second. As a Killer, I need to take every opportunity to win and if Tunneling the poor Survivor is my only option at that very moment, I will take it so I can secure the kill and have bit of a easier game.
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Tunneling - repeatedly chase and hook 1 survivor, usually completely ignoring everyone and everything else, until that survivor is dead.
Hooking 1st survivor, then chase another, hook and return to the first one is not tunneling.
Tunneling very often goes with camping hand to hand.
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for me tunneling only applies to a couple situations. the first of course is seeing someone unhook a survivor and only going for unhooked survivor. the second is if the unhook happens and the killer see's two seperate scratch marks and only one has a blood trail with it and they choose that one which is tunneling. however if the killer randomly runs into the unhooked survivor and downs them that isn't tunneling that's just bad luck.
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I consider tunneling to be going after the person that was just unhooked (most recently unhooked) and isn't progressing the game currently, as in they aren't on a gen. And only targeting one person until they are dead I'd consider hard tunneling.
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It's intentionally going for the same person as soon as they get off hook. If you hook someone else in-between or you just happen to find them, it's not tunneling.
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3-4 hook stages is hard tunneling generally (for one kill).
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Simply having tunnel vision on one survivor, while ignoring all the rest. I don't see tunnelling often in my games but I've had two noticeable experiences (both Bubbas) where they were literally walking past my team mates on gens just to find me. Those are really the only times that stand out to me.
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It's when you purposely target one survivor. I've had killers leave a chase where they had them injured and pretty close to a hit to come after me even know I already have some distance and am fully healed.
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The best thing is when you get into a map with all survivors having same skin and load out 4 med kits. And when you accidentally hard tunnel one. They get super salty when you just couldn't tell who you were chasing till they were downed.
Or better yet you knew you were tunneling but just didn't care cause when toxic survivors give you a reason to be mean. You be mean.
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I was about to say the same thing.
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Chasing unhooked survivor with intent to kill asap. If you prioritize healthy surv with more hooks to wounded it's also tunnelling.
Post edited by Street on0 -
Yeah I've heard some really stupid interpretations of tunneling which are making me doubt people's ability to understand the meaning.
Like someone complained of tunneling when they led the killer on a really long chase with Windows of Opportunity and were upset that the killer wanted them downed. On no hooks. THEY ARE TUNNELLING ME. WHINGE!!!! Like no.
Tunneling to me is excessively trying to eliminate one person from the game early. Usually if the other survivors have no or only one hook, I call it tunneling. Unfortunately it is an effective tactic because simple math is 3 people that can work on generators is less then 4 so unless this problem is hard dealt with to change the way the game functions so it's more balanced for both sides while not rewarding players for eliminating others early and making their experience miserable, it's going to be done.
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The vast majority of people who complain in after game chat are sore losers, end of story.
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Just going after the only person who was unhooked until they're dead. There is no other "tunneling". If you haven't been hooked, you're being CHASED, not TUNNELED. You cannot be TUNNELED unless you have been hooked and even then, only if the killer is going after you and only you.
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Tunneling is when the killer and the survivor exist simultaneously.
This is why you should try to kill someone as early as possible! No one wants to be tunneled, by getting them out of the match quickly, that is 1 less person you are tunneling.
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Ok so I think there are two types: The smart, good way; and the toxic, bad way.
The smart way is trying to eliminate people as fast as possible, which can be done one of two ways: You either choose to chase the person who has more hooks if multiple survivors are together, or simply going after the closest survivor regardless of who was hooked last or not, not caring about making it "fair."
The toxic way is chasing someone, ignoring everyone else, and only focusing on one person for the entire time they're in the game. Ignoring generators being popped, walking right past other people who are much closer, and just not caring about whether you win or lose but just about killing that one survivor. Now usually there is one main reason someone uses this method and that is simply because they're bad and are happier with one or two kills and de-pipping than admitting defeat until they actually get good.
Now I am a huge believer in the fact that it is not you, the player's, responsibility to make sure the game is fun for the other team at the cost of you losing and that is why I believe that there is such thing as good tunneling. Sometimes it is only smart to go after someone in order to take them out of the game but there is definitely a line that crosses over into toxic behavior that I believe, while legit, is a scummy thing to do and genuinely makes the game unfun for the other team for no reason other than toxicity which is not a good thing in my opinion.