The Mastermind/Wesker is a weak and underwhelming killer.
I wish there was a way to control the first dash distance (2nd one being locked is fine), since even with Demo you can do that (which is pretty good when you need a fast shred.)
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this is his iri add-on. it breaks pallets instead of vaulting, but breaking pallet is pointless if the survivor get to the next tile for breaking a pallet. he has pretty long cooldown post-break pallets so there is no point in using the add-on. its same as just kicking them normally. Demo is not really that much better then wesker in regards to pallet breaking.
demo is shred is better then wesker but it still has charge time. it is albeit lower but people can play safe against demo. like instead of looping a pallet twice, you can loop a pallet once and then put down pallet. he breaks it, he goes in cooldown, you go next pallet, rince and repeat. he's not really that much better but at least he's pallet eater, a slow one at that, but he will break all pallets eventually. too slow for gens though. demo is just wesker lab coat add-on base-kit with slightly better parameters on shred with portals.
There is no potential, because his Power is unusable at even the most basic loops
well I wouldn't say no potential. with right changes. he has potential. -0.25 cast time on bound, ability to use 2nd bound after vaulting pallet or window, slightly bigger hitbox on bounds, faster dash speed on 2nd bound, 20% less recharge rate on the ability. then you'll see everything i talked about come to life in his kit.
then you'll see survivor main complain about him. complaining that he's new nurse, better than blight. S-tier!. He'll have tile set anti-loop, anti-shift w, mobility and some minor 4vs1 with infection sprays. Now he's just m1 killer with minor 4vs1 infection mechanic. He gets some hits here and there with the bounds but mostly relies on survivor mistakes. Just average middle of road cookie cutter killer with limit skill-ceiling.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
I honestly feel Wesker's issue is the servers can't keep up with high mobility/fast projectiles. I think his dash is the fastest attack in the game movement speed wise (nurse stops then lunges, blight lunges at end of rush).
It's revealing a flaw in the games way of handling hits, and it's not ping related either as I've seen it whiff without any of the warning signs or grab through thrown down pallets etc despite the connections being fine.
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Demogorgon has the fastest attack in the game, and Shred has a functional hit-box.
he's not really that much better but at least he's pallet eater
Demogorgon is probably the second best Pallet eater in the game, right behind Bubba, and that's base-kit wise. Barb's Glasses makes that even faster.
well I wouldn't say no potential.
I worded that poorly.
Wesker has potential, it's just that he'll probably never reach it.
There's basically a 0% chance the devs will buff him enough to not be an objectively weaker Demogorgon
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He has as much and exactly the same counterplay as Deathslinger (who according to this community still has none), with several advantages Slinger doesn't have.
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In my experience he has got a few issues. Here is my no bs opinion.
- Yes, recharge takes way too long and infecting survivors to make it faster has never worked for me yet. Trust me, in some of my matches I didnt even go for kills but kept changing targets to infect each survivor. At the and of the day, I never was able to infect all four. 3 at max but thats because I only tryed to infect and eventually they all got out. If you play normally, you know guard gens and commit chases sometimes I get one or two survivors infected but thats about it and it wont last long enough to gain benefit from it. They easily heal with sprays. Im not sure how this can be fixed. Maybe nerf sprays so they have one charge instead two? Or speed up infection time? Must be tested.
- Although vaulting with power is quite strong and throw survivors off when they least expect it, the fact that Wesker cant follow up with a bound even if he has a token ruining it. I had to body block the window every time I do that till the cooldown ends and that just doesnt make sense to me. For example, nurse can go through walls and she can follow up with another blink if she has. While Wesker, cant go through walls and has to physically vault but cant follow up?
- As everyone noticed, collision. If you watch Dowsey's video on YouTube you will see that Wesker is collision is currently smaller than his model which also doesnt make sense. His power is not strong enough to be that much demanding(again look nurse). Imo his survivor collision should go back to 40 again and environmental stay where it is now. Maybe between 30-40 Im not sure as I didnt play him on Ptb but hey, huntress hatchets are still a thing in this game. Just aiming to survivor's general location she can snipe from across the map but Wesker has to be super specific with his power?
- He is extremely glitchy, bugy. For example if you throw survivors to a box they wont get damaged and just get infected. Its frustrating. His animations such as running(why does he run anyway he walks in a cool way unless he is dashing in other games) and holding power look pretty dumb which doesnt fit his charasteristic.
- After you bound you have a very small window to follow up with another. This is preventing him from playing around most of the loops. I think the second bound's window should be increased by one second since again, he cant go through things like nurse does. So I believe he should have slightly bigger window.
Thats all I could say for now. The things I mentioned above are not buffs but fixes I think. I wonder what everyone else thinks.
6. Infection progress resets if the survivor gets hooked. Thats a terrible downside as well. The progress should pause but continue after the unhook from where it has been.
Post edited by Celebrimbor on1 -
About the number 3, believe me, i did play on PTB and his survivor detection collision was 40 cm (the same one you are proposing) and i knew it needed a nerf (not to 20 like it's now for sure).
There were many, many times where i did bound into survivors, they just dodged far past my screen and i still ended grabbing them, i was like "######### how did i grab him".
They went a bit too far with the nerf tho. 30 or so should be fine.
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Can someone please enlighten me why survivors can cleanse his status effect up to EIGHT times (4 first aid sprays with 2 uses each) if you only infect a single person on average within a match? That's absolutely ridiculous. The hitbox is extremely awful and the windup and cooldown times are equally abyssmal. Demogorgon is better in every feasible way, that's no joke.
Wesker is on the same level as Sadako when it comes to being the worst licensed killer in the game. Congratulations, yet another underwhelming killer release.
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Well then, you are probably right. Somewhere between 30-40 should be fine.
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Aren't there 6 First Aid Sprays?
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His power is clunky and difficult to use on almost any loop. I definitely think all the people rating him A tier will downgrade their ratings a bit over time.
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He is at most B tier in his current situation in my opinion. But has so much potential to be A tier killer if they fix the issues I mentioned above.
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